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[Crash] 20 minute games

Error Report

By on September 6, 2008 11:58:47 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Game consitantly crashes after 20 minutes like clockwork, I've tried using 2 different Nvidia drivers the current ones, and the 177.92 Beta drivers. 

Edit: Audio Drivers up to date.

Can't really think of anything to fix this atm.


Crash Report


Failed assertion: (_controlfp(0, 0) & 0x00030000) == 0x00020000
File: C:\work\forge\beta\code\src\core\WinMain.cpp
Line: 259

Program : C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\Demigod\bin\Demigod.exe
Cmd line arguments :


Last 100 lines of log...

info: Initiating Hero AI plan for: hema01
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 26202200: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0da40f00: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0de65400: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 260dcb80: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
debug: Loading module '/units/ug/b/ugbartillery01/ugbartillery01_script.lua'
warning: *WARNING: Failed to create projectile in CreateProjectileForWeapon
info: MUSIC : Setting music paramenter 'War' to [7]
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 260dba00: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0d9f6a00: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1aae5880: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0dccee80: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 18393880: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
debug: Loading module '/units/reinforcements/rangel/rangel01_script.lua'
info: *DEBUG: Decreasing war level by losing idol
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1b446a80: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1a041400: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 260dd280: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1aae9400: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1aae4e00: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Unable to locate mesh blueprint [/props/powerup_mesh]!
warning: *WARNING: Failed to create projectile in CreateProjectileForWeapon
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1aae9400: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0ddaa300: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1a041400: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1ab98680: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1a041400: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1b3cf880: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0db46400: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1b44b780: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1b44cc80: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1b446000: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0d9f8280: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
info: Initiating Hero AI plan for: hema01
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1b44b080: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1ab97180: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1b5e9800: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0dccee80: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1b44cc80: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1b5e6e00: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0d7e2100: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Attempt to buy invalid item
warning: Unit = 3145728
warning: Data = {
warning:   ItemName="IUSETeleportScroll01",
warning:   ShopId="7340053",
warning:   TargetObj=userdata: CAiTarget at 1A73CC10 = CAiTarget at 0x1A73CC10,
warning:   TaskName="BuyItemTask"
warning: }
warning: Attempt to buy invalid item
warning: Unit = 3145728
warning: Data = {
warning:   ItemName="IUSETeleportScroll01",
warning:   ShopId="7340053",
warning:   TargetObj=userdata: CAiTarget at 0782C760 = CAiTarget at 0x0782C760,
warning:   TaskName="BuyItemTask"
warning: }
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1b5e6a80: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1b5ebb00: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1b3cf880: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Unable to locate mesh blueprint [/props/powerup_mesh]!
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 260daf80: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Unable to locate mesh blueprint [/props/powerup_mesh]!
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1ab9cc80: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 26071000: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Unable to locate mesh blueprint [/units/misc/buildseed_mesh]!
info: CONTENT ERROR: No valid model specified for unit: buildseed
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1a040280: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 26076400: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1a03fb80: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0d9f8280: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0d9f8280: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
info: Initiating Hero AI plan for: hgsa01
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0d86d500: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0d7e0880: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 252e1200: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
info: Initiating Hero AI plan for: hema01
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 260d9000: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Unable to locate mesh blueprint [/units/misc/buildseed_mesh]!
info: CONTENT ERROR: No valid model specified for unit: buildseed
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 252e0780: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1ab98680: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 260dfc80: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: *WARNING: Failed to create projectile in CreateProjectileForWeapon
warning: *WARNING: Failed to create projectile in CreateProjectileForWeapon
warning: *WARNING: Failed to create projectile in CreateProjectileForWeapon
warning: *WARNING: Failed to create projectile in CreateProjectileForWeapon
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 26071a80: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0ddad400: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0ddadb00: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 260d9e00: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: *WARNING: Failed to create projectile in CreateProjectileForWeapon
warning: *WARNING: Failed to create projectile in CreateProjectileForWeapon
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1b44a280: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 260daf80: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 26072500: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0d86e300: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 26076400: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1a040d00: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1aae6300: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>



Part of DxDiag(I can add the rest later upon request)

System Information
Time of this report: 9/6/2008, 20:51:25
       Machine name: BEAVER
   Operating System: Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 2 (2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.070227-2254)
           Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: System manufacturer
       System Model: System Product Name
               BIOS: Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG
          Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6400+,  MMX,  3DNow (2 CPUs), ~3.2GHz
             Memory: 2046MB RAM
          Page File: 363MB used, 3575MB available
        Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS
    DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)
DX Setup Parameters: Not found
     DxDiag Version: 5.03.2600.2180 32bit Unicode

DxDiag Notes
  DirectX Files Tab: No problems found.
      Display Tab 1: No problems found.
        Sound Tab 1: No problems found.
          Music Tab: No problems found.
          Input Tab: No problems found.
        Network Tab: No problems found.

