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Impulse Gets an Update

By on October 9, 2008 10:14:22 AM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums

Have you been to in awhile? Well if you have, you'll notice that we've done some redecorating to not only the website but the store itself.

We've made the website much more informational with the homepage now adding a featured title section highlighting a major software or game, a latest news section showing off recent releases, and a recent articles section authored by people from the Impulse community. You'll also find the navigation to be a lot more friendly with the left hand-side search bar and menu.

When you're ready to search through our library of games and software, you'll notice a whole new look to the Impulse store. First, check out the featured tab that lists all the latest and popular additions with our new "lightening bolt" popularity ranking. Sorting through all your favorite games is now as easy as simply clicking on the Category name you want to sort by i.e. product name, popularity, release date, or price. If you choose to see a bigger list, you can click on the +/- button to expand your list and see all that there is to offer. 

Need some help? We've also added a support tab where you can easily find answers to some of our most frequently asked questions, or if you don't see what you're looking for, you can contact support directly through our email system.

If you haven't checked out Impulse yet, visit to get your exclusive free download of Stardock's new digital distribution platform.

+458 Karma | 5 Replies
October 9, 2008 6:06:31 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

First time ever i go on the site it looks great.

Just a small point that disturbed me: on the first page there is a video of demigods (which is very good) the only problem is that the video turns on straight after you go on the site with sound and all. This can be a nuissance if you are listening to music, are at work or if you have big loudspeakers that could litterally blow your ears off. I always find it better if the user chooses to start video or any sound related content for pratical reasons (push on a play button or something like that). Don't know if any other users share this opinion but personaly i never really like when sound turns on without warning.

October 11, 2008 7:49:30 AM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Looks great..doesn't work withy Vista...At least not mine and it's really frustrating me! It would be nice to download and update the products I bought after a clean install!

October 11, 2008 3:59:06 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Looks great..doesn't work withy Vista...At least not mine and it's really frustrating me! It would be nice to download and update the products I bought after a clean install!
How is it not working?

October 11, 2008 4:43:42 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

 "lightening bolt"

Spelling fail.

October 11, 2008 6:03:29 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Spelling fail.
If we are really caring about spelling I am in BIG trouble.  Thankfully, as long as we are pretty clear what is trying to be communicated can be figured out . . and that's what counts, right? 

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