Firstly, sorry for repeating any bugs already reported and known. Don't mean to clog things up, it's just easier to keep track if I submit everything:
Choosing demigod in game lobby (small) - Game slots remain visable and selectable, they obscure parts of the UI.
Online connectivity (big) - Yeah, doesn't work very well most of the time, can't think of anything more useful to contribute unfortunately.
Leviathan map performance (med) - It feels like it runs slower than either prison or zikurat. FPS are comparable on all 3 maps and avg sims 7-20ms on all 3 maps too, however on leviathan alone there were sim spikes of upto 600ms with only archers, minos and a single easy A.I on the map.
Live grunts falling through map floor (small) - Seen only on leviathan but not disproven on other maps, grunts sent flying by rook's default attack but not killed were sometimes knocked straight down through the map floor to their deaths (Definitely still alivewhen they fell, their health bars were visable and towers of light were shooting at the floor in an attempt to hit them). Couldn't recreate again. 
Torchbearer projectiles missing small targets (tiny) - While reliving immolation the torchbearer is unable to hit small grunts (mino and archer sized) directly underneath him, the projectile tries to curl down back to the target and hits the floor.
Erebus Achievements all worth only 10 points (small) - At least that's what it says in the achievements list and at least the "Initiate" one (win a game with Erebus) definitely only awards 10 points.
Permanant items roll-back (small) - Sometimes a permanant item bought in the previous game won't be bought in the next game and the spent points will have been refunded. The same item purchased at a different time will stay purchased, can't see an obvious common factor.