The Problem with a DPS graph is the fact that Im not totally sure how the speed stat work, as you see all demigods start with 0 attack speed, but we all know that demigods DO attack in fights, so clearly they do got an attackspeed. So the conclusion is that the attackspeed in the stats are just bonus attackspeed, as such I can only setup a graph using a relative to their original attackspeed, If this attackspeed turns out to common for all demigods, then the graph would be an aqcurate description but I havn't bothered to look into it yet.
Im updating the thread with a DPS graph, just remember that it may not be accurate but only uses the attackspeed gain relative to the demigods original attackspeed.
Also, since I dont know their base attackspeed, a DPS in the graph of 60 means nothing at all, it may be higher, it may be lower. So the graph doesnt turn out that useful at all 
Edit: So I found the base attackspeed of all demigods, but the way they add doesnt seem to makes sence, may have a talk with Vundarbread about it when she gets online.