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Will America always be a superpower?

By on April 29, 2008 6:14:05 PM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums
As China continues to rise without any signs of stoping, it seems more and more likly that America is going to be second place. Will America fall into second, or will china succues stop and America will be number one until the next up and coming country wants to take first. What do you think?
+14 Karma | 596 Replies
April 30, 2008 4:04:27 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums
china will never be a superpower, and there will never be a war between powerful nations, simply because they are all co-dependent, china needs australia's coal, the USA needs everyones oil. the UN will bitch and whine if any influential nation threatens another "big" country and the rest of the world will be pretty much told to intervene, and the NATO alliance will protect the US/Britain/australia from ANY country threatening war. coz america has the military, britain has the nice clean public image as a former superpower.

and if just a few countries stopped all their exports to china, china would collapse in a VERY short time(they would have a large defecit in reaources and have to use their"safety net" supply to survive), (the communist government in china is so unpopular, it has to block some western sites just so the people of china dont see media coverage of tibet and decide to turn on their commie government and vote them out. china is too unstable to be a superpower anytime soon
April 30, 2008 4:16:31 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums
But it will be a cold day in hell before america litteraly dies.

Maybe its a cold day in hell buddy. Cause Peeps are all over the place i.e. no unity. We don't give a shit about real issues. We would rather know what Britney ate for lunch. Until the monster gas price anyway. Has gas gone up or has all the money we've been printing for the last 28 years finally devaluing our currency. America could easily fall. I'm sorry for your delusion, but America could collapse from within. We are our own worst enemy. Nuke ourselves?
April 30, 2008 6:56:12 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums
I have known many millionaires. Most of them are very nice people.You may have met the wrong ones.  
Do you know who they are?? Well let me tell you, the guy???s wife is running for office right now. Her name is Hillary.Hillary is not middle class! She's a rich jerk. What you could call a manlady. If she wins, America will be speeding down the road to ruin. Just my opinion.Etrius

Obviously you do not know how to read, I said they did not become millionaires until they were over 50 so yes they are rich NOW. But of course anti American factions (I refer to them as Republicans????) always spew their hatred of her and Bill with their name calling. The rabidness with which the Clinton haters fight is amazing, they are willing to destroy this country rather than see her win thus bringing back the days when their control of our country was reduced.

I know Bill Clinton, I used to work for him, and I know the kind of person both He and She are. Are they perfect? No, but at least when it comes to policy they will not lie to us, they will not arrange for an additional three trillion in debt be thrust upon us so that their friends can make a few billion and then move to Darfur.

They do put America first in their policies. Are they always right? Of course not, but at least they will not suspend Habeas Corpus for Americans! At least with them we will not have Americans disappearing off the streets and sent overseas to "undisclosed" prisons run by "undisclosed countries". Our treasury will not be looted as it has been for the last eight years.. Money that should have been used to fight the war on terror not lining the pockets of Halliburton and Black Water.

as far as them not being middle class you are correct about that, they are smarter, better educated and better mannered then the vast majority of middle class people.

They also know how to be as vicious as they need to be to get done what needs to be done.

I would rather see Joe Leiberman in the White House but he is not running. (unless MaCain grabs him). We could use another Bill Clinton in the white house, he could undo the damage that Bush has done to us over the last eight years, I mean, how bush and his crew botched the war is beyound me. My mother could have done a better job, hell I know six year olds that could have done no worse then this administration.
April 30, 2008 7:31:41 AM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums
SpacyPony your right, My mom could do better, why do people how seem like they have get the answer for our problems and screw up and make it worse. Spacepony by a another clinton do you hillary? because I think she would do a good job. And also what is this about us being behind technology, dude have seen what we have in production in the show future weapons, we have more military tech then any country, china probally gets their tech from bootlegging all are stuff. Also just show you know we have more powerfull weapons than nukes (I do not know why we have them, we just do). The weapons ae called Thermobaric, what they do is about heat and pressure, a fire ball that continues expanding, exploding, and literally crushing and burinig everything in its path untill it is dust. dude that is scary
April 30, 2008 7:45:56 AM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums
sorry I overestameted the power of thermobaric weapon, but is still powerfull.
April 30, 2008 7:48:59 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums
But it will be a cold day in hell before america litteraly dies.

LOL - The US is not literally alive, so it won't literally die. It will just do what the USSR did and slowly lose infrastructure and power as the money goes away.

April 30, 2008 7:52:03 AM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums
America is taking all the right steps that will lead it into decline from its #1 spot.