DirectX Debug Levels
Direct3D:    0/4 (n/a)
DirectDraw:  0/4 (retail)
DirectInput: 0/5 (n/a)
DirectMusic: 0/5 (n/a)
DirectPlay:  0/9 (retail)
DirectSound: 0/5 (retail)
DirectShow:  0/6 (retail)

Display Devices
        Card name: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GTS
     Manufacturer: NVIDIA
        Chip type: GeForce 8600 GTS
         DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC
       Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0400&SUBSYS_C7733842&REV_A1
   Display Memory: 512.0 MB
     Current Mode: 1680 x 1050 (32 bit) (59Hz)
          Monitor: SyncMaster 2253BW/2253LW,SyncMaster Magic CX2253BW/CX2253LW(Digital)
  Monitor Max Res: 1680,1050
      Driver Name: nv4_disp.dll
   Driver Version: 6.14.0011.7519 (English)
      DDI Version: 9 (or higher)
Driver Attributes: Final Retail
 Driver Date/Size: 5/16/2008 14:01:00, 6108928 bytes
      WHQL Logo'd: Yes
  WHQL Date Stamp: n/a
              VDD: n/a
         Mini VDD: nv4_mini.sys
    Mini VDD Date: 5/16/2008 14:01:00, 6557408 bytes
Device Identifier: {D7B71E3E-4740-11CF-AD46-78E700C2CB35}
        Vendor ID: 0x10DE
        Device ID: 0x0400
        SubSys ID: 0xC7733842
      Revision ID: 0x00A1
      Revision ID: 0x00A1
      Video Accel: ModeMPEG2_C ModeMPEG2_D ModeWMV9_B ModeWMV9_A
 Deinterlace Caps: {6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive
                   {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch
                   {6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)UYVY,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive
                   {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)UYVY,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch
                   {6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)YV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive
                   {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)YV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch
                   {6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive
                   {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch
         Registry: OK
     DDraw Status: Enabled
       D3D Status: Enabled
       AGP Status: Enabled
DDraw Test Result: Not run
 D3D7 Test Result: Not run
 D3D8 Test Result: Not run
 D3D9 Test Result: Not run

Sound Devices
            Description: SoundMAX HD Audio
 Default Sound Playback: Yes
 Default Voice Playback: Yes
            Hardware ID: HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_11D4&DEV_198B&SUBSYS_104381F6&REV_1004
        Manufacturer ID: 65535
             Product ID: 65535
                   Type: WDM
            Driver Name: ADIHdAud.sys
         Driver Version: 5.10.0001.6110 (English)
      Driver Attributes: Final Retail
            WHQL Logo'd: Yes
          Date and Size: 1/16/2007 09:09:06, 293888 bytes
            Other Files:
        Driver Provider: AnalogDevices
         HW Accel Level: Full
              Cap Flags: 0xF5F
    Min/Max Sample Rate: 100, 192000
Static/Strm HW Mix Bufs: 33, 32
 Static/Strm HW 3D Bufs: 33, 32
              HW Memory: 0
       Voice Management: Yes
 EAX(tm) 2.0 Listen/Src: Yes, Yes
   I3DL2(tm) Listen/Src: Yes, Yes
Sensaura(tm) ZoomFX(tm): Yes
               Registry: OK
      Sound Test Result: Not run

Sound Capture Devices
            Description: SoundMAX HD Audio
  Default Sound Capture: Yes
  Default Voice Capture: Yes
            Driver Name: ADIHdAud.sys
         Driver Version: 5.10.0001.6110 (English)
      Driver Attributes: Final Retail
          Date and Size: 1/16/2007 09:09:06, 293888 bytes
              Cap Flags: 0x41
           Format Flags: 0xCCC

        DLS Path: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\GM.DLS
     DLS Version: 1.00.0016.0002
    Acceleration: n/a
           Ports: Microsoft Synthesizer, Software (Not Kernel Mode), Output, DLS, Internal, Default Port
                  Microsoft MIDI Mapper [Emulated], Hardware (Not Kernel Mode), Output, No DLS, Internal
                  Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth [Emulated], Hardware (Not Kernel Mode), Output, No DLS, Internal
        Registry: OK
     Test Result: Not run






0 Karma | 16 Replies
September 7, 2008 12:18:08 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Must be an event at 20 minutes causing it like troop upgrades?

