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Gold Sharing for buffing/hexing/aura's

By on August 7, 2008 2:09:10 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
  I don't know if any of you have played Savage2, but whenever you debuffed/hexed an enemy it would die you'd get gold.
  If you buffed someone and they killed someone, you'd get gold.

  I think this would be perfect to have in Demigod, and give good incentive for helping your teamates kill and NOT trying to steal their kills.

  Also, this should effect NPC creeps too IMO.
  Say you have an AoE +15% damage buff.  If an ally kills, you should get 7% of the gold for that kill(NOT taking away from them, just adding more.  So if it was 25gold normally, they get 25 and you 2 gold.)
  Or a single target buff that oh say, lights targets weapon on fire, making do more damage, blah blah.  Say that gives a set amount of extra gold for kill based on a guesstamation of what % increase that'd usually be.  So say some +150 damage(just for example, don't know hwo mcuh damage things would usually do) would give you 10 gold whenever someone kills with it.   It is probably much more benefitial to buff allies ally with that since they'd get more kills with it than you.

  Similarly, healing should give gold.. I think that one is probably a given and i'd be surprised if that wasn't considered already.

  Also, in DotA the NPC creeps often "steal" kills.  Having AoE aura's and buffs giving you gold when they kill would help a bit.
+34 Karma | 29 Replies
August 7, 2008 4:17:09 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
Anything that builds teamwork is a valid step in my book.
August 7, 2008 5:07:55 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
Agreed. Teamwork is key, especially if there is any sort of bonus whatsoever in getting the most kills. Everyone needs to feel like they are helping out.
August 7, 2008 5:11:28 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
its fail, because you create money out of the nowhere. you can't just add some coins to the treasure because someone had an aura, thats not how economy works.

Why the hell should healing someone give you gold - bandages and syringes cost money you know.

Sorry for the sarcasm but the reward of healing a team mate is that he stays alive and your team wins, the reward of a buff aura is that your team is stronger and kicks the enemies butt. Creating artificial rewards just leads to silly decisions where people take the skill which gives them the biggest additional reward over the more useful skill in a certain situation.

Look at World in Conflict where people on public servers care more about their individual points than winning the match.

Zeamwork is not something you can quantify anyways, I can already see "Why does this skill give extra money and this not/only so few?" Topics if that was in Demigod. In a good teamgame teamworks comes naturally and without additional incentives.

However I strongly doubt that Demigod will have a last-hit-reward like it is in Dota, more likely it will be spread evenly over the teammates who did damage to that certain enemy or have just been nearby.

edit: sorry if this reply sounds a bit harsh, you have good intentions but I see more problems with it then it possibly could solve

August 7, 2008 5:31:15 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
So people with offensive demigods should get more gold than ones that heal?

While you're healing people, you aren't getting kills, so you aren't getting gold.

Sounds awful to me to gimp support Demigods like that.

And if you say they should just be just as good at farming creeps, then wouldn't they be overpowered if they're just as powerful as the torchbearer yet can heal to? So that's unlikely to be the case.

And it's not useless to get more gold as more gold gives you better items.
August 7, 2008 5:35:30 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
where did I specify that you get the money for killing a unit?

also I strongly doubt that there will be pure support Demigods.

August 7, 2008 5:46:38 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
Oh i'm sure Sedna can attack, and Sedna probably is a General so has units to attack with. I don't think an Assassin support Demigod is ruled out though.

Even so, Healing units are generally balanced out by less killing power.. usually much less. There isn't much other way to balance them.

Less killing power means less income from killing other Demigods, killing Generals troopers, and killing NPC creeps.

Less income means your teamates are going to be getting better items, further increasing the gap between killing power from you and your killing-oriented teamates.

And I can understand the "gold from no where" point. There is more gold coming from essentially no where given to the Support roles. Every kill is netting more Gold than usual.
But.. it's not a problem in other games. In Savage2 if the commander buffs/debuffs alot it adds a bunch more team gold, but that promotes the commander to not sit on his butt.
YES in Savage2 you can just keep using tons of buffs and debuffs to get more gold, but pretty much all are dependant on an enemy dying or teammate doing well, and it's not as much a problem as you can panic and assume it'd be. Theres a mana limit, after all, as well. Any downside is made up by the getting gold reward for supporting.

