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Drive-by 1.2 BalMod release (test)

By on April 10, 2012 5:26:11 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Join Date 04/2009


-Remove superfluous changes in Balance Mod 1.1
-Include minor Citadel Upgrade changes into BalMod (nothing crazy like seen in MOBA)

LINK REMOVED, Play 1.3 instead

This will play more like normal Demigod with additional options.

Main Changes
- Price curve of most level IV citadel upgrades have been normalized
- Restored beta values of Gold 2 and Gold 3 production (so +4 each instead of +2)
- Altered some reinforcement behavior to be more aggressive to Demigods for additional lane pressure
- Assigned Armory upgrades to same price curve as Building Firepower


1) The increased gold production relieves some pressure of having to save for Reinforcement upgrades. This allows for more flexibility in purchasing items / citadel upgrades.

2) Reduces the pressure of feeding the enemy if upgrading to priests before fielding all other reinforcements. Basically, if there is a creep control weakness in the enemy Demigod selections, you can field priests + armory 1 (and maybe 2) earlier to apply significant pressure to the lanes. This increases the inherent strength of certain Demigods with stronger creep control abilities such as Torch Bearer and Queen of Thorns, as well as creep control items.

As usual, for the best results with balance mod 1.2, you should enable Uberfix, Enhanced AI and and Enhanced UI.

Change List

Warp Area: Added Debuff Immune (normally no debuff immunity)
Elusiveness 10%,20%,30% Dodge (normally 5%,10%,15%)

Mode Switch time 0.8 seconds (normally 1.5 seconds)
Consume Damage is 100,200,300,400,500 (normally 100,175,250,325,425)

Base Speed 6.0 (normally 6.3)
Diseased Claw 5%,10%,15% speed reduction (normally 5%,7%,10%)
Bestial Wrath Duration 10,10,10,15 (normally 7,7,7,10)
Foul Grasp Drain 83,166,249 (normally 83,125,166)

Maim: 5%,10%,15% (normally 5%,7%,10%)
DeadEye: Proc 8% (normally 3%)

Rally lasts 10 seconds (normally 5 seconds)

Ball Lightning Damage 25,50,75,100  (up from 20,25,30,35)

Entourage Damage 10,20,30 (normally 6,12,18)
Spike Wave Cooldown 10,10,10 (normally 10,10,15)
Uproot Range 35 (normally 20)
Compost Shambler Damage: 4,6,8,10,15,20 (normally 4,6,8,10,12,14)
Compost QoT Range +1,+2,+3,+4,+5,+6 (normally no range)
Gspike Mana Cost 425,500,675,750 (normally 500,500,675,750)
Mulch Time To Damage 0.5 sec (normally 2 sec)

Poison Arrow: Slow 15% (normally 10%)

Yeti Damage: 30,60,90,120 (normally 30,37,44,51)
Yeti Wild Swing Radius 3 (normally 2)
Life's Child: Proc @ 50% life (normally 30%)
Inspiring Roar: Evasion 20% Duration 20 (normally 15% / 10)

Lod Ereburs
Bat Swarm II Range 25 (normally 30)
NightCrawler Base Speed 6.3 (normally 6)
NightCrawler Turn Rate 360 (normally 180)


-Sabatons: Cost 400 (normally 600)
-Assassin's footguard: 10% Chance to do 1.5X critcal (normally no ciritical hit chance)
-Iron Walkers +450 Armor +800 Mana (normally no armor / mana)
-Desperate Boots: Activate on 50% Health (normally 30%)

-Plate Visor: +260 Mana (normally no mana)
-Theurgist's Hat: +70% mana, 10% proc (normally 35% mana / 5% proc)
-Vinling Helm: 5% proc effect (up from 3%)

-Armor of Vengenance: +10 life per second (normally no life per second)
-Groffling Warplate: Proc chance 5% (up from 1%)
-Platemail of the Crusader: Proc Chance 3% (up from 1%)

