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Mythology Questions

Just because the Unclean Beast is so hawt

By on April 22, 2009 1:33:20 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Here are some quesitons on DG mythology:

1) Is "All-Father" another epithet for "The Progenitor," or are they two seperate entities?

2) Are Hel-Gorgath and its minions related to, allied with, or identical to "The Dark" in the context of DG's mythology, or is "The Dark" completely seperate?

3) What, exactly, did The Progenitor mate with to father the Unclean Beast?!

4) Given that the conflict is sold as one between The Light Forces and The Dark Forces, when one side wins, how is it then determined which individual ascends to deification?


+2 Karma | 5 Replies
April 22, 2009 1:52:31 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Yeah, I'd really like some more background to the story. As for answers, I can only provide my speculations:

1. I think that they're 2 different entities because you have more than 1 god, and the All Father is probably their chief?

2. Dunno

3. Wouldn' t you like to know ... he was probably going through a bestialism phase

4. I think that the individual who has a higher score than others ascends to godhood


April 22, 2009 1:58:28 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Axnor,

4. I think that the individual who has a higher score than others ascends to godhood


Hah, well in that case, QoT has absolutely 0 chance unless the Ancients start giving her more credit for Bramble Shielding

April 22, 2009 3:42:19 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Quoting scyldSCHEFING,

Quoting Axnor,
reply 1

4. I think that the individual who has a higher score than others ascends to godhood


Hah, well in that case, QoT has absolutely 0 chance unless the Ancients start giving her more credit for Bramble Shielding

and bewbz...don't forget the bewbz

April 22, 2009 4:51:19 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

1) All-Father was an older term for the Progenitor.  They are the same god.

2) I'm pretty sure they are separate, though I don't know for sure; it isn't specified anywhere.

3) This hasn't been answered officially so all we have is speculation.  You can read the stories at the official website - look under "The Game."

4) Whichever Demigod has the most favor with the other gods (favor points) wins.  In the actual storyline/tournament mode, it is really each Demigod for him/herself; they play in various teams.  There was a little mention that the Pantheon was divided between light and dark and the Pantheon multiplayer mode has the Demigods separated, but this isn't really related to the storyline.

April 22, 2009 5:00:30 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Gnats3,

3) This hasn't been answered officially so all we have is
speculation.  You can read the stories at the official website -
look under "The Game."

I realize this; I was being more facetious than anything

4) Whichever Demigod has the most favor with the other gods (favor
points) wins.  In the actual storyline/tournament mode, it is
really each Demigod for him/herself; they play in various teams. 
There was a little mention that the Pantheon was divided between light
and dark and the Pantheon multiplayer mode has the Demigods separated,
but this isn't really related to the storyline.

Well, it seems that the only reason to split it between the Forces of Darkness vs. the Forces of Light is purely for flavor reasons, as there's no real gameplay reason to do this.

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