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The power of the consumer - copy protection

Mass Effect and Spore copy protection systems redesigned

By on May 10, 2008 10:21:08 AM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums

Another case of the customer knows best. Recently you may have heard about how a intrusive form of copy protection was going to be included with Mass Effect and Spore that constantly connected to the internet (at the rate of every 10 days) just to check your serial was valid (with no check = no play).

There was a huge uproar as a consequence, with many potential buyers saying that they would just simply not buy their title (or even pirate it on purpose) just to get rid of this major intrusion.


If only publishers will learn that you must REWARD your customer for purchasing your game, not punish them. Make it easier to be a customer than to be a pirate.

Thankfully the voices were heard and the decision was reversed, with the new system being limited to one online check upon install and consequent checks when you download updates (which is reasonable enough). Still the limited installs is extremely annoying as you should have the right to install the game as often as you want since you payed for it.

+4 Karma | 83 Replies
May 10, 2008 7:09:06 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
Thankfully the voices were heard and the decision was reversed, with the new system being limited to one online check upon install and consequent checks when you download updates (which is reasonable enough). Still the limited installs is extremely annoying as you should have the right to install the game as often as you want since you payed for it.

If they do it like other, similar systems, you can request additional activations. Heck, GalCiv II / Sins have limited activations -- its just that the limit is set high enough you don't run into it very easily.

Its just a matter of how its done. Activations are a (big) annoyance, but livable if I don't have to deal with a thrice-damned CD in the drive.
May 10, 2008 7:58:23 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums
This is a great thing.

However, we still need to keep the pressure on. Limited activations are not the way to go, especially when it's only 3 right now. Does anyone relish the idea of calling EA tech support and asking for another activation? I don't - and I know for a fact that within only a couple months I'll have burned my original three activations and will have to run to the phone to get a new one. And how many are they going to allow you to get before they decide you're getting too many and cut you off? No thanks, I don't think I'm in for this.

This needs to stop before more and more games start to come out with it. Imagine a couple years down the road, when you want to start installing (and activating) older games again just for nostalgia's sake - and you have to call for a new activation code for every single game. So you end up waiting, what, a few minutes? Hours? Days? For a game you want to install and play now? Why? I've already paid for the game. I shouldn't have to wait around for permission to install and play it again.

And if you're lucky enough to have activations left, where are you going to be if the worst happens and the servers are taken off line? Are you going to trust in their good will to release a patch to remove the activation requirement? I'm not.
May 10, 2008 8:19:40 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums
"EA teach sipert, no english pease."
May 10, 2008 8:33:19 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums
Quoting from slashdot:

"- Announce heavy-handed DRM
- "Listen" to backlash from fans
- Announce less heavy-handed DRM
- Pat yourself on the back when the fans lavish praise on you, knowing you still got your foot in the door anyway

Sudden outbreak of common sense, my foot!"

The DRM still sucks. It is still way more intrusive then necessary. It is still using SecuROM crap. It's not totally insane as first planned, it is "only" very bad. Yea right, go buy the game now because EA has done so much better. Welcome in the psychology trap!
May 10, 2008 11:47:50 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums
Common sense would be to strip all copy protection. However, it's significantly less (Edit)disagreeable. I will inevitably get a crack for the game if I run into an issue with the security. When the three activations are up, bypass them. Screw the phone call.

The phone home component is the idealogical sticking point that will not be compromised on. With that in it, I refuse to support the company. With that out, it's simply a nuisance and a waste of their time and money, instead of an ongoing objectionable act.

I object to being checked up on every five days, it amounts to spying. They can still drop dead for causing me grief but I wont mind giving them money in the meantime.
May 10, 2008 11:58:22 PM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums
It's less disagreeable in this form. Limited authentications means I won't pay more than bargin bin prices for the titles in question, but I wouldn't have bought them at all before.
May 11, 2008 1:43:26 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums
Wait a minute...what they had was beyond horrible. Now what they're rolling back to is just as bad as what was used on Bioshock and why I didn't buy that game either.

I'm starting to think this was done on purpose to soften people up to the idea of their latest copy-protection schemes. Next time we'll see them come out with a scheme that checks every time you play, and then they'll roll it back to the once every 10 days thing. They'll shock people and then pull back a bit. In some ways, this is likely a calculated move I would expect.