Isn't getting gold for kills gold from no where too, anyways? Might as well say there should be no reward for killing, as you do it for the team, and you should have a fixed income rate no matter what if you want to go that route, aye?
August 7, 2008 6:20:25 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
er.. who says there's gold? ya ya, I know, there will be items and shops, but maybe our understanding of economics and currency is not going to apply directly to an arena where demigods come to play.

In any case, there will have to be some economic system in place to allow for purchase of items and upgrades. How you receive the means to do so is a good question thats hard to debate at this point without knowing what is currently in place. Perhaps there is a constant supply of wealth/power/credits/gold/yougetthepoint or, you receive said currency as a team from killing structures or other demi's. Who knows...

Not sure where I stand, but what if your rewarded as a team. Your AI, your demi's, your buildings, whatever, kill another unit and receive credits that are then distributed evenly between the Demi's on your team. Since there are always conflicts going on, there will be a steady stream of credit. The more enemy buildings you destroy, results in more credits. The more demi's you kill, more credits. Just an idea. (amount of credit per unit/building/lvldemi subject to balance of course)
August 7, 2008 6:52:32 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
There is some sort of currency. We don't know that it's called Gold, that's just the word I'm using, sorry.

I remember Scathis mentioning them working on figuring out what should happen if an NPC creep is killed by a tower or another creep and no one is around it, who should get the gold and XP reward for the kill. So that says as of then(thought it could of changed) people where getting currency as a reward for kills and it's not (only) a set income rate.
Which gives me sufficient information to bring this up.

If everyone got an equal reward, that would be no different from a set income rate. Only difference is you'd get slightly more than the enemy if all your lanes on average pushed more, so you where killing SLIGHTLY more than they a set income that gives more to who is in the lead..

I remember mention that it wasn't ALL to one player though. Part of it went to the whole team, but who actually killed would get a better reward. This is the ideal way IMO, I just think you should get some similar way of rewarding with support stuff too.

But this could of changed.. this was months ago when Scathis said this stuff.
August 7, 2008 8:08:52 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
There is a currency in the game and currently it is Represented by $. this is evident in one of the screen shots where White text $1286(or something) is acting as a placeholder.

That alone however is not enough to base economic speculation on. For all we know maybe the entire team gets a portion of the reward when enemies are killed. maybe they even have a bounty system for killing Enemy demigods. maybe the capture points around the map supply you will currency. There too much to speculate about at this current time. so until the release a journal on the economic balancing or the tell us more at PAX we won;t really know.
August 8, 2008 1:07:34 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Ahem, on the point of this currency, yes it exists, but it could be some form of godly mystical ectoplasm as it could gold or a form of money, but we're pretty sure its used to buy things.

Now on the point of the healer getting behind because they don't have enough money/gold/ectoplasm, what if this balanced in? In the fact that each hero has their own shops? Whats to say sednas items/units don't cost less money/gold/ectoplasm?

But the idea system of money/gold/ectoplasm allocation would definitely be to split it up some how, but how is a good question. In dota money/gold/ectoplasm is rewarded on death, and there are these assist points (newer feature btw). Now, I'm sure the demigod programmers could come up for a way to tell when some one helped with a combat, why not on death split the money/gold/ectoplasm based on damage done, health healed to people who did damage, and buffed/debuffed? (granted some balancing would have to come into play) but the way this would work is based on percentages:

If hero A is worth 100 gold:
The healer would get 50 'points' a second (250 for each heal evrey 5 seconds) for healing a unit taking damage from the enemy or dealing damage
The dps (ers) would get points based off their damage lets say 75 and 25 points each a second.

So in 20 seconds, with dpser 2 getting the final hit
healer 1000 -- 36.36%
dpser1: 1250 -- 45.45%
dpser2: 500 -- 18.18%
So the healer would get 36 , dpser 46 (as he had the higher decimal and theres an unnassinged gold), and dpser 2 would get 18.

This solution would:
A) Be fair
Not create money/gold/ectoplasm out of no where
C) Prevent kill stealing
D) Prevent taking skills that provide more money/gold/ectoplasm by casting them

And for smaller creeps they could just have a simple last hit system or a simpler version of that ^, as they probably provide a lot less.
August 8, 2008 1:59:08 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
Your ectoplasm model of economics wins the Nobel prize this year
August 8, 2008 5:18:54 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
That's basically how it works in Savage2, mooey, and what i was saying.

