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To be epic or not to be

By Posted July 10, 2008 13:55:59
Epicness is something many games have tried to achieve and failed. Already you got some pretty awesome stuff going for ya, heres some of my ideas that pop into my head from simply looking at the screenshots.

Wow wouldn't it be awesome if when one of those colossus guys gets taken down it crushes whatever it falls on and makes impacts shakes the screen that kind of thing. Or hey look at this insanely basd ass epic spell/ability/whatever my general has (calls down massive meteor.

Like for instance, this game is supposed to be about strategy and such How awesome, would it be lets take the map we see in the screenshot with the three lanes and the intersecting middles lanes. How cool would it be to say use some sort of spell or ability that temporarily destroyed the "bridges" Forcing the enemy through another lane and slowing them down. The bridge would automatically come back together over a moderatly short period of time, i think it would definetly add some unseen strategy, lol or it could come down to people spamming bridge destruction. I dunno, it could be balanced though. Anyways that maps just screaaaaams throw me off the edge! will there be abilities that if aimed right could knock a player to his or her doom? As well as say a big colossus guy sweeps his massive mace across soem shorties and sends them flying?

These are the things im seeing in my head when i imagination takes over for the very little you've told us of the game (though i've already pre ordered) xD. When i think demigod i think HELL YEAH epicness to the max! Demigods tearing through enemys and herculin type guys punching through fully armoured guys. As well as massive destruction. Oh yah, will there be blood? Blood would be nice, but i suppose not encessary. Thopugh no blood tends to feel liek your catering towards the kiddies, so perhaps a little bit?

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July 10, 2008 17:44:00
much of these ideas (the bridge destruction) might be too much for a comp to handle, all the extra polygons and debris would really slow FPS down and create enormous lag issues, though your ideas seem pretty good
July 11, 2008 16:58:52
Not really, Reaver. If the bridge is made as a breakable model it'll always remain the same complexity as it animates its destruction. Of course animated destruction is lame because it happens the same way all the time. If the bridges were replaced by bridge debris at a lower polygon level, it would be easier on the engine to render a dozen or two chunks being scattered around (yay physics) before fading away when they come to a rest. After they've faded away the bridge truly doesn't impact rendering anymore, you'll just see the empty chasm where it was. Having it return after a minute of being destroyed would make a lot of sense, but only if combat in Demigod is comparable to DotA (i.e. hero on hero combat lasts roughly 5-30 seconds, depending on how evasive the prey is and how persistent the hunter(s) is/are).
July 28, 2008 17:10:11
That would be really neat. Here is my take on that idea.

Imagine a giant meteor coming from the heavens to destroy a bridge, debris flying and hitting (and killing) your units.

Or the same meteor having crashing into the bridge, but instead of destroying it, all the units it hits instantly die (while heroes would take massive damage), and it would create a shockwave that knocks over heavily armored units, and sends your lightly armored smaller units flying into the abyss, leaving a giant crater where the meteor hit.

The Rooks mace could have the same effect

"I wonder where the Rook is...."
"Just follow the giant craters"
July 29, 2008 11:40:22
All creeps insta killed and serious damage on heroes/demi's... And who gets this ultimate spell? Visually it would be amazing. Balanced? No.
July 29, 2008 13:06:21
Meh, it could have a small blast radius, or it could be a one use per game "apocalypse" class spell, or have catastrophic reprecussions on the user for invoking such a spell of chaos and destruction....

It could also make for a good cinematic, but then people would wonder who cast it, and if they find out who, how it would be obtainable. This would make players be either very excited or dissapointed, depending on whether or not you can unlock the spell.

Also another thought, it could be the way one of the demigods or old god gets wiped off the face of the planet when they are defeated. A giant fire and brimstone explosion, or other massive/spectacular scene, such as giant rays of light coming down to save an angelic hero, that would end up the demigod/old god/hero being removed from the battlefield.

Man I keep getting new ideas about the game from each paragraph I write but one other death cinematic or animation I could think of would be for Regulus, the fallen angel assassin, but when he dies, angels would swoop back down from heaven to carry him back to where he belongs.
July 30, 2008 09:25:25
Since the game draws from Dota, counterstrike, battlefield, etc, I believe that when you die, you eventually respawn rather than "wiped off the face of the planet". But in any case, I know what you mean. After seeing the first trailer, I don't think any of us have to worry about the animations. Death animations, castle destroyed animations, creep kill animations, spell animations, movement, attacks, etc all will be epic.
July 31, 2008 19:22:42
I want Dawn of War style kill-animations...

Like I want to see the rook grab a catapultasaurus by the tail and slam it into the ground or throw it hundreds of feet away.

That would be Epic.

That's really all I care about visually.
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