When their protection software requires me to activate, installs monitoring software onto my computer, or disrupts other programs or hardware on my system, then there isn't a chance I'll buy the game. I skipped Bioshock for its copy-protection, but I'm more interested in Mass Effect. That doesn't mean I'll buy it, but I may wait until it gets halved in price.
May 11, 2008 3:02:02 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums
Is completely confused about the celebrations.
The copy protection they've "rolled back to", is still the most intrusive measures that have been tried to date.

How on earth can people be willing to live with this form of protection.

When I buy a movie I expect it to work on any dvd player(that it's compatible with) I possess now and in the future. I should not have to beg the company to allow me to run it in how many years time.

This is not even remotely acceptable.

May 11, 2008 3:58:14 AM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

For those interested, check out the responses at the Bioware Mass Effect forum:

EA really wanna test the waters on this don't they. I hope they take this hostile reaction to heart that this is not how you treat potential customers. Particularly when your patch / post-release support history is pretty bad.


May 11, 2008 4:06:33 AM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums
Oh, come on, guys, stop complaining already. DRM sucks, true, but this new method will actually allow you to play without your CD! This is actually a step in the right direction for DRMs.

This means that I won't have to wait and search for a crack in order to install the game on my gaming laptop (I never use CD-required games on the go), and the guys who created the game will still protect their intellectual property, at least on launch day.

Mass-Effect is an RPG, which means that the game is "complete", and thus there won't be any small, incremental updates for it, a la GalCiv2/SupCom/Sins, so Stardock model of business is not 100% right for it.

Spore REQUIRES multiplayer to function properly. It is the base and core of the game - your creatures will interact with someone else's creatures all the time. Why not protect your business model that way?

While DRM sucks, I can't think of a better way I could protect my intellectual properly from warez-kids, at least on launch day. You guys like to moan, but think about it - if you buy the game, you just have to connect the PC to an internet once, and then forget about CDs or anything else. This shouldn't pose any proplem for people who legally bought the game. It's the best compromise between DRM and non-DRM.
May 11, 2008 4:28:08 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums
Phazon88: Thanks for that link. Very nice to read.
I think we have to thank StarDock for that. Before GC2 / Sins, people were complaining but didn't have a real argument against DRM. Now customers have seen first hand that there are good products without DRM and their demands did rise. Now customers start asking with confidence for a non-intrusive product. I really enjoy seeing that.
May 11, 2008 4:30:10 AM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Gormoth1: Yes while not needing the CD is good, the limited installs is not. Especially when its limited to 3 and there is no way of "revoking" a used install (which could be as easily achieved as by performing a verification check).

May 11, 2008 4:59:03 AM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums
Gormoth1: Yes while not needing the CD is good, the limited installs is not. Especially when its limited to 3 and there is no way of "revoking" a used install (which could be as easily achieved as by performing a verification check).

With all due respect, once you buy a single copy of the game, under any circumstances, you should NOT be allowed to install it on more than one or two computers. And while I might understand your concern regarding mis-indentification errors, such as the fact that you will waste 1 of your 3 tries accidently, or even regarding the fact that this is not future proofing of the game at all, since when you'll upgrade your PC you will still have to waste another install of your allowed 3, you still need to remember that this is not a free-pass for you to just buy and install on anything you wish, including your neighbours', your cousins', and your pet dog Timmy's PC. It's a piece of software that people worked very hard for.

And like I said, while I do agree that this is not really future proofing, you still need to remember that the game WILL be eventually cracked, be it a week, a month or even a year after release. The developers only aim is to protect their IP from casual downloaders, what you might call Zero-Day Piracy, in which fans simply cannot wait for the game to get to the stores and want to play it RIGHT NOW, as soon as, or even prior to the release. Stardock solved this by providing their SD central downloading service, but this work model doesn't work for each and every game, I'm afraid, for the same reasons I explained on my previous post.

