When will the preorder be charged?

By Posted April 9, 2008 14:23:35
A quick question: if we preorder by credit card, will we be charged now, when the beta starts, or when the product goes gold/ships?  Thanks!

5 Replies 0 Referrals
April 9, 2008 14:32:05
If like Sins it was charged the day I pre-ordered the game.
April 9, 2008 14:38:46
Typically with our preorders you only get charged when you're issued your beta key, or if you order after the beta ends, at release. Depending on the bank you use they may put on a 24-48 hour hold for the amount of the order, but the actual charge won't happen until later.
April 9, 2008 14:43:06
That's what I thought happened when I preordered Twilight and Dark Avatar, but I couldn't remember. I'm trying to get a friend to preorder this with me, and he wanted to know for sure. Thanks guys!

April 12, 2008 00:32:33
So what happens if we used a debit card and don't have the money in the account when you happen to charge...?
April 12, 2008 00:43:37
So what happens if we used a debit card and don't have the money in the account when you happen to charge...?

Unless your bank provides overdraft protection, it would likely fail, and you'd need to sort it out with sales or reorder.
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