You don't buff someone and instantly get gold/xp. You get it based on how the buffed person performs.
But it IS added gold, not gold getting taken away from the person that kills.

How about virgin sacrifices for currency?
The better you do, the more virgins sacrifice themselves to your demigodliness
August 8, 2008 6:17:36 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
Well, if there is a pure support Demigod, they should be rewarded for well.. doing their job, but perhaps they will just give all Demigods the ability to heal units. It could be an option on the skill tree and you sacrifice another ability for it.
I think it would be beneficial for every Demigod to have SOME form of healing, if not always that effective... (or at least the option to have a heal ability, depending on your playstyle)

Also, love the idea of virgin sacrifices, but representing that may ruin the T rating (a guess at the rating there )
August 8, 2008 6:35:26 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
Well while the game is a Team based Action/RPG/RTS they have said they will also have a 1v1 mode, Every demigod would need a healing method to stay competitive, but not each one needs a healing skill. The Rook heals when around structures, so from the sound of it he has to be in his base. That could apply to many of the other demigods. I remember the mention of a Recall ability to return to your castle(may have changed with Tyo's breakfast) so maybe everyone will just heal in their base or natural regen
August 8, 2008 9:31:21 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
That alone however is not enough to base economic speculation on. For all we know maybe the entire team gets a portion of the reward when enemies are killed. maybe they even have a bounty system for killing Enemy demigods. maybe the capture points around the map supply you will currency. There too much to speculate about at this current time. so until the release a journal on the economic balancing or the tell us more at PAX we won;t really know.

This The most logical way would be to make it team-based, so that the gold earned is shared among the team. Of course this has issues too with people staying out of combat to 'leech'. But anyway, like burn says, it's way too early to speculate, or suggest copying other game's models, based only on the knowledge that "something" will be used to buy a few things
August 8, 2008 4:46:49 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
Wahh every demigod having a healing would be dumb.
Unless it's the teleport to town skill and being near your castle auto-heals you. That should be all you have.

If every demigod can heal that makes healing classes less useful.

And it muddles everything together to much. They should be unique and varied.
August 8, 2008 5:05:04 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
healing is overrated, there is more fun in destruction.
If I were ever to design a game it would have no buffs and no heals, just negative, destructive and disrupting and all other kinds of fiendish abilites.
August 8, 2008 6:25:41 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
This is what I meant Innociv

When moving across the battlefield, the Queen of Thorns is carried within the petals of an closed rose that regenerates her health

See it's not a skill but it is still a way for her to regain health. I never said each demigod needs a Skill they just needed a way to heal. Which could include a natural regen. It would be like playing Supcom without being able to heal your Commander - EVER, or Not having repair bays in SoaSE.

The advantage that a Demigod with an actually healing skill would over over the others is that it would take immediate action, and could be used anywhere, not under constrained.
August 8, 2008 8:12:52 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
Doesn't mean all classes have that..
August 9, 2008 9:24:47 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
A few comments

* Not all Demigods have a way to heal outside of returning to home base. However, you can buy potions to fill that need.
* A small subset of Demigods have methods to heal themselves. Methods include Life Drain, Structure Drain, enhanced regeneration and straight up targeted Healing.
August 9, 2008 10:55:12 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
What about the topic of gold for helping/support? Tyo.

P.S. THANK YOU! (I'm not gonna stop saying it cause it's rare what you guys are doind)
August 10, 2008 12:35:42 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
The way people earn gold is ... different than what you've currently been discussing and is still under quite a bit of development.
August 10, 2008 1:50:56 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
August 10, 2008 3:40:14 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
you get gold by working in a factory or selling hand-made carpets?

August 10, 2008 3:54:57 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
A few comments * Not all Demigods have a way to heal outside of returning to home base. However, you can buy potions to fill that need.* A small subset of Demigods have methods to heal themselves. Methods include Life Drain, Structure Drain, enhanced regeneration and straight up targeted Healing.

Sounds perfect and exactly how i figured..

The way people earn gold is ... different than what you've currently been discussing and is still under quite a bit of development.

Sounds good too.
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