(Thank Kryo for the link. Or cluster of links.)
So apparently Sprint and Cogent are having a disagreement. This doesn't particularly concern me, other than Sprint being about the only internet access in my area, and the fact that they've decided to cut off all traffic to and from Cogent for the time being.
In theory, this means I can't access this site. (Which brings me to the question of why you guys are hosted on Cogent-I'm not trying to blame anyone here, just curious.) So, for the record, I guess I'm a ghost. 
Also, apparently, Cogent has had similar problems in the past. I'm not sure if I'm reading it right or not (I didn't do that much research) but it seems Cogent may have been in Sprint's position last time around; i.e., the one doing the cutting. In any case, I just want to make a point here before I go on.
I understand that Sprint and Cogent have an agreement. I understand that Sprint feels that Cogent has not held up their end in some way or another. I can agree with them doing something about it. However, I cannot agree with them fucking over their customers as a reaction to that, which is essentially what they have done. When you have a problem with another company, you don't alienate your customers to solve it. It doesn't work.
So Cogent apparently has some sort of deal going on where they say, and I quote:
In the over 1300 on-net locations worldwide where Cogent provides service, Cogent is offering every Sprint-Nextel wireline customer that is unable to connect to Cogent’s customers a free 100 megabit per second connection to the Internet for as long as Sprint continues to keep this partitioning of the Internet in place. Unfortunately, there is no way that Cogent can do the same for the wireless customers of Sprint-Nextel.
Now I suppose since it says on-net locations that pretty much resolves that question, and I doubt they do residential anyway, not to mention I'm out in the middle of nowhere. But it would seem that 100mbps is kind of low for a business connection, from my point of view, so I'm hoping there's more to it than that.
In any case, while I can find nearly 200 duplicates of the above press release, none of them provide any additional details. I assume one would have to contact sales and go through numerous channels to verify that they are, indeed, a Sprint customer.
Which, allow me to laugh at this for just a moment. Sprint has cut off access with Cogent, both to and from. Cogent, in response, says to all Sprint customers that are affected that until Sprint allows normal connection operations to resume they will provide them with a free internet connection. These, mind you, are the same people who cannot connect to Cogent. I'm wondering how many people they think will actually see it-although I suppose that's how they can manage to offer it for free for the duration.
Now normally I really wouldn't care-I hope to God this thing resolves itself inside a month or I'm going to have to go to satellite (everyone groan with me for a moment), but considering that I'm on 768kbit and there really are not other alternatives in my area, it seemed like something worth looking at.
For the record, moving is not a solution. I'm sorry, for everyone who was about to suggest it. I would if I could.