The Governor of Michigan showed some love for StarDock in her State-of-the-State address. Jennifer Granholm, a well know political leader that considers the media production industry a close friend for her constituents showed some good ol' fashion love for SD by touting it as a major economic player in the industry, in her State, by taking time to name its expansion project in her speech. Would you like to know more? Then go here. For a copy of the speech you can click here.
Update 1: Gamasutra recently published an article about the near million dollar expansion project here.
An excerpt: "This expansion is expected to create 53 jobs at the developer and publisher, whose shipped games include the Galactic Civilizations series and Sins of a Solar Empire. The company was founded in 1991 and currently employs over 60 workers."
Update 2: Joystiq just published another related article here.
An excerpt: "Wardell half-jokingly expressed it's been hard to get folks to move to Michigan and that he usually resorts to lying about the weather and amount of snow."
Update 3: In an interview with Frogboy Gamasutra lays out the plan for the expansion project wise (Society information). You can read the interview here.
An excerpt: "Wardell declined to elaborate on the untitled RPG, given its current unscheduled -- likely far-off -- release period. But in an interview with Gamasutra last year, Wardell alluded to plans for a new development team and referenced BioWare as a touchstone."
Update 4: GameKnights has an article about the expansion project here. GameGuru has a pimp here.
Things take a twist now! The expansion is being reported as a second studio! Is there no end to SD goodness? 
Update 5: The expansion is now being reported as a "second studio" by Wired which has a story here. The RapidShare blog has a pimp here.
Update 6: The Sector9 blog has a pimp here.
Update 7: Edge now has a pretty good article published here. It has a close up mugshoot of Frogboy!
Update 8: BigDownload has a nice one published here.
Update 9: Joystiq has a new article published about the expansion here and Shack has a pimp here.
Update 10: VE3D has a story here.
Update 11: AbleGamers, a community for disabled gaemrs has a blog pimp here.
Update 12: Softpedia has an article here.
Update 13: Frogboy's Edge interview about the situation gets a pimp on GP here.