For the millionth time, I do agree that DRM sucks, and I don't want to jump through hoops in order to play the game I legally purchased just as well as you do, but there aren't that many alternatives to protecting yourself from being robbed of your well-deserved money, if you're a developer. This is not a halfway bad model as you picture it, and unless you pirate your games, this is actually a better alternatives than many other forms of DRM.
May 11, 2008 5:06:15 AM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums
And just to precede the flames: no, I don't think that once you pay your measly $50 US you are allowed to do whatever you want with your purchased game, no matter how annoying this may feel.
May 11, 2008 5:30:38 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums
With all due respect, once you buy a single copy of the game, under any circumstances, you should NOT be allowed to install it on more than one or two computers.

I disagree! If I buy the damn thing it is my decision alone what I do with it. Nobody can tell me different. If anybody tries, I'll for sure not buy their game.
See how the DRM with mp3 (not playing on every device) worked. Same goes for games: I buy stuff, that means I own stuff. I own stuff, that means I can do whatever I want with it.
Big company thinks different? Screw them. That means they are never ever getting my money.

May 11, 2008 6:20:21 AM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums

You seem to misunderstand how it works though Gormoth. It basically means I can only install the game 3 times in its lifetime period (without needing to call their support and muck around). If I say, reformat my HDD 3 times over a period of say 2 years - how is it fair I have to come crawling to EA's support centre just to get the right to install the game on my PC?

Edit: this is of course assuming the activation method is driven via the registry or anything relying on information stored on the HDD.

May 11, 2008 6:57:21 AM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums
You didn't seem to read or notice the rest of my post. Like I said, the game will be eventually cracked, so this entire limit will be rendered sterile in a time period of 2 years. It is basically just to limit you from installing a fresh game on too many computers at once, that's all.

Besides, honestly, did you ever encounter the issue which prevented you from installing the game since you already installed it too many times before? Don't give me that, I'm sure you didn't. This is just an overblown exaggeration, made by pirates or people who simply don't want to be limited in any way, which is really not how it works, or at least not how it shouldn't.

MegaVolt, this is hardly the same MP3-limit issue. You can listen to a song 5 years from purchase, as it really never gets old, but you'll hardly play a game (especially a story-driven RPG like Mass Effect) more than once or twice and that's it. The devs are simply trying to protect their work while it is still sought-after. A year or two from purchase the game will be old news, and will hardly need to be protected, and this is what they're aiming at. And no, you don't own the game, you own the final copy of the game, the product itself. The devs and distributors own the game, and they have, as well as they should, complete power over it, not you, who merely dropped $50 on it.
May 11, 2008 7:47:09 AM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

I haven't encountered the issue yet (and very few others would have either) because this sort of DRM is new. The only game I have that has this sort of activation is Bioshock and at least there they have a system where I can "refund" an activation by using my serial information. Without such a system being used (such as the one proposed for Mass Effect and Spore) the limitations of limited activations will be felt in the future, and trust me Gormoth in that you'd find most people would go through 3 activations after 2-3 years easy.

You have to think forwards to the future in the consequences of such a DRM design, when people want to enjoy their games sometime after purchase without being hassled of starting a support ticket at EA just to be allowed to play their game.

As for cracking it, it should be easier to be a customer than to be the pirate no?

May 11, 2008 8:56:57 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums
You didn't seem to read or notice the rest of my post. Like I said, the game will be eventually cracked, so this entire limit will be rendered sterile in a time period of 2 years. It is basically just to limit you from installing a fresh game on too many computers at once, that's all.

If the CP system basically forces me to crack my legally purchased product to be able to play it, then I will certainly not purchase it in the first place and start with the cracking right away (meaning: use a pirated version).

Your argument really doesn't make any sense.
May 11, 2008 10:39:47 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
Besides, honestly, did you ever encounter the issue which prevented you from installing the game since you already installed it too many times before?

Actually, yes I have. But Direct2Drive's support was more than willing to give me extra activations.

Personally, I have no objection to most phone-home systems, except in that they require internet access to run. If the developers had the brains Direct2Drive did, they'd include an off-line approach to activation (either phone-in to tech support or remote-email -- just have the unlock sequence produce a request code, then next time you go to activate you can type in the request code and the unlock code you get from tech support.)

Fact is, plenty of people have "access" to e-mail, but not with their gaming computers.
May 11, 2008 11:43:10 AM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums
Gormoth1, first of all the install limit hampers more than how many machines you wish to play on at the moment. Many gamers will continue to play games several system upgrades into the future.