I'm uncertain who will take up the top dog position after us but I do know that with the way things are going we will knock ourselves down VERY soon. For example, the recent xenophobia the US is adapting; wanting to kick out all the illegals and basically halt immigration (unless it comes as rich investors). THAT is already a step-back, think about it, this nation was FOUNDED by immigrants under the ideals that anyone could come in just like they did, this generated a rich mix of cultures and ideals that enabled us to become the super-power we are now.

Second: the military, why do we insist on it so damn much? Oh that's right, because of the xenophobia. While the rest of the world focuses on coexisting in a bright future, we fence ourselves out in the corner in paranoia that everyone's out to get us. Carl Sagan said it best when he stated that we employ about half our resources and half of our best minds into pointless military efforts... Imagine if we put all that into the TRUE advancement of our SPECIES (not our nation). Then you can have a real life Galactic Civilizations.

Unfortunately our technology is too advanced for us right now. We should learn to use it to care and educate; not to insist fear with a gun showcase. Business as usual will definitely bring us down.
April 30, 2008 8:32:05 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
Answer: Yes.

Note: Germany was overrun first by the Nazis and then by the Communists and Capitalist Allies and split in two, had a wall erected in its capital city, and reunited for some reason no one can quite work out, and it now has one of the strongest economies in Europe, if not the world.

With the Cold War, America and Russia screwed themselves over royal by putting all their brains into how they could increase the yield of the nuclear bomb, and finding out cooler and more intricate and advanced ways of killing people. Germany on the other hand used its brains for actually developing itself up, and this has allowed it such a spectacular return to the world stage.

Having a better military does not make a country more advanced than another. When Britain took over India, was it because Britain was more advanced than India? Hell no. Britain just happened to have a better military at a time when India's culture was very strong, but its government was becoming slack and weak. The British, as it turns out also turned out to be very good users of the Divide and Conquer philosophy, which they used very well in India.

Even considering the Australian Aborigines, they were most likely to be the most stable civilisation ever to have existed. It is true that they were basically hunter gatherers, but their spiritual advancement was far beyond that of European Christianity, as it taught not to look to the heavens and forget the Earth, but to bring one back down to Earth, as they believed that one came from the Earth, and returned to it when one died. This type of religion, this kind of spirituality as part of any civilisation will greatly enhance the sustainability of the civilisation it is in. It was the longest surviving civilisation, and existed for 40-80,000 years before the British arrived and sacked it. If Australia and its aborigines were behind some sort of curtain that cut it off from the rest of the world, I wouldn't be at all surprised if they continued their way of life more or less unchanged far longer than the (comparitively) rapidly changing Western civilisations.

Anyway, a book by Michio Kaku written ten years ago, I don't know if it still applies, states that there is a reduced number of PhDs and whatnot being produced in the States than before, science budgets are being downsized, and many top-scientists are being laid off. This is all part of a short sighted search for short-term profits. The only reason the US scientific community has remained as strong as it is is because of a large influx of educated migrants, but as DuderSeb stated, there is an increasingly hostile view towards immigration in the States, which will cut of this resource of intelligence if allowed to continue.

"In sum, the United States is eating up its own scientific seed corn."
April 30, 2008 8:38:01 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums
Trigger happy republicans? OMG do you drink the kool-aid or do you bath in it?Just cuz Jon Stewart plays at being a reporter, doesn't mean he is one people.Somalia? Bosnia? Serbia? Asprin factories? any of those ring a bell? Forget about or yearly skirmish under the clinton regime against something? I think they did a movie about it, Wag the dog.or how about Operation Desert Fox? you know, Clinton using military force against Iraq too. Know why? Well it's because Iraq declared war on us. During the gulf war to be exact. Not only that, we've been at war with them since the start of the 90's. There was no peace treaty or surrender. We simply didn't invade, and let the UN try and set things straight. They didn't, instead the Head of the UN was a corrupt politician, and france broke every trade embargo the UN set up against iraq. So even the much beloved Clinton had to use military might against Iraq. Bush invades Afghanastan. Why? because intel points to Bin Laden being there, as well as most of his nasty little band of terrorists. So why Iraq? I mean other than us being their sworn enemy. They didn't sponsor the 9/11 attacks? Can't link them to the trade center...... BUT WAIT!!! you can. Iraq is the key sponsor of the 93 terrorist attack on the WTC. So why keep our military there now that it's done and over right? Well notice how our sword and shield is in the middle of the serpents nest, and our sworn protectors are fighting the enemy over there, instead of over here? I generally like the idea of not being stuck in the middle of a war. It sucks that our troops have to fight like this, but while they are there, that makes it hard for enemies in that region to make a big plan against our homeland, especially if they have the most poweful military on their doorsteps.But don't listen to me. I know i'm not Jon Stewart, Keith Olberman, Bill Maher, or any other extreme left winger posing as a fair and balenced journalist. I generally don't like the Bush administration either, but i don't care for mindless drones repeating what they are told any more. The moment bush didn't shot down the min. wage increase is the moment he became a true failure. I mean post ww1 germany ring a bell to anyone? making more money only makes it worth less. All it did was drag more of us down. The bottom is the bottom, no matter where it is at. Vote Obama! He promises change left and right, but does anyone know exactly what he plans on changing? yeah, I don't think so. -sigh-China doesn't need entertainment centers, they need to build and launch as many colony ships they can so they can not only fight over population, but settle and expand there empire across the galaxy. if they are lucky they will stumble upon some good settlement events.

