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The Heretical Thought: Demigod is Not DotA

Wherein I manage to be cast out from On High

By on September 5, 2008 5:11:52 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Join Date 04/2003

I'm going to give voice to the heretical words which have frequently been pressing in my mind of late, and I'm certain they'll lead to my opinion being considered apostate and the bulk of those who've been loudest and most long-winded on this forum looking to lash me to old pines and burn me alive.

And those words are these:

I have no interest in Demigod being made into a prettier DotA. More importantly (from my perspective), I am not now nor have I ever been a DotA player. I've never liked the obsession with go-faster, with pointless elaboration for no real gain in gameplay, with proving their hardcoreness by berating others for not being go-faster enough themselves, with some perverse idea that if a RTS game is anything other than DotA that it's inherently inferior.


  • Demigods which start out significantly stronger than the zerg are not bad. I realize that starting out as barely more powerful than a little zergling is state-of-the-art in DotA. Demigod is not DotA.
  • Games which run for shorter or longer times than what you're used to in DotA are not bad. Demigod is not DotA.
  • A small map size that doesn't take twenty minutes to trudge across is not bad. This one's particularly galling given that this is Beta 1 and the bonus to gameplay is not the addition of maps which are large, but maps with complex pathing, multiple-splitting lanes and so on. Demigod is not DotA.
  • The lack of a complicated, twitchy sub-game of item recipes which require you to remember more lore than the CNC Organic Chemistry reference is not bad. Demigod is not DotA.
  • The lack of obsessive micromanagement of your hero and focus on a broader understanding of the battle and positioning is not bad. If last-hitting and pixel-level control of your character is a necessity to play well, the game is not accessible. Demigod is not DotA.
  • Not taking two hours to play an average game is not bad. While I realize that not having a life is considered de rigeur for gamers historically, let me point out the games with the biggest sales for the last decade or so are the ones where dipping in and out amidst a busy lifestyle is doable. And thank Hades for that. Demigod is not DotA.


I am not a DotA player. I never have been. I will, thank the powers of Hell, never will be. If, in fact, the majority of beta players for Demigod are DotA players, then Stardock / GPG need to do some extensive outside-the-group testing when they get to the point of deciding on gameplay flow and refinement. Demigod is not DotA, nor should it be. It must be it's own thing with strong differentiation if it wants to make it in the marketplace. You might ask, "Why try to redesign a game and improve on it when theres already a wildly successful model that works beautifully and draws massive amounts of players...all in a 3MB custom map file for a game that came out in 2001." Partly because the number of players that are into DotA aren't enough to sustain a commercial game in today's market? Because ripping off gameplay entire from an extant game is not only cheap but insulting? Because -- and I know this might be hard to believe -- DotA isn't the end-all be-all of "AI zerg army" gaming?

I've followed a lot of GPG and Stardock's games over the years. I have faith that between them, they can create a game that breaks new ground, conceptually and technically. I've seen them do it. I have no doubt that they'll continue doing so in Demigod and the inevitable expansions thereof. I've already expressed that trust in the most powerful way possible: With my wallet.

I would hate to think that just because I'm not a DotA evangelist that my opinion isn't thought of as important or meaningful. 

Things I'm happy to see in Demigod:


  • I can be powerful from the beginning. I'm a demigod, by Crom, and I can bloody well prove it! Out the gate I can blast my enemies with fire, put a bolt through their noggins, or stomp them flat by the tens. And it's only up from there!
  • It doesn't take ten minutes from starting the game to getting where things are interesting. I can walk out just a bit and start impressively laying waste!
  • I don't have to concentrate on hitting just-so on this zerg or that zerg. I can stomp my way to a good position, then trust the AI will Do The Right Thing(tm) while I focus on dropping the right skill at the right time for impact. I can strategize, not be a tactics monkey.
  • I don't have to know sixty+ characters, all their hard and soft counters, and an entire library of references on items to play the game. I can jump in, beat the crap out of things and actually work my way into gameplay without having to be a reference text.


