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Demigod Balance

By on January 19, 2009 5:51:33 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums


Join Date 02/2008

Regulus is way, way over-powered while unclean beast is equally under-powered.

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January 19, 2009 10:46:17 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Rook is the one overpowered, he can practicly kill anyone with boulder roll and hammer slam. TOgether at max they do a whole 3100 damage. If your demigod doesnt have that much or is already damaged than if Rook manages to stun u your dead.

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January 20, 2009 9:31:16 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Most of the Demigods are considered overpowered right now

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January 20, 2009 11:06:19 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Nah. Rook has had his hammer smash buffed considerably. Put it back how it was before, make sure he has a lower base speed than other demigods, and I think he'd be alright.

All that you need to nerf on Regulus (as in, there are some aspects of him that need buffing) is to make visible mines destructible. Nothing more.


My thoughts, once again.

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January 24, 2009 3:02:41 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

yeah I'm just saying Rook is rigged more than reg but if they did do what u did he might be fixed.

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January 24, 2009 3:20:58 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Rook is definitely the worst.  I haven't dealt too much with Regulus recently, but Rook simply ruins games for me.

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January 25, 2009 9:31:33 AM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Quoting PossiblyImpossible,
Rook is definitely the worst.  I haven't dealt too much with Regulus recently, but Rook simply ruins games for me.

Tried out the new update today and found that the rook was okay. This is because the new general... the cat girl... is superhuman. So is the oak. The rook pretty much needs to deal out that damage to keep up to those two. I think that in that context, the rook is okay but that the beast and the thorn queen need to be buffed. The beast is currently a joke and the thorn queen can't keep up. I don't know what she needs but the creatures she spawns cannot keep up to the yetis. Her mana is a sad sorry joke. And the straight line thorn attack for its mana consumption is a waste. 

On the other hand, I have swarmed the rook with the cat girl and won. Ditto, the oak. I have killed the cat girl's army with the rook and been killed because of timing. They seem well balenced. If anything, I think the rook needs a speed nerf, but that is about it.

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January 25, 2009 12:27:59 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Sedna (aka cat girl) is perhaps too strong as well.  Her regen aura allows her to do some pretty crazy things, and she gets a fast, pretty nasty army going.  Thankfully she's not impossible to kill.

But the Rook is just silly.  His attacks allow him to kill a Demigod at a similar level with 75% health in an instant.  That happened to me in a game I played yesterday and I just said "forget this."

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January 25, 2009 1:28:54 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Not sure if UB is so underpowered now..Ive played agaisnt some nasty ones and with the right favour item he can be a pain.

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January 25, 2009 3:34:33 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

I like playing QoT, but i agree that most of her skills arent well balanced. Her summons are weak, and the spikewave costs way too much for the mana costs, Nevertheless, I think she can be a pain in the ass when there's some sedna or rook to cover her:

Just go for compost and Uproot, and evebtually "groundspikewave". She easily removes any buildings in her way with without even getting in the range of the towers. And shes does it waya faster than rook or regulus can. Just by walking over the map and spamming Uproot on every unguarded tower, she does her job very well, since she doesnt need to stay at the tower, uproot just will keep damaging while she moves to another tower!

Of course, it is difficult for her in 1v1 situations, but remember that she's a general.

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January 25, 2009 4:11:38 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Well, Rook is supposed to be a hard-up frontline tank, so i think his damage is fine as is. What needs to be done is a 25% HP INCREASE on Rook, but half or worse his speed. He needs to be all-or-nothing, can get into a fight, and will survive for a long time, but if he starts to get overwhelmed he should not be able to effectively retreat. As for the whole roll-slam thing, he is meant to be an ASSASSIN.

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January 25, 2009 4:11:59 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Well, Rook is supposed to be a hard-up frontline tank, so i think his damage is fine as is. What needs to be done is a 25% HP INCREASE on Rook, but half or worse his speed. He needs to be all-or-nothing, can get into a fight, and will survive for a long time, but if he starts to get overwhelmed he should not be able to effectively retreat. As for the whole roll-slam thing, he is meant to be an ASSASSIN.

