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[bug] ai team mates sit at crystal and do nothing

By on February 22, 2009 11:14:30 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I just created a 3v3, fortress game type on map prism.  My team mates were Vampire Lord and Sedna.  After starting the game they just sit at the crystal and do not move.  The 3 ai I am fighting against do move so its only my team that is affected.

+2 Karma | 1 Reply
February 22, 2009 11:23:28 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

This game was all sorts of weird... later i got this crash while in the items shop looking at the gloves tab:

EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at address 0x0000a164
    attempted to read memory at 0x0000a164

Program : H:\Demigod\bin\Demigod.exe
Cmd line arguments :

    Unknown symbol (address 0x0000a164)
    Unknown symbol (address 0x008147f8)

Last 100 lines of log...

A full record of the log is stored in the Demigodlog.txt file

info: Initiating Hero AI plan for: \000hema01
info: ARMY2_1 Adding upgrade [CDeathPenalty01]
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
info: KILL VO : [KillHero_hoak]
debug: Loading module '\000/projectiles/frostball01/frostball01_script.lua\000'
info: Setting audio parameter 'LEVEL' to value '4.000000'
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
info: Can't use \000HEPA01VenomSpit02
info: Initiating Hero AI plan for: \000hoak
info: Can't use \000HEPA01VenomSpit02
info: Can't use \000HEPA01VenomSpit02
info: KILL VO : [KillHero_hsedna]
info: Setting audio parameter 'LEVEL' to value '5.000000'
info: Setting audio parameter 'WARSCORE' to value '2.000000'
info: KILL VO : [KillHero_hema01]
info: Can't use \000HEPA01VenomSpit02
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
info: Initiating Hero AI plan for: \000hsedna
info: Can't use \000HEPA01VenomSpit02
info: Initiating Hero AI plan for: \000hema01
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
info: Setting audio parameter 'WARSCORE' to value '2.000000'
debug: Loading module '\000/units/heroes/hoak/hoakraisedeadward02_script.lua\000'
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
info: Setting audio parameter 'LEVEL' to value '6.000000'
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
debug: Loading module '\000/projectiles/spellslow01/spellslow01_script.lua\000'
info: Initiating Hero AI plan for: \000hema01
info: KILL VO : [KillHero_hoak]
info: Setting audio parameter 'LEVEL' to value '7.000000'
info: Setting audio parameter 'WARSCORE' to value '3.000000'
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
info: Can't use \000HEPA01VenomSpit03
info: Initiating Hero AI plan for: \000hoak
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/dialogs/exitdialog.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/dialogs/dialog_options.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/menus/menubuttonframe.lua\000'
info: Minimized true
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
warning: Error running '/lua/ui/prefs.lua:GetOption': attempt to get as int a nil value
         stack traceback:
info: Total Material Count: 7 Total Mesh Count: 7
info: Can't find texture "/maps/map13/textures/" -- trying fallback.
info: Minimized false
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
info: Minimized true
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
warning: Error running '/lua/ui/prefs.lua:GetOption': attempt to get as int a nil value
         stack traceback:
info: Total Material Count: 7 Total Mesh Count: 7
info: Can't find texture "/maps/map13/textures/" -- trying fallback.
info: Minimized false
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/options/module_options.lua\000'
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/game/zoomslider.lua\000'
info: ARMY1_1 Adding upgrade [CBuildingStrength01]
info: ARMY1_1 Adding upgrade [CTroopArmor01]
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
info: Setting audio parameter 'LEVEL' to value '8.000000'
info: KILL VO : [KillHero_hsedna]
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
info: Initiating Hero AI plan for: \000hoak
info: Setting audio parameter 'LEVEL' to value '9.000000'
info: Initiating Hero AI plan for: \000hsedna
info: Initiating Hero AI plan for: \000hema01
info: Setting audio parameter 'WARSCORE' to value '3.000000'
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
info: KILL VO : [KillHero_hsedna]
info: Setting audio parameter 'LEVEL' to value '10.000000'
debug: Loading module '\000/units/heroes/hoak/hoakraisedeadward03_script.lua\000'
info: Can't use \000HEPA01BestialWrath02
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
info: Initiating Hero AI plan for: \000hsedna
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/sim/tasks/seedbuild.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/common/validatebuild.lua\000'
info: Setting audio parameter 'WARSCORE' to value '4.000000'
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
info: KILL VO : [KillHero_hoak]
info: Setting audio parameter 'LEVEL' to value '11.000000'
info: Initiating Hero AI plan for: \000hoak
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
info: Initiating Hero AI plan for: \000hsedna
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
info: Setting audio parameter 'LEVEL' to value '12.000000'
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [5674]
warning: hoak can't use ability Item_Consumable_010 because of \000{ Disabled=true }
info: Setting audio parameter 'WARSCORE' to value '4.000000'
warning: *AI ERROR: Invalid Goal update named - SquadKill
debug: Loading module '\000/units/ug/b/ugbshop03/ugbshop03_shoplayout.lua\000'

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