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HP Brings Back Windows 7

By on January 20, 2014 7:46:20 PM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums External Link


Join Date 04/2007

It seems that HP agrees that the Win8 UI is problematic.

Sure, MS is rumored to be perhaps thinking about maybe bringing the start button back.  I wonder if this might open their eyes a bit.


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January 21, 2014 11:54:01 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Maybe I am misunderstanding you Jafo. I can only speak for myself but I have no problem using 3rd party software to make it look good and even ad functionality. Like I said you would be hard pressed to know I was running Windows 8.1. It looks and acts just like my windows 7 system. It is no harder to use then Windows 7. Truthfully I see no benefits of nuking 8.1 and going back to 7 or xp or whatever. Out of the box yes but spending an hour of installs and tweaks is worth it to me, it might not be to you but that is alright too.

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January 22, 2014 12:19:40 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Quoting JuniorCrooks,
Maybe I am misunderstanding you Jafo.


I have no issue modifying MY 8 to work correctly....but I do have an issue with MS thinking they got it right....only to see real evidence they did not.

I am conversely quite happy they showed themselves to be so arrogant and stupid at the same time...because it meant that Stardock saw a tidy income correcting their idiocy.

An OS should not NEED outside help to make it acceptable to its purchasers... not if the Vendor actually correctly/fully understood its customers' needs/expectations.

The simple reality is....HAD they not tried to push a phone interface upon its desktop users then Phoon could rightly/justifiably argue the drop in sales of 8 was simply a product of coming along after a good OS [7] combined with flagging [maybe] sales of Desktop computers in favor of pads...[or economic times].


Now we can all sit back and observe how cleverly MS conceals its back-flip in the chase for lost revenue.

You can lay odds on no-one stepping up to the gallows to say 'mea culpa' ....

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January 22, 2014 12:42:16 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Quoting Jafo,
'mea culpa' ....
= "My mistake" -for all those who didn´t know what it meant

-As Jafo said MS is trying to rectify their mistake without admitting wrongdoing on their part, question is how far they are willing to go...

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January 22, 2014 1:01:33 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

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January 22, 2014 1:31:18 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Quoting Jafo,

Enigma Mea Culpa Vid clip

\m/ \m/

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January 22, 2014 2:48:41 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

I've never seen Win 8 in action, but I do think that MS has "balls". They've the guts to try something new and I respect that, even if it turns out less than nice for many people.


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January 22, 2014 3:09:15 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Quoting GeomanNL,

I've never seen Win 8 in action, but I do think that MS has "balls". They've the guts to try something new and I respect that, even if it turns out less than nice for many people.

That was SO Not the case when releasing Win 8, "Balls" had nothing to do with it.

-Especially since MS does not have any

Edit: Or brains either for that matter Lol

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January 22, 2014 4:41:30 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

I believe that Microsoft became extremely jealous of Apple's business model and the massive revenue that it generates. Simple as that. They wanted their own app store, and their own iPad (the Surface), and a similar way of forcing people to buy stuff. 

I use Windows 8, I also have an iPad, iPhone, and iMac. The thing is, I accept Apple's business model, because it has always been the same from day one. But I resent Microsoft trying to force me into their new way of working, because, let's face it, I have rarely had to pay for software (or "Apps"if you prefer) for as long as I've had a computer. 

Microsoft have made a LOT of money in the past, and I think they just wanted to get back to their glory days by changing the business model. Unfortunately, I think they just did it too late, when their customers are used to having so much freedom and choice with their computers.

It's just about the money....... It's always about the money.

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January 22, 2014 5:30:08 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

What Bryan said....

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January 22, 2014 6:51:22 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Quoting Jafo,

What Bryan said....

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January 22, 2014 7:03:14 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

I don't see what an app store has to do with a radical change in interface design...

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January 22, 2014 7:19:26 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Quoting GeomanNL,
I don't see what an app store has to do with a radical change in interface design...

Both are indicative of a change of 'direction' with MS....they now want to follow Apple...instead of leading [through popularity].

Your task now is to take several years off and personally invest in a history of OS and GUI involvement/development [education].....just so you 'do see'.


