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[Bug] No game type.

By on April 5, 2009 10:23:40 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I was in two Conquest (all defaults) custom games where on the loading screen [no text] was shown instead of "Conquest".  In both cases the loading screen never went away and exiting the game (windowed mode X) caused it to lock up and require a process kill.

In the second game (second image) you can see that the game UI is overlayed on top of the loading screen, none of it was interactable though.

+6 Karma | 4 Replies
April 5, 2009 10:35:05 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I was in those games, and no game has loaded at all since it started. I'm having to reinstall Demigod right now.


I really regret forgetting to archive the last update now.


April 6, 2009 11:07:04 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Edit: 13th try was the charm. Started loading again, though I do not know why.


April 17, 2009 6:44:44 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

any update on a fix? i have the same problem with the retail version

April 19, 2009 9:50:04 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


If you go into My Documents/My Games/Gas Powered Games/Demigod/, you should find a file there named Game.prefs. Open this file with any text editor, and find part of it that reads something like

Code: javascript
  1.             GameOptions = {
  2.                 slaughter = {
  3.                     ...
  4.                 },
  5.                 structuredefense = {
  6.                     ...
  7.                 },
  8.                 flagcontrol = {
  9.                     ...
  10.                 },
  11.                 GameType = 'conquest',
  12.                 conquest = {
  13.                     ...
  14.                 }
  15.             }

where the "..."s may or may not represent more lines of code. You will probably find that most of these are pretty sparse. Replace this entire section of code with

Code: javascript
  1.             GameOptions = {
  2.                 slaughter = {
  3.                     KillsToWin = '20',
  4.                     Victory = 'slaughter',
  5.                     achievements = 'true',
  6.                     Timeouts = '0',
  7.                     ExperienceRate = 'Normal',
  8.                     GameSpeed = 'normal',
  9.                     FogOfWar = 'explored',
  10.                     DeathPenalty = 'Normal',
  11.                     StartingWarRank = '1',
  12.                     SpawnRate = 'Normal',
  13.                     WarScoreIncome = 'Normal',
  14.                     TowerStrength = 'Normal',
  15.                     StartingLevel = 'One',
  16.                     GruntStrength = 'Normal',
  17.                     ScenarioFile = '/maps/map10/map10_scenario.lua',
  18.                     GoldIncome = 'Normal',
  19.                     StartingGold = 'Normal'
  20.                 },
  21.                 structuredefense = {
  22.                     Victory = 'structuredefense',
  23.                     achievements = 'true',
  24.                     Timeouts = '0',
  25.                     ExperienceRate = 'Normal',
  26.                     GameSpeed = 'normal',
  27.                     FogOfWar = 'explored',
  28.                     DeathPenalty = 'Normal',
  29.                     StartingWarRank = '1',
  30.                     SpawnRate = 'Normal',
  31.                     WarScoreIncome = 'Normal',
  32.                     TowerStrength = 'Normal',
  33.                     StartingLevel = 'One',
  34.                     GruntStrength = 'Normal',
  35.                     ScenarioFile = '/maps/map10/map10_scenario.lua',
  36.                     GoldIncome = 'Normal',
  37.                     StartingGold = 'Normal'
  38.                 },
  39.                 flagcontrol = {
  40.                     Victory = 'flagcontrol',
  41.                     achievements = 'true',
  42.                     Timeouts = '0',
  43.                     ExperienceRate = 'Normal',
  44.                     GameSpeed = 'normal',
  45.                     FogOfWar = 'explored',
  46.                     DeathPenalty = 'Normal',
  47.                     WinningWarScore = '10000',
  48.                     SpawnRate = 'Normal',
  49.                     WarScoreIncome = 'Normal',
  50.                     TowerStrength = 'Normal',
  51.                     StartingLevel = 'One',
  52.                     GruntStrength = 'Normal',
  53.                     FlagCaptureTime = 'Moderate',
  54.                     ScenarioFile = '/maps/map10/map10_scenario.lua',
  55.                     StartingWarRank = '1',
  56.                     GoldIncome = 'Normal',
  57.                     StartingGold = 'Normal'
  58.                 },
  59.                 GameType = 'conquest',
  60.                 conquest = {
  61.                     Victory = 'conquest',
  62.                     achievements = 'true',
  63.                     Timeouts = '0',
  64.                     ExperienceRate = 'Normal',
  65.                     GameSpeed = 'normal',
  66.                     FogOfWar = 'explored',
  67.                     DeathPenalty = 'Normal',
  68.                     StartingWarRank = '1',
  69.                     SpawnRate = 'Normal',
  70.                     WarScoreIncome = 'Normal',
  71.                     TowerStrength = 'Normal',
  72.                     StartingLevel = 'One',
  73.                     GruntStrength = 'Normal',
  74.                     FlagCaptureTime = 'Moderate',
  75.                     ScenarioFile = '/maps/map10/map10_scenario.lua',
  76.                     GoldIncome = 'Normal',
  77.                     StartingGold = 'Normal'
  78.                 }
  79.             }

Also, you may need to find a line that reads

Code: javascript
  1.             LastScenario = '/maps/map<num>/map<num>_scenario.lua'

where <num> is some number, and either replace that number with 10, or replace the "10" in each

Code: javascript
  1.                     ScenarioFile = '/maps/map10/map10_scenario.lua',

with the number from the previously mentioned line, to make them match. I'm not sure if this is necessary, but in each copy of this file I've seen these numbers line up, so it's probably safer to do so, and all it will change is your default map in skirmish mode.


EDIT: I really hate the code tags on this forum, btw.

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