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or am I just stupid?

By on September 8, 2008 8:43:22 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Hi all,

I've seen people talking about teleporting in the game.  Can someone give me a quick idea of what's involved?  In my 3-4 games so far I've not seen how this is accomplished.  Is it done through a particular building, skill or what?



+1 Karma | 9 Replies
September 8, 2008 8:45:16 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

There is an item in the consumable store that lets you teleport to a friendly building, and another that teleports you a short distance when you use it.

September 8, 2008 8:51:30 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

There are 3 items which inclued teleporting over diffrent ranges and to diffrent targets.

- Scroll of Teleportation 100g, Consumable Shop: Teleports you to a friendly building. 1~2sec. cast time. 30sec cooldown.

- Scroll of (forgot the name) 2200g, Consumable Shop: Teleports you to ANY place on the map without fog of war. Also 1~2sec. cast time. Dont know  the cooldown.

- Wand of Elusivnes 9000g, Artifact Shop: Activatable Ability - Your hero teleports over a short-medium distance. 30sec cooldown, no cast time.


Hope i could help you

So long, Aspartem

September 8, 2008 8:59:35 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Awesome, thanks for the advice.  So to teleport, activate the relevant item and then click where you want to go?

September 8, 2008 9:32:25 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums



Scroll of teleportation only targets friendly buildings and is very very very long cast time.

September 9, 2008 12:42:45 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

AFAIK the $2,200 consumeable scroll works as a Blink (instant teleport, medium range, 30 second cooldown) and never gets consumed.  I'm assuming it's a Beta 1 bug, but if you line this up with the Wand of Elusiveness you can blink every 15 seconds (even less if you have Abraham's Helm, which reduces cooldowns).  All those complaints about overpowered rooks actually have some validity when he can blink in front of your poor fleeing demi and hammer him - then blink out again a few seconds later. 

September 9, 2008 2:20:13 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

The $2200 has a a cast time(but it's shorter than scroll of teleportation) and costs 900 mana to use.  It's reusable not consumeable.

Works as intended.


Wand of Elusiveness just shoudln't be in the game imo..  it's just broken a broken mechanic to be able to tele so much instantly.   And once stuns are made unbroken wand of elusiveness would become more broken.

Nothing should be better than scroll of warping or whatever it's called, the $2200 one, imo.   That item is balanced fine to me.

September 9, 2008 3:34:01 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Inno, its only broken like it is now. Its the old version of Dota's Kelens Dagger of escape - i wrote that part in another thread already.

It was also broken in Dota, but they made a little nerf which changed everything.

They added following rule: Whenever you get struck by any hit/spell, the Wand of Elusivness (in demigods case), will be disabled for 3 seconds.

So the item is good for initiaiting fights. Else all tanks are more or less usless against good players, since they just kite you until you're dead. With the change, you had to stay out of range of the battle / demigods / creeps and wait to find the right timing to jump on someone.

With the change the item makes it possible for slow heros like Rook to come close to guys like Regulus with a slight chance of not being kited - but i've to say, all i've said now is only true if the stuns are not broken anymore. So, since i know this item from Dota very well, i can tell you with the change its still a good item (well it costs 9k) but not broken anymore.

Right now im not sure, but does the Artifact has some additional stats? Then i'd say remove it, the port itself is strong enough.

Edit: Ok, one thing i missunderstood. I thought the big scroll for 2.2k were a consumable which teleports you to any point of the map for 1 time, which is quite good, since you can jump right into a fight from anyplace you want. Sure, i thought i'd had a cast time. But what you tell me there, is just blaaah. So its a Wand of Elusivness with more range but a cast time? Thats kinda usless imo.

So long, Aspartem

September 9, 2008 4:07:14 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

the cast time on the Scroll of Warping is really low.  In fact, I though it was instant port.  The fact that it uses mana doesn't really negate its power-to price ratio, unless you insist on playing as TB (i.e. this won't effect a stats build at all). Having one cooldown item which allows radius porting would be fine, it's the existence of two that really starts to be a problem.

Incidentally the Wand of Elusiveness does have other bonus effects, but they would be negligible without the blink...


September 9, 2008 4:25:38 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

K, so i'd suggest:

Remove the Stats from the Wand, and add the slight nerf i explained.

Make the other scroll cost 1.5k but it should port you anywhere on the map for 1 time. So you could jump right into a fight - so LoS is needed to port.

So long, Aspartem

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