Cynics even regard the '8.1' terminology adoption as a direct imitation of the Mac OS....and as I've said before....MS can name theirs after canines....not which case 8.1 can be 'Mongrel'....

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January 22, 2014 7:31:16 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

It's all going to go down the drain anyway when your PC is nothing but a dumb terminal that displays color. Cloud OS and Apps are within the near future and THAT will be the mother of all suck.

I don't think you are going to see the old start menu (as you know it) on the next version of Windows though. I suspect it will be a hybrid of modern ui and traditional start menu. Time will tell. 

I'm in the minority as one of those that see / have no issue at all with the new start menu. I can navigate it, add to it, and launch my programs from it faster than the old one. I can't customize it though without jumping hoops. 

I do see the money aspect of Start8. Congratz to Stardock for capitalizing on that one. Face it, it was needed if you wanted to keep Windowblinds alive. It wasn't needed to make the OS usable.

 ModernMix is a different story as it adds a much needed function that was left out.

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January 22, 2014 7:53:51 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Quoting Phoon,
It wasn't needed to make the OS usable.
ModernMix is a different story as it adds a much needed function that was left out.

True....though curiously more of 'Joe Public' would think the converse....the 'apparent' lack of a 'start button' bottom-left would simply have led to a rash of terminal head-scratching...

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January 22, 2014 8:09:22 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

When I read your comments, it sounds like MS will turn your own PC into some kind of XBOX or an apple iPad, with in-built limitations.

But that would be the end of the digital world as we know it. It's hard for me to believe that. Isn't that just some kind of conspiracy-theory?

If MS would really do that, PC owners will turn to Linux-based systems.


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January 22, 2014 8:31:08 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Quoting GeomanNL,
If MS would really do that, PC owners will turn to Linux-based systems.

They can try ...but eventually potential loss of market dominance will be a real wake-up call .... long before the great unwashed have to go out and buy propeller hats....

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January 22, 2014 10:21:13 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

All this opinion swapping because HP took a backward step with its OEMs

Wish there was a "shaking my head" - "really, not this shit again" smiley to convey.. um.... exactly that.

I've just come back from because I was looking for an artice I believe I read there regarding 2013-14 HP machines that were duds regarding power, perfomance and reliability... and yes, it was a hardware based issue... NOT OS related.   However, some bright spark at HP found that Win 7 ran better on these machines than Win 8.... hence the topic of the OP

Thing is, I couldn't find the article again and now I can't be bothered as it is 01.20am and I'm too tired to care.

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January 22, 2014 12:02:49 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

what do any of you think about steams new box pc thing coming out later this year?

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January 22, 2014 12:08:07 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Guys, it's all relative.


I think 8 is fine. But I'm a guy with 6 monitors, and lots of ram. I see performance improvements, sure. Lots, MOF.


But, IF you run 5/6 monitors, who cares if an app is full screen? You still have 4 more free. Multitasking is easy.

Ugly as it is, the start page isn't so bad, IF you have 5 other monitors to use for other things.


I like 8.1 ok. I don't get on here and preach it because I totally realize that it's not for everyone.

I always did like tinkering with the new. And exploring new ways/things. I am a curious redneck.

I have decided to go all 8. But here, on the main rig, I will "Stardockize".


My other two rigs will be left at default.


One thing I don't understand. How did my Windows 8.1 rig sync with my iPad?


I opened the iPad today, after a week or so of non use, and I see that Safari has synced with IE and all my favorites have synced. Didn't see that coming.

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January 22, 2014 12:11:11 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Oh, and as far as booting in 10 seconds, that does require not only a UEFI bios, but also a UEFI OS. Something that is an OEM thing, although, I did find some stuff on the web about making your own UEFI install with an 8 iso.


And it's still a hybrid fast boot, not a cold boot from a full shutdown.


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January 22, 2014 12:48:13 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Quoting RedneckDude,
One thing I don't understand. How did my Windows 8.1 rig sync with my iPad?

I opened the iPad today, after a week or so of non use, and I see that Safari has synced with IE and all my favorites have synced. Didn't see that coming.


either via iTunes when you plug-in your device. or via iCloud.


personally i keep my bookmarks synced with Yandex.Browser which i use on all my devices, and have almost no bookmarks in Safari.


may i suggest Pocket, it's a very nice service for "temporary bookmarks" (stuff you want to read later or on an other device)

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January 22, 2014 7:03:02 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Quoting RedneckDude,
I did find some stuff on the web about making your own UEFI install with an 8 iso.

