Eh well since this thread is about as random as it gets why don't I share a story.
I used to play WoW. We had, over the course of our guild, 6 "girls". Four of them actually were (one of them is now my best real-life friend), one remained unproven. But the story revolves around the last one..
So, we had a forum thread going where guild members could post their pictures if they wanted. So, our last mystery "girl" posts basically a portrait shot. It looks fairly normal, you know, not like an obvious model photo or anything. Now, he/she/it must've miscaltulated the hornyness (you'll excuse my French

) of a certain college guy we also had in our guild. Not long after "she" posted the picture, he replied saying he was sure he'd recognized her from somewhere. Sure enough, a few hours later he posts a link to a porn site that has the exact image, as well as a sample video clip for all to see.
Needless to say, the mystery girl took the next server transfer - and we never figured out if she was a he, or if she really did put up her own porn pic.. dun, dun, dunn...
But eventually, when you spend enough time online it becomes fairly easy to tell real girls from guys usually by the way they talk. And overly flirty "girls" online is basically a red flag in most cases