To be honest I'm quite shocked how a game focused on Multiplayer gaming can be this unprofessional and overlook so many obvious issues.
I like the game don't get me wrong, it's really fun when you can play, but since I managed to play only once per day after spending 3 hours, it's not fun any more, but just frustrating. (only 3 times in 3 days)
There are some funny yet sad stuff:
- Slow connection or any connection issues causes unresponsive GUI. I don't understand are you running the network communication code on the same thread? That sounds crazy. GUI should be responsible all the time and should show a status. I thought this is 101 of network programming. Obviously I don't know the internals and don't care either but if the GUI is unresponsive because of network issues that's bad, anyone can tell you that.
- It's not clear what the status of the servers, what's going on right now, got lots of cryptic messages in error conditions hence troubleshooting is a big pain.
- You don't have a "Status Server" page where it shows how many servers are there and how many of them are up and how many of them are down. (Assuming you've got more than 1 server(!) - so far doesn't behave like that)
- Right now it's almost impossible to understand why I can't connect to a game.
- Is it because servers are down?
- or is it because I'm having some issues or someone else having some connection issues in the same game.
- Finally I don't know who thought of that but "It's not a good idea to put a button on a full screen game that launches a browser!". This is not a show stopper unlike connections issues but I think indicates that something is wrong with the whole multiplayer experience.
I hope you fix these stuff ASAP, but if you want to keep people happy at least provide a status page with RSS support so we don't have to try to connect to game every 5 minutes and make a new post that says "*@#'#' Demigod Sux!!!"