This is Beta 1. If it's anything like the Sins Beta 1, things are in for a huge overhaul between now and release. (Though to be honest I'd like to see Demigod's beta cycle be made up of more, shorter betas. More fluid evolution with feedback seems to me more useful.) That established, I'd love to see gameplay move away from DotA'ish things rather than toward. It's a huge, explorable gamespace. Doing the same thing is not only boring, it's done. Time for new things.

Things I'd like to see in Demigod:


  • I'd like to see a couple of Generals soon. They're why I'm really interested in Demigod, truth be told. The fact that my preferred style of play (rear-guard / support / building) is promised alongside my friend's favoured style of play (action-RPG agressive) is one of the biggest reasons for me to buy the game. I can't be the only one.
  • A sample of one of the 5x5 maps. We've seen screenshots, but the engine seems to be really, terrifyingly stable given its release status. If we're really going to beat on it, clearly we'll need a bigger stick.
  • In line with the above, an active setting for increasing the flow of the zerg through the portals. I can't be the only one who wants to double the flow rate and wade right into a huge bloody mess of ugly.
  • Some kind of contracting bar that displays the time / threshold until your next wave of zerg comes through. I hate to be standing out front with my pants down and the last of my wave dies around me with no idea how long until the next bunch rolls through.
  • Some Generals. Wait, I said that.
  • The unification of your rear-base shopping mall into a couple of buildings. I like having to either die or walk back to gear up; that's fine. But as is buying things is a right PitA.
  • A bit of documentation on the zerglings and powers. Even with a general idea of what I want to do, I'm spending time mouse-waving to get effect ideas. Zerglings need a mouse-over tip which defines a short description of their role and some general stats. (Use the Fudge-esque Poor/Average/Fair/Good/Great/Superb instead of hard numbers for bonus points.)
  • Did I say more Generals?


Bug-wise, I don't think I've anything to report that hasn't been me-too'd into dead horse material. It's been disgustingly bug free for what passes for many companies' releases; that it's an early beta should make everyone sit up and take notice.

In short and in summary:

Demigod is not DotA. Don't ask for it to be. If you have the urge to do so, stop, consider, and ask yourself, "How can this be made less like DotA and more fun?" That's the kind of thinking that pioneers and improves.

Besides, if they feel the need to borrow from an older game, Majesty would be a good call. Just sayin', yo. (And, yes, I know it's due an updated release in short order.)

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September 5, 2008 5:30:34 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting ,

Demigods which start out significantly stronger than the zerg are not bad. I realize that starting out as barely more powerful than a little zergling is state-of-the-art in DotA. Demigod is not DotA.
Games which run for shorter or longer times than what you're used to in DotA are not bad. Demigod is not DotA.
A small map size that doesn't take twenty minutes to trudge across is not bad. This one's particularly galling given that this is Beta 1 and the bonus to gameplay is not the addition of maps which are large, but maps with complex pathing, multiple-splitting lanes and so on. Demigod is not DotA.
The lack of a complicated, twitchy sub-game of item recipes which require you to remember more lore than the CNC Organic Chemistry reference is not bad. Demigod is not DotA.
The lack of obsessive micromanagement of your hero and focus on a broader understanding of the battle and positioning is not bad. If last-hitting and pixel-level control of your character is a necessity to play well, the game is not accessible. Demigod is not DotA.
Not taking two hours to play an average game is not bad. While I realize that not having a life is considered de rigeur for gamers historically, let me point out the games with the biggest sales for the last decade or so are the ones where dipping in and out amidst a busy lifestyle is doable. And thank Hades for that. Demigod is not DotA.



I agree with this, and this is all for the better.

Demigod should be DotA inspired, but NOT make the same mistakes.


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September 5, 2008 5:43:30 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Very short response to your very long post.

