It depends on how they implement what they are calling their anti-cheating system.
Here is how it works, for those that do not know. The game executable is hardcoded to recognize the md5 hash of the zip file that has all of the lua files in it. change any lua file or anything at all with that zip file and the hash changes and the game will not start.
So far, you can trick the game into loading custom files by renaming the zip and creating a folder called and loading all of the lua files (changed or not) into the folder.
I am not sure how this is going to work with Impulse, however, or how long this will continue to work at all. If Impulse is set to check the hash and is not fooled by simple folder slight of hand, then modding is screwed.
Is Demigod moddable? ATM, yes, with a little slight of hand. But, for how much longer?
I'm with Col. Jessep. Once I play a game for a while I start to get more enjoyment modding it than I do playing it. Modding Demigod is easy, but if they setup their anti-cheating system to prevent it then they are going back on their previous statement of: "we are not going to prevent modding, we are just not going to actively support it".
Oops, there's modding gone out the window. As stated in the topic, that's a big deal. It's also a huge surprise. Virtually all of Supreme Commander's current userbase plays mods regularly or exclusively, and we know that the system was set up to allow a massive range of mods. Why are you actively limiting the fun we can have with your game? It's not like we can use these mods in an official match anyway, because it'll just desync.
I asked Frogboy on Impulse. The devs are fairly happy with how Generals play and don't intend to significantly change them
Ah well, that is what mods are for, and I guess we can always hope.
So much for RTS/RPG. Not that I object to the Assassin gameplay, I find it rather fun, but I do also enjoy me a good RTS. I didn't want Supreme Commander again (partly because I already have the game
) but this is ridiculous. But that's not even the real issue here, the real issue here is that we haven't had the gameplay phase yet, and as such I am extremely unhappy that the devs are no longer prepared to change the Generals.
Is this true? I had high hopes for Demigod, but more and more key features are turning into pure hype and no substance at every turn.There's a difference between a slow game, and a strategy game. Mainly, the second one makes me absolutely furious. Locked down General gameplay, before our gameplay beta? What the hell is going on? I was very happy with SupCom and FA, Stardock had a good rep and I enjoyed SoaSE, and as such my instinct was to disbelieve this, but these are reputable people. The beta doesn't work as advertised if you lock down the gameplay before we beta test it. I want a refund, it doesn't work.