Hate to qoute the whole thing, but well said.
April 30, 2008 8:47:48 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums
America's strength comes from it's money, which comes from capitalism. Taxes will drive off companies, sucking out money, sucking out power. As long as leftist bastards keep their grubby red hands out of the honey pot, yes. China is almost a superpower, but their gender imbalance may cause a lot of odd problems in 10-20 years. Russia, with new oil revenue, is on the way back. So, how many of us think they're going to be all nice and friendly and let the old west keep the power it's grown fat and lazy on without a fight? Canada's toast.
April 30, 2008 8:59:14 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums
Who will be the next super power?


April 30, 2008 9:46:01 AM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums
To add... I think ALL OF YOU should watch this video:

After you watch it, have everyone you know watch it, and have them show it to everyone they know and so on.

It answers the question of this and many other similar threads everywhere:

Please, do come back and say what you thought of it.
April 30, 2008 9:51:10 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums
April 30, 2008 10:08:53 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
Nothing is forever. Empire rises and falls. Superpower comes and goes. Ideas were created then lost. Even if we cannot predict the future, the word "always" will never happen.

By the way, China was the superpower for 1000 years before the rise of Europe. Only currently did it re-rise out of the ashes of physical wars and ideological wars.
April 30, 2008 10:25:38 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
The problem isn't that they make it possible to kill, or even that they make it easier to kill; its that they are way to prone to stupid accidents causing accidental deaths.This is due to a lack of respect for the firearm. The amount of "training" it would take to avoid accidents is literally minutes. As someone who grew up in a house that contained firearms, it is truly difficult to understand why a prospective owner wouldn't take the necessary minimal precautions to avoid accidents (trigger locks, keep the gun UNLOADED, lock up the ammunition, RESPECT THE GUN). But, this is a discussion for another forum. I'm done now.

A few minutes training would fix it, yet no one bothers. Something is fundamentally flawed with this equation.
April 30, 2008 10:26:35 AM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums
Russia no longer is a country but run by the Russian mafia.Gorbachev has his new party the Union of Social Democrats backed by money from the West.

Wait till the dollar is no longer the number one currency in the world.
Bill Clinton has already told us that the US won't be the number one super power in the world for long.Of course with Bill you don't whether that is instigation or prognostication.
April 30, 2008 10:27:08 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums
Well what are you suggesting Prastagus? Another american civil war? This is the technological age! The days of massive wars and are over (meet the days of massive "conflicts"!!). Nuclear weapons keep large nations from invading any other nation and the UN makes sure of that. You guys have to be realistic!

The only shocking thing i've noticed these days is how Darfur is still raging on. Here we are, at man's golden hour and we still have mass genocide... tisk tisk.
April 30, 2008 11:10:21 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums
Farmers and factory workers can not sustain a capitalist country.
I've never heard a dumber statement! Farmers and factory workers are the country.

Take emphasis on the "CAPITALIST" part. Farmers and factory workers are the country, yes. But they don't have the capital nor the education to invest in those very same factories and run them, thus the country would have a lot of workers, but very few business person/engineers/scientist/economists.

Second: the military, why do we insist on it so damn much? Oh that's right, because of the xenophobia. While the rest of the world focuses on coexisting in a bright future, we fence ourselves out in the corner in paranoia that everyone's out to get us. Carl Sagan said it best when he stated that we employ about half our resources and half of our best minds into pointless military efforts...

LOL, I accept I do not know who Carl Sagan is, but I must say he is somewhat mistaken about it being pointless. Most of the technological advances have been made because the Military had a need for it. Things like computers, the Internet, nuclear power plants, solar power cells, batteries, jet aircrafts, helicopters, satellites, the Jeep, chocolate. All of those things were funded and develop at some time for and by the military.

Good point about the xenophobia though, its seems to have increased exponentially since 2001.

April 30, 2008 11:26:28 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
I'm not suggesting anything but merely points out nothing will be "always" and used China as an example. The demise or dimishing of a superpower have many ways which could be violent or not and could be from external or internal problems.