There is no such thing as good DRM. If I have to register online even one time to just to play the game, it is too many times. I paid for the product, or at the very least use of the product. I should be able to use it however I see fit as long as I am the one using it. I should not have to crack the code or download a patch to use something I legally obtained in a manner that is defined legal and fair use.

Treating customers like criminals is not good business, no matter how lax your measures are. If you give people a quality product that is considered a good value, and provide extras that make it worth registering the product (registering should not affect the product itself, only the extras) then you would find fewer people would pirate and more would buy.

Stardock is a perfect example of how companies should treat consumers to limit piracy. Are you ever going to be entirely free of piracy? No, regardless of what industry you are in, how good your product is or inexpensive there will always be people that are determined not to pay. People have been known to run cables from their neighbors houses for cable, phone, and internet. I have seen people put their trash with other peoples trash so they would not have to pay for it. I have even seen people go to restaurants with the intention of complaining so they could have a free meal.

In general most people are willing to pay for goods and services they feel have quality, value, and convenience. If you take away one or more of those factors people will find other ways to get what they want. DRM takes away portions of all 3. It is used to monitor your use, force you to do things that are unnecessary such as having a CD in the drive, limit the ways it can be used even if those ways are legal and appropriate, limit the potential of the product hence lowering the quality and the value. The fact is the gaming, music, and video industries are creating pirates out of frustrated consumers.

While DRM on computers is bad, DRM for movies is worse. Check out the limitations for Amazon UnBox. DVDs come region coded, encrypted with CSS, and most come in only a Full or Wide screen format. You are forced to see the FBI warnings and Anti-Piracy videos, you have to fight through security tape and cases designed to keep people from stealing the disc and you are forced every so often to buy new DVD players because the encryption has been updated. If you want to play them on your computer it can be even worse. It is no wonder they have such a piracy problem. The only people getting a convenient, quality product at a decent value are the people that didn't pay for it.
May 11, 2008 11:49:26 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums
As i understand it you can reinstall it on the same computer how many times you want. But you need to call EA when you want to install it on the fourth different computer.

As long as the 3 computer limit will be removed after some time I???m fine with it. I???d hate to discover I???m out of installs and try to find a phone number somewhere on the internet in five years when i decide i want another run of Mass Effect.
May 11, 2008 3:00:05 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums
As i understand it you can reinstall it on the same computer how many times you want.

Yes, with one caveat: if you change your hardware 'significantly', you may trigger a new activation. Problem is, no one can clear up exactly what will trigger it, and no one has said whether or not reinstalling your OS on the same machine will also require a new activation.
May 11, 2008 3:10:38 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums
Gormoth, you're reasonable, something that can't be said for some of your opposition, but you're not logical.

A three activation limit, assuming it works flawlessly, is the bare minimum for anyone who uses three computers. Lets say you have your almighty desktop, your significantly less powerful laptop that you use when the desktop is inconvenient, and your work computer that your nice boss lets you dick around on during your lunch break. An entirely legitimate setup, all three activations at once.

Now, due to the joys of imperfect programmers the world round, one of your computers suffers an irrecoverable error, the operating system no longer loads. Very easy to achieve, very problematic. There are ways of getting around almost every problem, but sometimes you're just plain fucked. There goes an install. For the rest of your life, any time you want to install that third one, you get to call EA and blow their tech support for an activation.

Ok, so most people only use one computer, they'll get to screw three installs before they're done for. Don't suppose you ever mixed a Via kt133, sound blaster live and win2k before? The joys of crashing a dozen times a day. It was a memorable experience. It was also cause for reformatting irrecoverable disk errors that halted the boot process more than those three times in a single week. I also had UPS drop my computer once, gotta love a physically broken hard drive.

Shit happens, this system of copy protection becomes a severe hassle once it does. That it will be cracked before the need to bypass it arises is irrelevant, the company is still shoving a stick up your ass just to do it. A rounded, smooth sanded stick instead of the spike shod, piston mounted version they were originally going for, but still.
May 11, 2008 3:13:48 PM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums
If a game's copy protection has the effect of making my ownership temporary, ie limited installs/activations and the like, then it is effectively a rental, not a purchase. In that case, I will pay exactly what I would pay to rent a game, and nothing more.
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