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Comodo Defense Plus + Moho = OMGSPLOSION

a potential solution for Comodo Firewall users, who can't run Demigod.

By on March 17, 2009 3:57:19 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod ForumsExternal Link


I only use Comodo for the firewall and keep defense plus disabled.  I WAS having the same trouble with supreme commander not loading.  I found a solution besides uninstalling completely, and as i dont use defense plus anyway, this is perfect for me.  You can set a "disable defense plus permantly option", which requires a reboot.  Under Comodo, hit the defense plus button in top right, then advanced on the left.  Then hit the defense+ settings option on the right section.  Under the default tab, general settings, you will see a check box at the bottom for disabled defense+ permantly.  Then you reboot when prompted and you are good to go!

this was found by a very helpful newbie on the SupCom forums by the name of MajmX.

aparantly another SupCom player solved this recently, and considering that both SupCom and Demigod both have a common heritage in the Moho Engine i expect this will also work for Demigod.



[BTW:] my computer is called OMGSplosion, and no; Comodo DF + Moho does not make my computer.

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