What the main question here is the status of "superpower". It can merely be diminished, instead of destroyed, to the point of almost equal to other major powers, which means no more "super/hyper" adjectives.

The Man's Golden Hour shibfilet referred to hadn't happened yet. Much of world is still in poverty and the UN goal of reducing set % poverty in the world won't be achieved in 2010 (I believe). World hunger amid rising food and energy prices doesn't help either. People still fighting over land, resources, ideologies, religion, and views of morality. This is the age of change and chaos. If we, humans, will have an golden hour that benefits majority of humanity, it won't be in these times or any times soon.
April 30, 2008 11:28:03 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums
Always is a very long time. Given the track record of history I think its safe to say that at some point the sovriegn entity that the united states is now will no longer be the top dog.

The likeliest scenario for this change will not be china or india comming to dominance but change in the sovriegnty of the country itself most likely in the form of a north american union with canada and mexico. once that happens then the usa will no longer be the country it once was. Mexico is already having a drastic demographic effect on the internal culture of the us(over 10% of the population of mexico already lives in the us).

April 30, 2008 11:33:47 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums
Well without the military you would be most likely speaking german japanese or russian and probably not having this nice theoretical conversation on the internet right now
April 30, 2008 11:51:06 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums
I have many rather sad views on current occupation of our homeland in the world, yet, it???s not a bad thing not to be a supper power if done properly. Sweden, once an ambitious Empire, defeated by a long war with the rising power of the Russian Empire, pawing the way into its decline as a dominant power. Now Sweden is one of the most successful countries in the world, with ether the highest or second highest living standards anywhere on the globe. I don???t mind, this edgy policy of US interventions be that good or bad, grinding to the halt. I don't mind Russia, China, India, or any other would be supper power rising in place, as long as US, while loosing this supremacy, will rise in social areas like Sweden. Intact I would favor, total collapse, the most humiliating defeat of out troops possible, the most disastrous terrorist attack capable (as horrific as it sounds) if it leads us to become the best place on earth to dwell in, to be completely socially secure and so on, just like Sweden.
April 30, 2008 12:23:02 PM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums
China will need to build more entertainment structures or their morale will drop quickly due to overpopulation.Hahaha.. I love that. In all seriousness, China is on the way up. Would it be so bad to be 2nd? America is due for some dramatic changes.

Very much the patriot but after I saw this I had to wonder, why not? We are hated around the world because frankly we are the King of the Hill. Let China take the lead and get picked on for the next half a century.

April 30, 2008 12:37:27 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums
Well what are you suggesting Prastagus? Another american civil war? This is the technological age! The days of massive wars and are over (meet the days of massive "conflicts"!!). Nuclear weapons keep large nations from invading any other nation and the UN makes sure of that. You guys have to be realistic!

I love optimism... even when its clearly misplaced.

World War I -- immediately after they decided that war was so horrible, there'd never be another one! Mankind had "learned its lesson" at long long last.


World War II -- Nuklear weapons made war a thing of the past, no one could stand up against them!

Korean War, Vietnam War...

And, finally, the UN could no more stop a nation from invading another nation than it could vote in its own taxes. All it can do is try to coordinate other nations to counter the aggressor -- which is still war.

And, ignoring all that, civil war is still quite possible.

The fact is, people are people; technological progress doesn't change human nature.
April 30, 2008 12:54:24 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums
[quote]no...wait, here's something even dumber! wow...  ...America will never die. If America dies, the entire world goes with us because of our nukes. Plain and simple.really unbelievable....... *sigh*[quote]

Wrong, by that logic the world should have ended when the soviet union broke apart. so we have historical evidence that this statement is incorrect.

[quote]And your intelligent arugment why this isn't so? Tell me, how will America die? [quote]
If we know that, then it would have already occured. It will happen slowly, most likly.

[quote]For us not to be a country anymore, we would have to be all killed enough where the few survivers essentially give up.[quote]

Wrong again. Yugosalvia, (the wars came later, but Yugoslavia stopped existing before any shooting started)

I mean, crap, Europe was a war zone for centuries and we still have France, Germany, Spain, etc. right?

Go look at an old map, the boarders are diferent then they used to be, parts of france are now in Italy, parts of Germany are now in france & until the late 19th cen there was no "germany" it was a few dozen different "germatic kingdoms"

Will we lose super power status? Sure, entirely possible. You can't be number 1 forever. But it will be a cold day in hell before america litteraly dies.

We already dies once, it was called the United confederation of States, (not to be confused with The confederete States of America). died without a single shot being fired.

so history contadicts what you are saying.

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