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Demi vs. DotA

Let the forum carnage begin!!

By on September 5, 2008 8:25:02 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I'm at work today talking with some friends who are all hardcore gamers (10 or more years constant gaming) and telling them about Demi. Really giving them the wonders (and pitfalls) of the title. Of course, we all understand that this is VERY early beta so that's taken into account and all sins are forgiven. Well the topic of DotA came up and basically I had to tell them that so far there's no gameplay that's new beyond what you get in DotA.

So here's the question I want to post and point it at Stardock, of course the testers can weigh in as well.

   I've already paid my $40 for the Battle Chest and have DotA installed and running. Other than the graphics (which are awesome), what is Demi offering that I can't get from DotA?

Now, please don't think this is an unfair question or that I'm an unbeliever, I'm loving this title so far. But once the title releases and the reviews, which WILL mention DotA, start coming in... well the question will absolutely be asked then.

As far as I'm concerned when you are doing creative work you can choose one of two paths:

  1. Create something completely new and original.
  2. Recreate something already done but do it newer and better.

In my opinion Demi falls SOLIDLY in the second category. My concern is, will that cause it problems?

+1 Karma | 9 Replies
September 5, 2008 9:05:15 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

various problems, accusitions of just being another dota and not introducing anything gamebreaking or it being boring because its already done and in most cases with more variety. Rather Demigod is releasing with at least 10 heroes and DotA already has 91.

I see it as a new game thats just in the same category..I mean im trying to make suggestions on how to make it different like a tier system or more skills. 

September 5, 2008 9:36:50 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

It's also important to remember that we haven't seen the general type Demigods yet; or maps with more flags to capture that do other things. Both of those may make it varied enough from DotA for it to stand well on its own. Plus it has alot less emphasis on microing, no last hitting, juking etc, which may tick some people off, but on the other hand gives the game a shorter learning curve so makes it more accesable which could help its appeal. Ditto for the amount of heroes.

September 5, 2008 9:37:05 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

besides the permastunning when you have 2 or 3 people ganging up, I ALREADY like Demigod way more than DotA.


DotA is frustrating and has tons of stupid gameplay mechanics, imo.

If you think DotA is better, that's fine.  I think Red Orchestra is better than Call of Duty, but theres people that'll disagree with that.

September 5, 2008 11:08:43 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Do not begin to compare dota to demi until it is finished or at least in balancing stages

September 6, 2008 12:14:16 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Of course Demi is based off of DoTA, everyone know this, But what demigod offers is a new experience, It's like playing DoTA when it first came out, confusing as hell, but with soo much room for expansion.

September 6, 2008 1:04:40 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I think things we'll see later are:

1. Generals Heroes, and how their playstyle meshes with Assasins. Has anyone here played the WC3 map "Super Summoners"? That duality exists there, albeit in a broken and imbalanced form.

2. Different maps, gameplay modes. Take the underlying concept of DoTA (Heroes that level, creeps) and apply it to free-for-alls, capture-the-flags, etc. Probably not the latter, but you get the general idea.

3. Better engine, pathfinding, AI, etc. This game is newer, and can do newer things with the meta stuff like server finding, clans, UI, backends, etc.

4. They've probably got some other tricks up their sleeves. We know GPG, and we know what they can do.

September 6, 2008 10:26:09 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Why did you buy Warcraft 3 it introduced no new gameplay over Warcraft 2?  When you can answer that question, you'll have an answer for why you should buy Demigod.

September 6, 2008 12:35:00 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Because Warcraft 3 introduced the RPG style hero units who gained experience from attacking creep camps, allowing you to customise thier abilities and the items they were carrying.

September 6, 2008 1:26:16 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Nessin, I didn't. I bought the War Chest which included all of it.

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