Ahem, on the point of this currency, yes it exists, but it could be some form of godly mystical ectoplasm as it could gold or a form of money, but we're pretty sure its used to buy things.
Now on the point of the healer getting behind because they don't have enough money/gold/ectoplasm, what if this balanced in? In the fact that each hero has their own shops? Whats to say sednas items/units don't cost less money/gold/ectoplasm?
But the idea system of money/gold/ectoplasm allocation would definitely be to split it up some how, but how is a good question. In dota money/gold/ectoplasm is rewarded on death, and there are these assist points (newer feature btw). Now, I'm sure the demigod programmers could come up for a way to tell when some one helped with a combat, why not on death split the money/gold/ectoplasm based on damage done, health healed to people who did damage, and buffed/debuffed? (granted some balancing would have to come into play) but the way this would work is based on percentages:
If hero A is worth 100 gold:
The healer would get 50 'points' a second (250 for each heal evrey 5 seconds) for healing a unit taking damage from the enemy or dealing damage
The dps (ers) would get points based off their damage lets say 75 and 25 points each a second.
So in 20 seconds, with dpser 2 getting the final hit
healer 1000 -- 36.36%
dpser1: 1250 -- 45.45%
dpser2: 500 -- 18.18%
So the healer would get 36 , dpser 46 (as he had the higher decimal and theres an unnassinged gold), and dpser 2 would get 18.
This solution would:
A) Be fair

Not create money/gold/ectoplasm out of no where
C) Prevent kill stealing
D) Prevent taking skills that provide more money/gold/ectoplasm by casting them
And for smaller creeps they could just have a simple last hit system or a simpler version of that ^, as they probably provide a lot less.