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January 25, 2009 7:53:45 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

The Rook is definately OP.  It makes sense that he can take out any Demigod in a straight out slap fight.  After all, he's a giant walking castle with a massive friggin hammer.  He should definately win a 1v1 melee battle.

Of course, he moves just as fast as any other Demigod.  He can charge up to you, run away from you, and breakdance at will.  He's a giant walking castle hauling around a massive friggin hammer.  Can someone explain why he can keep up with a lightweight commando angel?

On top of that is the Boulder Smash.  This is probably worse than the speed, at least at the moment.  Before this is taken the wrong way, I want to go on record and say that the Boulder Smash synergy is good.  I like the way the two moves work together.  However, it is too powerful considering the Boulder can be spammed every 10 seconds.  I think nerfing the Hammer damage would really detract from the attack which is perfectly fine in and of itself.  The Boulder just needs to be nerfed.  They don't have to remove the synergy, just make it less effective.  Ohko attacks at 75% health are just stupid.

DalzK, care to elaborate on the Beast?  I don't think I've ever seen anyone play as him and he isn't discussed much here on the forums.  I've played as him a bit, but only against Nightmares (which kind of skews balance due to their cheating).

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January 26, 2009 7:49:25 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

UB is fairly good once you max out his attack speed and power; he's an effective creep and minion killer once he gets postmortem and his snare/stun skills are useful if you see someone trying to run/tele away from combat.

Essentially, Once UB gets you in combat he tends to keep you in there and there's little you can do to get away from him; this is as he should be, IMO. He's pretty weak early on though and he's not very durable, so if you can keep some momentum going over him and keep on him whenever you see him then you can usually emerge victorious.

I'm curious though Dalz; which favour items and gear are you thinking of that benefit him the most?

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January 26, 2009 11:19:03 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

QoT is terribly underused, yet terribly powerful. There are actually so many ways to play her it startles me how other demis aren't as versatile. Mainly this is due to her form switch, which is fairly essential to running an effective QoT.

QoT can:

Knock out a push wave in an instant, no matter what the size. With certain items, literally NO creep no matter how upgraded can survive.

Outrange and outdamage Regulus in single target attacks via compost, which can be easily boosted to full from nothing by nuking down a wave.

Chip at the enemy defenses with no ramifications. Spam Uproot on towers, get away, restore mana, repeat.

Hold the line, defend low health Demigods from certain death (this can easily stop them from dying to UB, which seems to be QoT's main weakness.)

Hold waves off just with her summons. Once positioned (and micro'd accordingly), her summons' line damage can turn the tide on an incoming wave.

Kill Demis that are chasing her (!!!!) with Closed Form and shield, good f'ing luck killing her.

As a comparison, let's look at Rook.

Rook can:

Kill Demis with boulder roll and hammer slam, both of which can be dodged, but highly unlikely if you're one of the 4 melee Demis (I have a gripe about the lack of ranged Demis or ranged alternative playstyles to existing Demis)

Kill lots of creeps easily with boulder roll or hammer slam.

Kill towers with boulder roll, hammer slam, or ST (which currently only two demis can actually stop... 3 counting regulus' percent chance)

Not be killed as easily.

Hold lanes with fairly powerful towers, when in numbers.

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January 27, 2009 1:43:45 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting aeoncleanse,
Well, Rook is supposed to be a hard-up frontline tank, so i think his damage is fine as is. What needs to be done is a 25% HP INCREASE on Rook, but half or worse his speed. He needs to be all-or-nothing, can get into a fight, and will survive for a long time, but if he starts to get overwhelmed he should not be able to effectively retreat. As for the whole roll-slam thing, he is meant to be an ASSASSIN.


Look, I agree.  Rook is about high damage, high survivability, low mobility.  However, there should NEVER and I repeat NEVER be abilities in the game that simplify a fight into a couple clicks for a KO (like the recent incarnation of Roll / Slam).  Click and aim and enemy is dead involves no skill at all.  If my Demigod goes from full health to practically dead in a couple seconds my opponent ought to have done something REALLY impressive to pull it off, or else just be much higher level than me.