-Gauntlet's of Depair: Mana drain 525 (up from 300)
-Slayer's Wraps: CritChance 15% (up from 10%)
-DoomSpite: Cleave Radius 3 (normally 1.5) Proc Chance 50/33 (up from 25/16)

-Blood Stone Ring COst 1250, LifeSteal 4% (normally 3%)
-Warlord's Punisher: Range = 20 (up from 15)
-Ring of the Ancients: +10% Attack Speed (normally no attack speed)
-WarpStone: Instant Cast (normally 0.3 Second Cast)

-Robust Rejuv: Cost 375 (normally 450)
-Hex Scroll: Cost 150 (normally 250)
-Scroll of Restoration: Cost 150 (normally 250)

Artifact Consumables
-Enhanced Health: Cost 400 (normally 800)
-Enhanced Mana: Cost 400 (normally 1000)
-Revitalization Elixir: Cost 500 (normally 1000)
-Supreme Health: Cost 750 (normally 1200)
-Supreme Mana: Cost 750 (normally 1500)
-Supreme Revitalization Elixir: Cost 900 (normally 1500)

-Cloak of Elfinkind: Dodge 20 (normally 15)

Favor Items:

-Goggles: 10% chance to do 1.5x damage (normally no crit chance)
-Charm of Life +10 Health Per Second (normally 5)
-Brilliant Bauble: +250 Health +175 mana (normally none)
-Blood of the Fallen +600 life (normally +800)
-Staff of the Warmage: +1050 mana (normally 800)
-Diamond Pendant: Mana 525 (up from 250) Cooldown 13% (up from 10%)
-Amulet of Teleportation: Cooldown 30 (normally 45)
-Cape of Plentiful Magic: Radius 15 (normally 8)
-Saam-Els Cloak: +10% Movement (up from +5%)
-Wings of the Seraphim: Radius 15 (normally radius 8)

-Poison Dagger: 10% Attack Speed (normally 5%)
-Essence of Magic: Cooldown 30 (normally 45)
-Furious Blade: +250 Life (normally +100)

-Chared Totem of War: Damage 25, Minion Attack Speed 5% (normally 15 damage, no minion attack speed)
-Pendant of Grace: +20 dodge for demigod and minions (normally +10% for demigods, +15% for minions)
-Horn of Battle: +100 Minion life over 10 seconds (normally 50 life over 20 sec)
-Blood Soaked Wand: 1 second cast (normally 2 seconds)
-Cloak of the Night: Cooldown 45 (normally 60)


Damage 90 (normally 45)
Targeting Prioirty: Catapultasauri -> Priests -> Everything

Targeting Priority: Demigods -> Structures -> Everything

Targeting Priority: Demigods -> Structures -> Everything

Citadel Upgrades:
-Fortified Strucuture 4 = 4200 (reduced from 4800 to normalize price curve)
-BlackSmith4 = 4200 (reduced from 4800 to normalize price curve)
-Armory1 = 500 (normally 1200: Troop armor put on Building Strength Price track)
-Armory2 = 1500 (normally 2400)    
-Armory3 = 2500 (normally 3000)
-Armory4 = 3500 (normally 5400)
-Graveyard3 = 3000 (Reduced from 5400 to normalize price curve)
-Trebuchets = 2500 (Reduced from 3200 to normalize price curve)
-Finger of God = 3500 (Reduced from 4000 to normalize price curve)
-Gold2 = Produce 4 gold (normally 2) restore to beta amounts
-Gold3 = Produce 4 gold (normally 2) restore to beta amounts

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April 12, 2012 6:53:20 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Some tier 1 player mentioned consume damage in passing.