It's very easy to do, I've done it on 2 devices, one of which actually was shipped with W7 also is how you get the full backup functionality from doing a clean 8.1 install...

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January 23, 2014 12:58:48 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Quoting Jafo,

Quoting benmanns, reply 4I think the problem is Hardware based not Software based It is by far easier to blame someone else than to confess that the cause lies within your own roots...I had a HP-system - waste of money and it perfomed like a 386 compared to equal systemsNo OS can change that Still a good thing for those that want Windows7 but the wrong choice of Hardware in my eyes.

That's not going to be the it is 'alleged' that 8 is lighter than, you boots faster [desktop [for what it's worth] functions sooner because a lot of loading is hidden in background]....

The slow take-up of 8 is not 'because' there is a lot of perfectly good functioning 7's the same would have been said for 7...because there was a lot of perfectly good XP's around.  The difference is that 7 was seen as an improvement worth getting....and 8 simply is NOT.

Yes, a lot of people have tablets, etc....but you still need to look at new PC sales percentages/increases to 8's uptake....and again here is someone saying 'nope, 8 is a dud....we'll stay with what the customer asks for'....

Spin it all you want...but MS needs to thank Stardock for providing so many of its [MS] customers with sanity-saving software functionality.....

It may be the OS that comes along with it sure since some people demand 7
What i was refering to is that no matter how fast the OS the hardware still isnt the greatest.
You could get linux and it would still not perfom equal to a self build rig, the performance per (dollar/Euro) you get is just to low on HP systems sorry.
And that might aswell be a reason to try jumping back to windows7...
We will know for sure the next time they balme slow sales once again on something 

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January 23, 2014 6:49:50 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Quoting Jafo,

I have no issue modifying MY 8 to work correctly....but I do have an issue with MS thinking they got it right....only to see real evidence they did not. 

Well when was the last time a consumer that paid 200+ bucks for an OS, was totally Happy - i know i sure wasnt with windows7, on standart without 3rd party software its fugly same as 8 just a different style of uglyness, also just look at the IE explorer NAV buttons in windows7
  Design just isnt MS thing the priority is speed and stability... 
Quoting Jafo,

I am conversely quite happy they showed themselves to be so arrogant and stupid at the same time...because it meant that Stardock saw a tidy income correcting their idiocy.
Yupp good for SD, if they have gained enough, what i hope i would love to see them invent a windows8 START - that is skinnable im sure we can make it pretty also. (what i have in mind customizeable tiles background frames animated backgrounds) I guess the demand or the num bers arent high enough yet to work on something like that to be spitting out enough profit. ( i can understand that since so many hate on 8 )
Quoting Jafo,

An OS should not NEED outside help to make it acceptable to its purchasers... not if the Vendor actually correctly/fully understood its customers' needs/expectations.

I agree but like i mentioned before they would have needed better tutorials... 
And to this two edged sword- some can and do like it... even folks that first said its shit / Only Kona is still confused he sometimes likes it then again he doesnt.

Would like to add im currently testing a windows8 phone i have no clue about smartphones well a little but im not used to them...
if you have fat fingers like i do, navigating through the menu or typing text on a tiny corner of the screen is horrible
Wonder why nobody is complaining about that ? Its frustrating seriously 

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January 23, 2014 7:22:50 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Quoting neone6,

Quoting Jafo, reply 27'mea culpa' .... = "My mistake" -for all those who didn´t know what it meant

-As Jafo said MS is trying to rectify their mistake without admitting wrongdoing on their part, question is how far they are willing to go...

Andy i don´t see many mistakes unless one and that isnt the interface
a system for multiple platforms / STILL useable and functioning no matter how you turn it the only thing forgotten :
liveapps should be able to run on the desktop without 3rd party software.

The Design is as always not the greatest, but that is only my opinion
It sounds like you do agree with Jafo that because a touch inspired interface was added to a desktop PC the whole thing is a mistake.
So everyone who enjoys Windows8 is mistaken aswell since its not compelling to the mass -? ok    


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