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Your First PC Game

By on April 3, 2009 11:22:22 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Hi! everyone, I have a simple question, what was the first PC game that you have played and loved?

For me it was Dune 2: The Building of a Dynasty.

It was way back in 1993 (cant believe its been already 16 years) on my IBM 486 with all 4MB of ram. Since that time I have played over a 100 PC games, but I was wondering what was other people's gaming debut. Feel free to elaborate on the subject (what year, at home, at a friend, how much you paid).

+8 Karma | 231 Replies
January 8, 2010 1:24:12 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

January 8, 2010 7:18:33 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Whats with the necromancy?

January 8, 2010 3:36:31 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Hmmm. Old topic, but I'll post anyway; my first real PC game that I actually loved and didn't just like would have to have been Dawn of War, the original. Seriously; I'm that young.

January 16, 2010 8:57:38 AM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

hi, my first pc game is project IGI , that is a army mission game that invole the verious mission you have to complete the first mission then you become to entered the next misssion. in this game we are only one person who have to complete the mission with our specific wapens without loss our life. this game have the 14th mission to complete the project IGI 1 . i love this game ........very much......


[url=]unreal flash[/url]
[url=]business computer software[/url]

January 17, 2010 4:06:03 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

My first PC game.......damn this is close.


Well, my first memories of playing a PC game would be competing with my Dad on Pharaoh(And Cleopatra Expansion) to see who could build the better cities. I always made the mistake of growing armies and killing things while my citizens starve and huts burn down, meanwhile my father turns egypt into a sprawling Metropolis with 0% Crime, Famine, Hunger, War, add to that the fact that my lousy Pharoah never built a pyramid.....

Second would by Fallout 1. No need for explanation of awesomeness.

January 17, 2010 4:11:51 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Im not sure anymore, maybe freddy fish and the stolen ... (I fail to remember what was stolen, lol) maybe, putt putt saves the zoo, or maybe it was the wish who could wish (I think that last one only exist in the Netherlands but I am not sure). needless to say I started playing on pc at a pretty young age.

My first pc rts was age of empires (part 1) and my first shooter was halo (also part 1).

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