Maybe that's when giants or angels come in, and they're making you crash.


I couldn't say why that is though.. I often get a little hiccup, but no crash.

September 7, 2008 12:37:50 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Maybe that's when giants or angels come in, and they're making you crash.

It looks like a new unit's effects crash everything to me from that log, so I think that's likely the cause.

September 7, 2008 2:29:56 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Looks like the fort or the catapultasaur as it's looking for the boulder they launch.

To confirm, try making a rook and go straight for the trebuchet skill, which is the end of the archer line.

September 7, 2008 3:01:27 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Good idea, I forgot that ability completely, but it may be handled differently, so only a negative answer will tell for sure.

September 7, 2008 2:07:07 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Well it is not the catapultasaur and unlikely about the trebuchet as I have played at least 5 mins passed when they come in.  I've also seen the angels, but it is usually pretty quick after they enter the game.  I don't believe I've ever seen the giants thou so that may be a cause.

Also after I posted this, I was able to win a game with the rook before the game crashed, and I was proceeding to create a new game when my game locked up.  Unfortunately that one cause my whole computer to lock, so I was unable to get the report.  I will attempt to do so again and report the findings.

Thanks for the ideas. 


September 7, 2008 2:30:20 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Wow, that's insane. Apparently it really is tied to the time. I wonder how that could be...?

September 7, 2008 3:16:18 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Yah it must be just the amount of time played same error code, this one while loading a new game after winning one before it crashed.

Going to try just leaving the main menu up and running and see if it crashes after X amount of time as well, or if it requires a hosted game.


Failed assertion: (_controlfp(0, 0) & 0x00030000) == 0x00020000
File: C:\work\forge\beta\code\src\core\WinMain.cpp
Line: 259

Program : C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\Demigod\bin\Demigod.exe
Cmd line arguments :


Last 100 lines of log...

