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Demigod Demo Release

By Posted March 24, 2009 6:03:09 PM

Is there a date for the release of the Demigod demo? I need to play this game before I decide to buy it. It can probably be 2 skirmish maps with 1 assassin and 1 general selectable. 

+1 Karma 12 Replies
March 24, 2009 6:07:55 PM

No date, but we typically put out demos around a month or so after release.

March 24, 2009 7:34:38 PM

I normally play demos before the release of a game which helps me decide whether to buy at launch. Just a suggestion.  

March 24, 2009 7:37:04 PM

I think GPG/SD want to spend as much time as possible polishing the game before release rather than producing demos.

March 24, 2009 8:07:43 PM

Quoting Gnats3,
I think GPG/SD want to spend as much time as possible polishing the game before release rather than producing demos.
Exactly correct.

March 25, 2009 12:25:52 AM

I understand they want to have the game running at an optimum level at launch but a demo is not that difficult to make and release. On the very month of launch they should not be using any beta data to change the game as it should be close to perfect. That gives sufficient time to edit the game into a small portion that is a demo. 

Anyway I won't buy until I try so I guess I will wait until you decide a demo is ready. 

March 25, 2009 1:01:27 AM

Quoting RiskbreakerRiot,
I understand they want to have the game running at an optimum level at launch but a demo is not that difficult to make and release. On the very month of launch they should not be using any beta data to change the game as it should be close to perfect. That gives sufficient time to edit the game into a small portion that is a demo. 

Anyway I won't buy until I try so I guess I will wait until you decide a demo is ready. 

You are a major games developer?

March 25, 2009 1:33:00 AM

I read somewhere that demos don't help sales much or in some cases hurt sales for xbox live games.  People would try the demo, and then not buy the game.   If the demo didn't exist, more people will end up buying it. 

March 25, 2009 1:55:30 PM

Quoting Blitz64,
I read somewhere that demos don't help sales much or in some cases hurt sales for xbox live games.  People would try the demo, and then not buy the game.   If the demo didn't exist, more people will end up buying it. 

That may be possible I suppose, but only if your game turns out to be bad. 

There are a few games which I got demos for before purchasing: Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends, CoD4, Warhammer 40k and Crysis. 

For all games I learnt that my computer was capable of running them at a satisfactory setting. The gameplay was fun and it seemed the games had just what I expected and wanted.  

I will never forget those demos, which influenced me to purchase the complete games. 

March 25, 2009 2:59:50 PM

I would think that "month after" launch sales based on a demo are fine.  Especially if the demo is based on the launch day code, not month-before-release code. 

In the end, it's not like anyone will have to go without a demo, right?

March 25, 2009 9:40:42 PM

I appreciate the fast replies from the gm's

April 14, 2009 8:19:06 PM

I'll most likely wait for a demo too. Although I "seem" to meet the specs, some games just don't always run well on my system.  This was the reason I didn't pre 0rder Demigod, but did pre order Entrenchment. Stardock is tops and I'm looking forward to the game but the investment is too costly if the game doesn't work well on my system.


Keeping my fingers crossed.

April 17, 2009 12:05:21 PM

Well I hope you geta  demo out soon because I ain't buying until I ams ure I will like this game. It's got an interestign concept and I am drawn to it but I am affraid I might not fully enjoy the game play so waiting on a demo to decide if this is for me or not.

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