Located the source of this bug:
characters\Mage\MageFire_Character.lua does not have an AttackRangedMove AnimState. Also, there is not an appropriate animation for a fire mage to attack on the run in bindata\characters\Mage\Animations (would be Mage_RunAttackFire_anim.gr2).
However, you can use the frost AttackRangedMove animation in MageFire_Character.lua which at least allows him to attack on the run (though it looks funky flipping between frost/fire animations like that). Unfortunately everyone has to be running the mod for the simulation to work properly so we'll have to wait for a GPG fix for this. Personally, I would rather see the code put in with a bad animation for now and a better animation later than have to wait months for a real animation to go in. If the forst attack animation is too glichy just use Mage_RunFire_anim.gr2 instead (so fireballs just appear at the end of his staff).
Here is the code that needs to be added to characters\Mage\MageFire_Character.lua AnimSets. This block uses the run animation so the fireballs just appear at the end of the mages staff when he attacks on the run.
Code: c++
- AttackRangedMove = {
- SoundLoop = 'Forge/DEMIGODS/Torch_Bearer/snd_dg_torch_idle_fire_lp',
- BaseAttackLength = 1.5,
- Compositions = {
- {
- Animation = '/characters/Mage/animations/Mage_RunFire_anim.gr2',
- Loop = false,
- EventOnCompletion = true,
- Events = {
- { name = 'torch_mode2_attack', time = 0.48, }, #sound
- { name = 'FireAttack', time = 0.5, },
- { name = 'attack_effect_01', time = 0.4, },
- { name = 'attack_effect_02', time = 0.6, },
- },
- },
- },
- Transitions = {
- ANIM_DONE = { Duration = 0.2, TargetStateStationary = 'Idle', TargetStateMoving = 'Run', },
- ANIM_INTERRUPT = { Duration = 0.2, TargetStateStationary = 'Idle', TargetStateMoving = 'Run', },
- ANIM_STOP_MOVING = { Duration = 0.2, TargetState = 'AttackRanged', CopyClocks = true, },
- },
P.S: The forums should support LUA since your game is written in it.