I know this is beta 1 and this beta isn't about gameplay - so odd that you would post such a long response on gameplay.  That being said, the only thing I hope is changed between now and release is the actual skill needed to play this game.  So far, I just don't see how I would be any better in the game in 6 months time than I am now.

That being said this isn't a gameplay beta.

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September 5, 2008 6:24:36 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Commander_Pants,
Very short response to your very long post.
I know this is beta 1 and this beta isn't about gameplay - so odd that you would post such a long response on gameplay.  That being said, the only thing I hope is changed between now and release is the actual skill needed to play this game.  So far, I just don't see how I would be any better in the game in 6 months time than I am now.
That being said this isn't a gameplay beta.

Actually, and more pointedly, my response wasn't insomuch to the gameplay aspect of things, which is fantastic, considering the path of development we're on, but the vast and terrifying bulk of other posts in this self-same forum, three fourths of which keep repeating "Make it more like DotA! This DotA twiddly-bit has to be in there to be considered good!" With "this twiddly-twaddly bit" either something they personally do well with or which makes the game as a whole less accessible -- but more like DotA.

The beta is not about gameplay, and you'll note in the latter half of my post I discussed things, themes and directions I like as it is and what might be enhanced, to be pressed toward, just as Frogboy and the rest had been asking for our inputs since the forum was new. But I felt it was important, very important, to bring out to the public forum that there are a number who aren't DotA devouts and that pursuing them to exclusion would eliminate us or any chance to play to us. And that would be foolish for any number of reasons.

As for skill, in 6mo I'll have internalized the ranges for my various weapons more smoothly and have the cooldown in muscle memory. I'll spend less time flailing all over the skill / item buy interface and hopefully have an idea of what I should be augmenting at any given point. Hopefully, I'll be better.

Also, hopefully we'll be a couple betas down the road.

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September 5, 2008 6:31:07 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

If you've never been a regular DotA player that kinda makes your opinions a bit imbalanced and perhaps inaccurate in some cases (2 hours for an 'average' DotA game is way off the mark, for example).

There are also a lot of elements in the game which are similar to DotA already, so it would be futile at this point to try and denounce its design. I, too, don't want Demigod to be exactly the same as DotA, but it really does have so many great elements to offer that shouldn't be ignored during the development of this game. These elements should be embraced and improved upon rather than dismissed.

I totally understand that you want something unique, and in my opinion the game is shaping up this way already. However, there really is no harm in researching from other sources, particularly when your main source is something as popular as DotA. GPG's focus should not be on making Demigod as different to DotA as possible, but building on the fact that there really is no commercial game out there quite like it. It's about bringing the gamestyle to the forefront and improving upon it in the way that we know GPG can.

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September 5, 2008 6:44:23 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Indeed you are not a dota player. Otherwise you would know that the majority of things you just wrote about it are plain wrong. Also its a way to early to compare both "games" since right now the gameplay looks kinda simplified and a bit clunky. I guess this version is far away from the current build. So personally i am not going to post any review judged on the current game experience, common not even mouse scrolling is implemented one of the key functions of EVERY RTS game. We have to wait until we can play a more polished build. Personally i have a lot of questions, which might be answered in one the future builds, so i am not going to spam the forums about it. I will not argument with you about the gameplay of both games since demigod is far away to be completed. HOWEVER

The lack of obsessive micromanagement of your hero and focus on a broader understanding of the battle and positioning is not bad. If last-hitting and pixel-level control of your character is a necessity to play well, the game is not accessible. Demigod is not DotA.

This is bad, because obsessive micromanagement or macromanagement is totally essential to every RTS "if" it wants to be sucessful in the big world of the rts genre. Since Demigod has no base or unit building feature you will want OPTIONS to micro your hero. Last hitting, positioning and a general unterstanding of what the hell is going on around you are also key elementals within the genre. Due the lack of base building the game already lacks a significant elemental which will already make it less  attractive for some audience, especially with a "right now" boring hero handling. Demingod himself is very easy accessible for everyone who did play a rts game before. 