Here is the explanation, the main being that there is an additional potential depending on Ring of Fire and how long you stand on it. Sometimes you cannot avoid it (snare/stun)

Fire TB Burst

@7 = Fireball 850 + Nova 400 = 1250 + Ring of Fire 60-600
@10 = Fireball 1050 + Nova 600 = 1650 + Ring of Fire 60-600
@15 = Fireball 1350 + Nova 800 = 2150 + Ring of Fire 150-1500

Old Ice TB

@7 = Ring of Ice 600 + 500 (250 x2 shatter) = 1100
@10 = Ring of Ice 800 + 650 (325 x2 shatter) = 1450
@15 = Ring of Ice 800 +  1275 (425 x3 shatter) = 2075

New Ice TB

@7 = Ring of Ice 600 + 600 (300 x2 shatter) = 1200
@10 = Ring of Ice 800 + 800 (400 x2 shatter) = 1600
@15 = Ring of Ice 800 +  1500 (500 x3 shatter) = 2300 + Fireball 1350

Some other considerations

Fire Nova vs Ring of Ice
-Fire Nova is a meta hit, any Soldier below Angel is killed instantly regardless of life. With upgrades, priests can live through Ring of Ice.

Heart of Ice vs Soul of Fire
-Speed has more utility then snare... snare requires an enemy to be useful
-Speed is useful with or without an enemy

Fire and Ice Synergy (as indicated above)
-Ice TB gets Fireball added to his arsenal
-Fire TB gets consume, which does not cause damage without ring of ice or frost nova effects on the target.
-Damage potential from skills has equilibrium, with both paths being able to do exactly 3650 damage.

I hope that sums up the reason why it was increased.

My perception is that Ice/Fire/Hybrid TBs are tier 1 Demigods now
Some reasons
-Mode shifts are manageable... if you get caught in the wrong form, you are not stuck being unable to retaliate. This also opens up Hybrid TB for non-elite players.
-Ice TBs damage potential does not lag behind fire TB anymore
-Cit Upgrades: Early priests with Armor/Firepower that will target enemy demigods are threatening when the wave is turned against them. I think this is probably one of the larger things people can't wrap their heads around. Most of the time they are only facing priests after they are heavily geared and leveled... and do not realize that you have a big problem at level 7 when a Smith/Armor1 priest wave is turned against you with Firenova, or that priests can let you build up a triple wave if left unattended. (eg: you get kicked out of lane and the enemy lets the wave accumulate rather then fight before pushing)


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April 12, 2012 7:17:57 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

pacov 's ya.  All fixed.

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April 14, 2012 10:25:35 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Sgt. Jim Gordon: “You're just one man?
: “Now we're two.

Heh, one download.

Whoever downloaded it may possibly be the most awesome person on the planet...

1 download = worth it to do the work.

I forgot to mention, restoring +4 gold on Currency II and Currency III greatly increases the value of Coin Purse, this is why the +2 gold per second was removed from balmod 1.1.

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April 14, 2012 10:46:31 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Whoever downloaded it may possibly be the most awesome person on the planet...

aw... i didn't do it...

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April 16, 2012 6:00:15 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

This just in! Essence of magic now making blade of the serpent obsolete. 

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April 16, 2012 7:59:02 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting OMG_ZEX,
This just in! Essence of magic now making blade of the serpent obsolete. 

Feel free to expand on that...

As I see it, the use of this item is for a hybrid builds: single skill / passive skill builds.
it allows most Demigods to fire off one skill in the 3 second window.

Most cannot chain their skills in this time.

A few exceptions are DA and UB

Just for everyone else on how it works, skills that take time to deliver damage do not subtract mana until the end of the attack animation. eg: Rook's hammer mana is only subtracted after it lands, so you cannot chain boulder/hammer for free because it takes too long. Infact, the game is smart enough to know this.. you cannot fire the hammer in the boulder/hammer combo without having enough mana to do it, even if you are under EoM when you could start hammer.

Some uses

Reg: Fury / Mines build. The +7 keeps the mana going during AA attacks, and you use the 3 second window to lay strategic mines,
During combat, you will have enough mana pool (assuming Unbreakable boots) to toss 4 sets of mine.