If the torch bearer had 100 hp but you gave him a long range nuke that did 10,000 damage it would be just as stupid.  No matter how much you try to balance out attributes, if the strength of an ability is way out of proportion with the difficulty of using it, then it's broken.

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January 27, 2009 7:34:59 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting PossiblyImpossible,

Quoting aeoncleanse, reply 10Well, Rook is supposed to be a hard-up frontline tank, so i think his damage is fine as is. What needs to be done is a 25% HP INCREASE on Rook, but half or worse his speed. He needs to be all-or-nothing, can get into a fight, and will survive for a long time, but if he starts to get overwhelmed he should not be able to effectively retreat. As for the whole roll-slam thing, he is meant to be an ASSASSIN.

Look, I agree.  Rook is about high damage, high survivability, low mobility.  However, there should NEVER and I repeat NEVER be abilities in the game that simplify a fight into a couple clicks for a KO (like the recent incarnation of Roll / Slam).  Click and aim and enemy is dead involves no skill at all.  If my Demigod goes from full health to practically dead in a couple seconds my opponent ought to have done something REALLY impressive to pull it off, or else just be much higher level than me.


If the torch bearer had 100 hp but you gave him a long range nuke that did 10,000 damage it would be just as stupid.  No matter how much you try to balance out attributes, if the strength of an ability is way out of proportion with the difficulty of using it, then it's broken.



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January 27, 2009 7:44:00 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting PossiblyImpossible,

Quoting aeoncleanse,
reply 10
Well, Rook is supposed to be a hard-up frontline tank, so i think his damage is fine as is. What needs to be done is a 25% HP INCREASE on Rook, but half or worse his speed. He needs to be all-or-nothing, can get into a fight, and will survive for a long time, but if he starts to get overwhelmed he should not be able to effectively retreat. As for the whole roll-slam thing, he is meant to be an ASSASSIN.


Look, I agree.  Rook is about high damage, high survivability, low mobility.  However, there should NEVER and I repeat NEVER be abilities in the game that simplify a fight into a couple clicks for a KO (like the recent incarnation of Roll / Slam).  Click and aim and enemy is dead involves no skill at all.  If my Demigod goes from full health to practically dead in a couple seconds my opponent ought to have done something REALLY impressive to pull it off, or else just be much higher level than me.


If the torch bearer had 100 hp but you gave him a long range nuke that did 10,000 damage it would be just as stupid.  No matter how much you try to balance out attributes, if the strength of an ability is way out of proportion with the difficulty of using it, then it's broken.

Signed. If Boulder and Hammer had a high barrier to entry in the form of skill, it wouldn't be an issue; it's because it's so easy to pull off that it needs to be looked at for balance, not just because it kills anything instantly.

It should be noted that Queen of Thorn's mirror on the Assassin side is the TorchBearer; if I had to pick a winner of the two in top trumps, it would be Torchbearer; more/stronger AoE, stun and snare, and some massive spike damage, all that's missing from TB is siege damage. I don't think that QoT is horribly imbalanced, but I do think some of her skills need work, particularly Uproot and Compost.

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January 28, 2009 10:33:42 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I gotta agree with possiblyimpossible.

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January 28, 2009 11:29:26 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

I Crash in online where do i report this

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January 29, 2009 6:20:44 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

If Boulder and Hammer had a high barrier to entry in the form of skill, it wouldn't be an issue; it's because it's so easy to pull off that it needs to be looked at for balance, not just because it kills anything instantly.

So I wrote this today in another thread without following this one...It means I have a psychic connect with Mpies and PossImpossible...only two days later   

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January 30, 2009 11:24:41 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

yeah if it took a **** lot of skill it'd be fine but right now its like the nube tube from cod. This is what u got to do point and shoot, yay basicly one hit ok every time and it even kills guys close to them.

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