info:     ArmyName="ARMY_9",
info:     Civilian=false,
info:     Faction=1,
info:     Hero="hema01",
info:     Human=false,
info:     OwnerID="0",
info:     PlayerColor=1,
info:     PlayerName="AI",
info:     Ready=false
info:   },
info:     ArmyColor=1,
info:     ArmyIndex=10,
info:     ArmyName="ENEMY_CIVILIAN",
info:     Civilian=true,
info:     Faction=1,
info:     Human=false,
info:     PlayerColor=1,
info:     PlayerName="civilian",
info:     Ready=false
info:   },
info:     ArmyColor=1,
info:     ArmyIndex=9,
info:     ArmyName="NEUTRAL_CIVILIAN",
info:     Civilian=true,
info:     Faction=1,
info:     Human=false,
info:     PlayerColor=1,
info:     PlayerName="civilian",
info:     Ready=false
info:   },
info:   TEAM_1={
info:     ArmyColor=1,
info:     ArmyIndex=7,
info:     ArmyName="TEAM_1",
info:     Civilian=false,
info:     Faction=1,
info:     Human=false,
info:     OwnerID="0",
info:     PlayerColor=1,
info:     PlayerName="TEAM_1",
info:     Ready=false
info:   },
info:   TEAM_2={
info:     ArmyColor=1,
info:     ArmyIndex=8,
info:     ArmyName="TEAM_2",
info:     Civilian=false,
info:     Faction=1,
info:     Human=false,
info:     OwnerID="0",
info:     PlayerColor=1,
info:     PlayerName="TEAM_2",
info:     Ready=false
info:   }
info: }
info: Preloading resources for unit hema01
info:   Preloading resources for character Mage
info:     Preloading resources for mesh /characters/mage/mage_mesh
info:     Preloading resources for mesh /characters/mage/mage_invis_mesh
info:     Preloading resources for mesh /characters/mage/mage_mesh_frozen
info:   Preloading resources for character MageFire
info:     Preloading resources for mesh /characters/mage/magefire_mesh
info:     Preloading resources for mesh /characters/mage/mage_invis_mesh
info:     Preloading resources for mesh /characters/mage/magefire_mesh_frozen
info: Preloading resources for unit hrook
info:   Preloading resources for character Rook
info:     Preloading resources for mesh /characters/rook/rook_mesh
info:     Preloading resources for mesh /characters/rook/rook_invis_mesh
info:     Preloading resources for mesh /characters/rook/rook_god_strength_mesh
info:     Preloading resources for mesh /characters/rook/rook_mesh_frozen
info: Preloading resources for unit hrook
info:   Preloading resources for character Rook
info:     Preloading resources for mesh /characters/rook/rook_mesh
info:     Preloading resources for mesh /characters/rook/rook_invis_mesh
info:     Preloading resources for mesh /characters/rook/rook_god_strength_mesh
info:     Preloading resources for mesh /characters/rook/rook_mesh_frozen
info: Preloading resources for unit hgsa01
info:   Preloading resources for character Sniper
info:     Preloading resources for mesh /characters/sniper/sniper_mesh
info:     Preloading resources for mesh /characters/sniper/sniper_invis_mesh
info:     Preloading resources for mesh /characters/sniper/sniper_mesh_frozen
info: Preloading resources for unit hgsa01
info:   Preloading resources for character Sniper
info:     Preloading resources for mesh /characters/sniper/sniper_mesh
info:     Preloading resources for mesh /characters/sniper/sniper_invis_mesh
info:     Preloading resources for mesh /characters/sniper/sniper_mesh_frozen
info: Preloading resources for unit hema01
info:   Preloading resources for character Mage
info:     Preloading resources for mesh /characters/mage/mage_mesh
info:     Preloading resources for mesh /characters/mage/mage_invis_mesh
info:     Preloading resources for mesh /characters/mage/mage_mesh_frozen
info:   Preloading resources for character MageFire
info:     Preloading resources for mesh /characters/mage/magefire_mesh
info:     Preloading resources for mesh /characters/mage/mage_invis_mesh
info:     Preloading resources for mesh /characters/mage/magefire_mesh_frozen
debug: Loading module '/units/misc/ebird01/ebird01_script.lua'
debug: Loading module '/lua/sim/navigator.lua'
debug: Loading module '/lua/formations.lua'

September 7, 2008 4:19:16 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Well the game sat at the main menu for 30+ minutes and no crash, hosted a game and it played for the usual 20 mins or so, so whatever it is it requires the game engine.

Will try running more tests, but I doubt I'll have any significant changes.

September 7, 2008 6:21:57 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

The failed assertion you're experiencing is exactly the same one as I was getting when I had my keypress crashing problem ( In this case, I would suggest the same resolution to you - close applications in your systray and test again. Finding the exact problem is going to take a little longer to pinpoint for you since your issue occurs 20 minutes into a game, but it gives you something to try out. I'd recommend closing everything possible in your systray first and seeing if you can avoid crashing, then going through individual applications one at a time afterwards.

September 7, 2008 9:46:02 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Well I've cleared my systray with no success in halting the crashes.

September 7, 2008 9:58:19 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Crap. I really have no idea what could be causing this, then. I really can't think of anything.

September 7, 2008 11:31:50 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Sure it's not giants?  Since he's never seen 'em.


I'd try getting the war idol, locking it and holding it.


It will make your team get giants 1 wave sooner, so if you crash before 20 minutes that'sit.

September 8, 2008 12:06:36 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

It will make your team get giants 1 wave sooner, so if you crash before 20 minutes that'sit.

Also, try not having that captured so both teams get giants at the same time, but I think this really is time based because it will crash out of game if he wins fast enough.

September 9, 2008 7:23:32 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Well I'll have to break out a stop watch and time it exactly via both methods too see if it is linked to the giants or not.  Hopefully I can do that this evening, deadline based work ftl, keeping me at the office too late to test.

September 11, 2008 3:29:27 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

With the tower controlled the game crashed @ 21 mins and 36 seconds. (Saw angels for 30 seconds or so before the crash)


Without the tower capped at the time, AI decided to have battles over the flag so I couldn't keep my own team from capping it once during the round, the game crashed @ 19 mins and 59 seconds. (Last type of unit to spawn was catapultasuars)

Will run more tests when time permits.