While Demigod may not be dota, a bad copy is always better than something god awful selfmade.

But i agree that both games need to be different, however dota is the most sucessful funmap since the release of wc3, its almost a rts game by itself. There are dota leagues, prizes, teams even e-sport and it has a truly large community. So if you make a game which is related to the key idea of an AoS like DotA, you should consider to atleast "copy" some of the criteria which makes dota the game it is. Prolly the easiest way to attract players, new and old ones.

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September 5, 2008 6:54:17 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

You bitter hatred towards a game you've never played is quite amusing to me considering that your giving a more biased view than a dota player that has at least tried that game along with other and knows what each play like.

I myself play dota, I play wow, I play Strategy/Racing/FPS/RP and a huge variety of games, is suggesting things that are right in those genre's going to cause you to write a 10 page post repeating religiously over and over Demigod is not xxxx Demigod is not zzzz. It boring and you actually don't make any points to support what you want from the game.

What people are suggesting from Dota are the points that make the game interesting, and what your wanting actually has negative effects on what is being produced here, you say you don't want 10 mins to get a game really flowing, you don't want 2 hour games (which rarely if even happen in dota so maybe check your facts) well sorry but when you have a game that at launch is going to have a limited amount of maps and a limited amount of heroes, I think a hour a game is more than justified to get fufilment out of the game itself.

You make this point

I don't have to concentrate on hitting just-so on this zerg or that zerg. I can stomp my way to a good position, then trust the AI will Do The Right Thing(tm) while I focus on dropping the right skill at the right time for impact. I can strategize, not be a tactics monkey.

Where you practically argue with yourself within one sentence, at the start your asking to not have to last hit so you don't have to concentrate and then later you want to stratergize but without tactics, well unforutantely these things are all the same, it is good tactics to do last hitting in dota, it is good strategy to last hit in dota, but its not necessity to do it to win.

I don't have to know sixty+ characters, all their hard and soft counters, and an entire library of references on items to play the game. I can jump in, beat the crap out of things and actually work my way into gameplay without having to be a reference text.

I'm glad your not on the team as you would make the singular most boring game to ever grace gods green earth, thats all I have to say on this point

Now onto the points you'd like to see,

Some kind of contracting bar that displays the time / threshold until your next wave of zerg comes through. I hate to be standing out front with my pants down and the last of my wave dies around me with no idea how long until the next bunch rolls through.

Zoom out, fairly simple way to see what is coming and as it is a regular spawn then you'll get a feel for it

The unification of your rear-base shopping mall into a couple of buildings. I like having to either die or walk back to gear up; that's fine. But as is buying things is a right PitA.

Yeah I can imagine the time it takes to click 5 seperate buildings is excruciating for you but in reality when a big amount of items get implemented you'll be glad of seperate shops instead of 9923438 items per 2 "shopping malls" as you put it

A bit of documentation on the zerglings and powers. Even with a general idea of what I want to do, I'm spending time mouse-waving to get effect ideas. Zerglings need a mouse-over tip which defines a short description of their role and some general stats. (Use the Fudge-esque Poor/Average/Fair/Good/Great/Superb instead of hard numbers for bonus points.)

Finally a point I agree with, I'd love to see a option for permanently showing health bars/ power bars of units / demigods / creeps or all of them also possibly some text on your own health/energy bars to give you a number of how much you have left.

Did I say more Generals?

Not sure if this is a attempt at humour or you do actually suffer from hodgekinsons disease but really your not funny so stop repeating yourself 90 times




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September 5, 2008 7:42:22 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the key things that will really make this game have a bit more smootheness to it would be, being able to set your camera angle to whichever way you want, having customizable keys and being able to know what keys are what in the first place, and you NEED to be able to move your gods eye view camera other than using the arrow keys, its really annoying.

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September 5, 2008 8:43:55 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Cannings, you really rob yourself of any credibility you might have had by being snarky.

