I think that the maps in Demigod do not add enough to the gameplay and could have much more potential.I realize this can be hard to change, but perhaps in new map designs you could benefit from the suggestions below.
I appologize in advance for the comparison to DotA / Warcraft 3, but it is necessary as an example of what I think is missing.
There is no "Line of Sight" based gameplay, or almost none, primarily because the maps have a very simple layout and few obstructions. There are no differences in eleveations - the maps are flat all the way through.
Here's an example of line of sight gameplay:

Here's an example of the map complexity: Main paths lighted in Blue. Secondary Paths in White. "Secret" paths in Orange and Red.

In Demigod the movement choice is almost always "forward" or "back", there's some lane positioning, and there are a few intersections, but not nearly enough to create significant movement based gameplay.
I'm not saying that Demigod should become a DotA clone - but to get inspired by some of the most fun map concepts that gave that old game so much longevity. The ability to hide your movements and the requirement to predict your enemy's path on a slightly more complex map can go a long way to add gameplay depth to this title.
Hope this helps.
P.S. Posted in the wrong section and without [Suggestion] in the title. Please move this to "Demigod Ideas" and edit the title if possible.
Thank you.