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Chinese mythology

A different source of inspiration?

By Posted July 13, 2008 04:24:02

I read in the "Where do demigods go to die" post that GPG is taking some inspiration from Indian mythology.  I was thinking that you guys could also take some cues from Chinese mythology.  The most famous mythological figure in Chinese legend is the Monkey King, or Sun Wukong.  He was a monkey that was born from a stone who could use a "cloud somersault" to travel 30 000 miles at a time, who could make himself gigantic or tiny at will, could transform into various different animals, pluck out his hairs and turn them into anything he wanted, and his weapon was a "Gold-Banded do-as-you-will iron bar" that could become big or small at will and could smash practically anything.  Right there you’ve got a small, fast, and hard-hitting assassin-type Demigod.   Chinese mythology has scores of demons and mythological beings with special powers which would be worth looking into.


Just my two bits.  

0 Karma 4 Replies 1 Referral
July 17, 2008 17:51:49
I think thats a great freakin idea! I love the monkey king, and love alot of the chineese mythology and stuff. I'm still more parcial to Greek mythology my self. But chineese and japaneese is pretty awesome. I'm wondering how many of our ideas the creators are really going to look at? And i mean one of their things was i read was updating content, and adding in new content filled patches. So maybe we'll see new Heros( Assassin ) over the months after the game goes gold.
July 19, 2008 12:55:36
I agree that they should include myths from all over the globe.
Dont quote me on this, but i think a lot of chinese and japanese myths derive from indian mythology too, as buddhism came from india to china to japan, and mythology is often based around religion.
Although i do think the monkey king is a chinese original myth...

I'd personally like to see designs coming from greek and roman mythology, celtic/anglo saxon mythology, norse mythology,egyptian and western asian myths, central asian/indian myths and western asian myths.

The designers are lucky that they get to play around with so much inspiration
August 3, 2008 05:32:57
I agree that they should include myths from all over the globe.

I would love this idea, a battle of myths! lol would give the ability to add constant content to the game long after its release slowly once all heros are fully balenced, 1 more hero. balence that. one more hero. and so on..

August 3, 2008 05:51:25
Thats exactly what dota does, they add one or two heroes, balance, balance, and balance some more. rinse and repeat.
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