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September 5, 2008 8:56:58 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I only reply with as much snarkyness as is initiated by the OP

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September 5, 2008 9:08:54 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting ,

I have no interest in Demigod being made into a prettier DotA.

And I would be ecstatic if Demigod were a prettier DOTA.  There's a reason DOTA is one of the most successful mods ever; there's a reason it continues to be actively played today despite the fact it runs on a 6-year-old engine.  If Stardock can improve on that model, great.  But I think the overriding focus should be on replicating the fun-factor that has kept DOTA alive all these years.

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September 5, 2008 9:30:48 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

FYI, pressing tab in game will show all health bars until tab is pressed again. 

Camera angle can be changed by holding spacebar and moving mouse.

OP, you have no case since you've never played DOTA0.  Please never say "Demigod is not Dota" ever again. Banned.


In all seriousness, there is no reason to put down another game just to make this game look better.  It is still way too early to compare this game with any other game.  We've seen less then half the Demigods and only 1 of the 8 maps.  Items are subject to many changes, balance is a low priority.  All this beta was meant for was to make sure the game will download, install, and run on various computers and settings.  So far, its looking pretty good.

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September 5, 2008 9:31:45 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I'm sorry to intrude into your arcane discussion, but I did not know what DotA meant. Good old Wikipedia gave me the answer :

« Defense of the Ancients (often referred to as DotA) is a custom scenario for Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, based on the "Aeon of Strife" map for StarCraft. The objective of the scenario is to destroy the opponents' "Ancient". The two teams' ancients are heavily guarded structures at opposing corners of the map. Players use powerful units known as heroes, and are assisted by allied heroes and AI-controlled fighters called "creeps". As in role-playing games, players level up their hero and use gold to buy equipment during the mission. »

I post this Wiki quote for the benefit of other forum users who would not know what this thread's main topic was refering to.

I might reinstall WarCraft 3 and the DotA mod just to see what you guys are talking about ... but university classes have restarted : Demigod will have to suffice.

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September 5, 2008 9:42:50 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Not sure if this is a attempt at humour or you do actually suffer from hodgekinsons disease but really your not funny so stop repeating yourself 90 times

I'm glad your not on the team as you would make the singular most boring game to ever grace gods green earth, thats all I have to say on this point

These are ad hominem attacks. They add nothing to your post, except maybe negative points.

The OP posted that he disliked DotA. Perhaps he was misinformed on why. Simply because he doesn't like a game that you do doesn't mean you get to insult him.

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September 5, 2008 9:42:57 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

First, its terrible form to bash the game mechanics of DotA when you say, "I am not now nor have I ever been a DotA player"

So you dont play it, but you feel qualified to talk about it? Not sure I get that.


Too many terrible points to do a point-counterpoint for each one, but the biggest one is this:

Quoting ,

You might ask, "Why try to redesign a game and improve on it when theres already a wildly successful model that works beautifully and draws massive amounts of players...all in a 3MB custom map file for a game that came out in 2001." Partly because the number of players that are into DotA aren't enough to sustain a commercial game in today's market?

So, youre saying that there arent enough DotA players to support a commercial game? I wonder why that is. Could it be because since DotA is a free game, theres never been any marketing for DotA, or any hype for DotA, and no shelf space in stores so that the casual person could pick it up and buy it? In fact, the only way anybody could ever learn about DotA was by word-of-mouth or by happening to own Warcraft 3 and seeing the tons of custom games up on And yet, despite all this, every new version of DotA still gets hundreds of thousands of downloads within the first few days of being released.

Now, imagine that same game model but made by a commerical company, with marketing, hype, a polished release, a good dev team, and a spot on store shelves. That would be a sight to see and a hell of a commercial success.

The fact that somebody hasnt exploited the success of DotA by now is just shocking. I say its about time. Lets do this.