Error log on second game

Failed assertion: (_controlfp(0, 0) & 0x00030000) == 0x00020000
File: C:\work\forge\beta\code\src\core\WinMain.cpp
Line: 259

Program : C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\Demigod\bin\Demigod.exe
Cmd line arguments :


Last 100 lines of log...

warning: Attempt to buy invalid item
warning: Unit = 4194304
warning: Data = {
warning:   ItemName="IUSETeleportScroll01",
warning:   ShopId="7340053",
warning:   TargetObj=userdata: CAiTarget at 19F01730 = CAiTarget at 0x19F01730,
warning:   TaskName="BuyItemTask"
warning: }
warning: Attempt to buy invalid item
warning: Unit = 4194304
warning: Data = {
warning:   ItemName="IUSETeleportScroll01",
warning:   ShopId="7340053",
warning:   TargetObj=userdata: CAiTarget at 03BEE550 = CAiTarget at 0x03BEE550,
warning:   TaskName="BuyItemTask"
warning: }
warning: Attempt to buy invalid item
warning: Unit = 1048576
warning: Data = {
warning:   ItemName="IUSETeleportScroll01",
warning:   ShopId="6291479",
warning:   TargetObj=userdata: CAiTarget at 1A792280 = CAiTarget at 0x1A792280,
warning:   TaskName="BuyItemTask"
warning: }
warning: Attempt to buy invalid item
warning: Unit = 1048576
warning: Data = {
warning:   ItemName="IUSETeleportScroll01",
warning:   ShopId="6291479",
warning:   TargetObj=userdata: CAiTarget at 19220640 = CAiTarget at 0x19220640,
warning:   TaskName="BuyItemTask"
warning: }
warning: Attempt to buy invalid item
warning: Unit = 1048576
warning: Data = {
warning:   ItemName="IUSETeleportScroll01",
warning:   ShopId="6291479",
warning:   TargetObj=userdata: CAiTarget at 19E33E50 = CAiTarget at 0x19E33E50,
warning:   TaskName="BuyItemTask"
warning: }
warning: Attempt to buy invalid item
warning: Unit = 1048576
warning: Data = {
warning:   ItemName="IUSETeleportScroll01",
warning:   ShopId="6291479",
warning:   TargetObj=userdata: CAiTarget at 0DB3D3A0 = CAiTarget at 0x0DB3D3A0,
warning:   TaskName="BuyItemTask"
warning: }
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1c0f6f80: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1c0f8100: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1c0cb300: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 07ae8180: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 07ae8500: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 07df5800: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Unable to locate mesh blueprint [/props/powerup_mesh]!
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0bfe8680: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1c048080: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1be1f680: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1c21bf80: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0df24d80: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 07aeb280: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0e264b00: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0370c080: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
debug: Loading module '/units/ug/b/ugbartillery01/ugbartillery01_script.lua'
info: MUSIC : Setting music paramenter 'War' to [7]
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0ebabe80: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 07ae7a80: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 07df7b00: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1c21a380: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
info: Initiating Hero AI plan for: hema01
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 07ae7a80: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1c0fa080: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1c21b880: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0ddee080: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1c21e980: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0e232f00: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 07df2e00: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0e0f5400: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 07aebd00: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0df23f80: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 26222900: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: *WARNING: Failed to create projectile in CreateProjectileForWeapon
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0df23c00: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 26221780: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: *WARNING: Failed to create projectile in CreateProjectileForWeapon
warning: *WARNING: Failed to create projectile in CreateProjectileForWeapon
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0e0f3480: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Unable to locate mesh blueprint [/props/powerup_mesh]!
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 03707000: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 1b8c9a00: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: *WARNING: Failed to create projectile in CreateProjectileForWeapon
warning: *WARNING: Failed to create projectile in CreateProjectileForWeapon
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 03708f80: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0e264b00: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 03709d80: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0dd33280: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0370b980: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 07df7400: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 0ebaa600: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>
warning: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/boulder01/boulder01_proj.bp at 07df5f00: attempt to get as UserData a nil value
         stack traceback:
             [C]: in function `GetListOfUnits'
             ...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua(15): in function <...s\demigod\projectiles\boulder01\boulder01_script.lua:10>

September 11, 2008 1:41:01 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

weirdd.. if it was related to new upgrades then having the tower capped should make your crash sooner, not later.


 There goes that theory, probably.

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