Hmmm... Well, I agree that there is the intense focus on slaughter. The victories in Demigod are almost always landslide victories because one team has the money. I wouldnt say theres 'no hope of comeback' because I've seen it a few times. Two times, to be exact. So it's possible, but...
I agree that the money for killing Demigods should be severly decreased, because its such a huge jump in funds from your normal income and its payed to multiple players. The bounty is somethng that should be nice to have and help put the game in your favor, but it shouldnt be a game-winner all by itself.
I think there should definitely be an alternative way to win if you cant stand toe-to-toe with the opposite team's demigods. Looking at the upcoming changes to the citadel upgrades, I believe those might be it, but we wont know until its put in place.
I support tele-kills because its good strategy and you have to have some way to defend your flags from the ninjas. The 2 minute claim thing would only help the winning team because they'd get the exp for recapping the flags over and over. So I dont know about that.
Lastly, I disagree that the structures need to be buffed. They're pretty strong already, and you can buff them up even more. They're only supposed to be a bulwark to keep your from getting zerged early in, and to keep your citadel from being destroyed by minotaurs and archers.
On a side note, I think the war-score should be equal progression on both teams. The flag bonuses already speak for themselves, and it would help the loosing team.