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September 5, 2008 9:44:42 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting gggie,
quoting postI have no interest in Demigod being made into a prettier DotA. And I would be ecstatic if Demigod were a prettier DOTA.  There's a reason DOTA is one of the most successful mods ever; there's a reason it continues to be actively played today despite the fact it runs on a 6-year-old engine.  If Stardock can improve on that model, great.  But I think the overriding focus should be on replicating the fun-factor that has kept DOTA alive all these years.


"Fun Factor" can be obtained without replication.


If GPG/Stardock want to make their interpretation of what a dota style game should be, that's fine, but we don't need a retail version carbon copy.

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September 6, 2008 12:10:56 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Demigod is not DotA.


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September 6, 2008 1:05:39 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

The "fun factor" that has kept DotA alive is the players. Take that away by trying to impliment the ridgid aspects of DotA and you'll likely NOT have as many people as you think, after all, why pay for Demigod when you can continue to play DotA for FREE.... that is not a good model to get too attached to as it stands, DotA inspired is the only way it makes sense. I played DotA quite often on battlenet, mostly pickup games, sometimes we played against clan teams looking to kill pubs... the last thing I would personally want is to see a system put in place that continues that silly trend.


As for "replicating" the fun factor, thats what this has been about from day 1. They built this game different than others before it, they built it before they had artists hired. That speaks VOLUMES of the fun factor, before you can even look at it as DotA clone or not; If they say it is fun, its not right to say it is or isn't based on beta 1 release with the features largely locked out to get a better feel for compatibility with the various computer systems out there.

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September 6, 2008 1:24:01 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Demigod is trying to become a premier eSport and it has a game style very close to DOTA.  There is a lot to be learnt from people who have played DOTA for 2+ years.

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September 6, 2008 1:31:13 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

You know, I am an avid DoTA player. I also play a great many other Wc3 maps, such as SMoTA and Super Summoners. My associates and I are currently in the BETA stages of our own DoTA-like game. So, I'd say I'm somewhat of an expert on the topic. That being said,

I agree wholeheartedly with everything in OP's post.


Demigod seems to be aiming for a more strategic approach (a la SupCom), rather than a micro-heavy, twitchy tactical game. This is neither good nor bad. It's different. I am sure Demigod will shape up to be a very fun game. It is very different than DoTA, and people do need to realize this. OP is right, a lot of people want Demigod to be a pretty DoTA clone. It isn't. That's fine. Enjoy it for what it is, which I'm sure will be awesome.

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September 6, 2008 1:38:40 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

But I think the overriding focus should be on replicating the fun-factor that has kept DOTA alive all these years.

Replicating the fun-factor: yes.

Replicating the entire bloody game: no.

DotA doesn't have a monopoly on fun gameplay in this subgenre, and there should be variety. Different styles for different people.

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September 6, 2008 1:52:30 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

DotA doesn't have a monopoly on fun gameplay in this subgenre, and there should be variety. Different styles for different people.

Exactly. Well put.

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September 6, 2008 2:10:46 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Thanks  . There is definitely a middle ground between slavish copy and losing all the fun, and I hope demigod plants itself firmly in said middle ground.

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September 6, 2008 2:26:19 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Warlock00,
Demigod is trying to become a premier eSport and it has a game style very close to DOTA.  There is a lot to be learnt from people who have played DOTA for 2+ years.

But not from people who played DotA for 2+ years and just want Demigod to be DotA with nicer graphics, tits, and a better UI.

Like anyone that suggests item combinations needs t oahve all their posts ignored.

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September 6, 2008 2:50:35 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I say amen to the OP. Demigod definitely is not DotA. It's the same genre, certainly, but does that mean all First person shooters should all have the same guns or similar maps? Should every racing game copy Need for Speed and be just street racing and use the same cars? should every puzzle game be like tetris? I think you guys get my point. Something different is nice. Then you've got two DIFFERENT games to play!

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September 6, 2008 3:00:03 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Actually, every puzzle game should be tetris.

That was in green, as it is sarcastic.

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