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By Posted July 22, 2008 02:45:30

Is there any way for those of us who can't pre-order the game (by which I mean that my debit card which is accepted by Amazon and the retail shops isn't accepted by Stardock) to get into the beta? Scathis hinted that there would be for those of us who had been around for a long time (I betaed both SC and SC:FA)

Edit: This place doesn't support URL tags. FAIL.

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July 22, 2008 12:07:38
NO ????????
July 22, 2008 15:58:23
Send someone with a credit card or a debit card with a credit card sublogo some money on paypal and have them preorder the game for you. I'd be happy to do it for ya Dead (Calbrenar/Raizic from Supcom forums) I'm sure there are others who probably know you better who would as well.
July 22, 2008 22:40:14
You could always obtain a pre-paid card through a store such as Wal-Mart. Works the same as a "real" credit card plus you can keep a balance on it for other purchases if desired.
July 24, 2008 05:20:09
We don't have that in the UK.

As for PayPal, if I was going to use that, I can order from that anyway I've heard so many stories about them robbing your money that I don't think I'm gonna touch them with a 10 foot barge pole.

Actually, I had forgotten about PayPal. I could use that.. I think.
July 24, 2008 05:39:44
You can't pre-order via paypal. I wish you could also, but i just had to lump it and use my debit card...
July 25, 2008 07:27:54
That's stupid, when your debit card isn't accepted.
July 25, 2008 09:38:03
If we don't run out of space in the first beta (it was said it'd be limited) before it starts, you'll probably have a window then in which you can use paypal and anyone else who preorders will get in instantly.
July 25, 2008 13:12:23
Just a question: If I pre-order now do I get a slot in the beta? Just heard about this, and I'm quite interested
Not sure how I can pre-order it since I live in Estonia (that's in Europe for those who don't know).

EDIT: When I went to the Stardock pre-order page I saw it accepts PayPal, but people say it doesn't. Why is that?
July 25, 2008 14:09:01
As far as I know, anyone who preorders now will be in the beta.
July 25, 2008 15:22:28
Seriously? That's awesome.
July 25, 2008 15:43:43
According to kryo earlier today, on his Demigod video thread
'Look tasty? You can get in on the upcoming beta if you preorder now'
So it looks like you will be in, as for the paypal thing, it's something about paying for a game that can't be downloaded yet, so it isn't allowed. Or, i could be completely wrong .. Sorry.
July 25, 2008 16:31:04
Well first I have to devise a way how to pay for it. Right now I have no bloody idea.
July 25, 2008 17:47:19
If you live in the states, i know you can buy pre-paid cards, and the same goes with other places too.. Other than that, i'm not sure..
July 30, 2008 09:44:07
That's stupid, when your debit card isn't accepted.

Debit card works fine as long as your bank gives you a real debit card that has a CC logo on it and not just a plain bank card. I used my debit card to pre-order.
August 2, 2008 07:53:40
Actually there are prepaid Mastercards that can be bought from most big retailers now. I bought one as a gift for a friend from W H Smiths.

Cards are ??25, ??50 and ??100.
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