UB: Wrath / Ooze build: You have enough time to grasp -> wrath, as long as you use wrath to break the grasp ASAP
Spit / Ooze build: Same thing, you can grasp -> Spit


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April 16, 2012 8:01:06 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

DB post fail

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April 16, 2012 9:16:40 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

BotS was mainly used on UB and TB. I wont even bother talking about rook or reg because if you use BotS on them you are doing it wrong. if you can't nuke in 3 s with tb you are doing it wrong and a 30s cd is enough time to rain of ice or circle of fire a minion wave and have essence off cool down for the next one. 

Not to mention DA wont even have to buy a mana item anymore. 

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April 16, 2012 11:15:23 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting OMG_ZEX,
if you can't nuke in 3 s with tb you are doing it wrong

This cannot be done, it's not a matter of doing it wrong.

You can do 2 out of 3 fire spells, or 2 out of 3 frost spells.

Even trying to do the fast casting spells in a weird order does not help eg: Rain of Ice -> Deep Freeze -> Frost Nova is not doable, as frost nova subtracts mana after it is finished casting, which occurs outside the 3 second window.

Not to mention DA wont even have to buy a mana item anymore.

Agreed, this was always the point of EoM, and anyone who ever bought a mana item with EoM DA was doing it wrong.

I'm pretty sure nothing has changed, and that opinion is 45 second EoM still sucks on DA. (I know, because I regularly brought it up previously, and kept getting rebuked that EoM DA sucks, even by you lol)

So again. 30 second EoM doesn't really change anything that I can see, other than letting sucky EoM DA be viable, and opening up paths for 1 active skill / passive skill builds.

Previously we tried 5 second duration EoM in these mods, and this was actually doing what you just brought up, obsoleting BoTS because you could chain skills.

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April 17, 2012 1:49:05 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I am pretty sure you would see UB start to run Essence, tb, and many many many more DA's using it. 30s cooldown on that item is pretty enticing for these characters and I am sure BotS use would go down significantly or just flat out being replaced by essence because characters like hybrid ub and fire tb could eliminate the only helm from their builds.


I guess is this a bad thing? Not necessarily but I find encouraging more hp stacking in a game dominated by it already might not be the route to take.

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April 17, 2012 3:42:25 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Just thinking out loud, I need step through to remember why changes were made the way they were.
For certain EoM as it is, is not really a great item. (everyone can agree to that?)

UB @ Level 10

Essence of Magic
1196 Base + 210 EoM + 600 Unbreakable
2006 Mana
1 extra item choice though


Blade of the Serpent
1196 Base + 400 BoTS + 1050 Vlemish + 600 Unbreakable 
3246 Mana

Grasp I = 800 Mana
Spit IV = 950 Mana

EoM recharge = 30 (at best gives you a grasp -> spit which is worth 1750 mana)
BoTS recharge = 45 (only procs about 2000 mana back on UB though)

I'd say they are more or less even now. The 45 second bridge is way too long on EoM, you are going to run out of mana way before you can get a free burst.

So the choice is
More life using EoM (or more flexibility in itemization as I prefer to call it )
More mana staying power with BoTS if you use it properly.

The difference will come in their usage I guess.

Vs a BoTS user you'll be trying to run then out of mana and attack when they can't recharge.
Vs an EoM user you'll be trying to goad them to misfire EoM and waste it. One stun / interrupt or "move out of range" during EoM is pretty painful if you are running no other mana items, because you will run yourself out of mana and be stuck firing your skill burst only every 30 seconds.

I suppose you could run a helm with EoM and have a stronger advantage with some free spells in the burst... but again it is telegraphed, so getting interrupted / stunned / avoided is still just as painful because you won't have the mana to operate like you would with a 2 helm build, so it is not necessarily stronger.

If anything, it makes CoN more powerful as a counter choice...

I kind of like that in this game actually... not everybody takes a favor right away, because it can be disadvantaged with a different counter favor choice. The players jockey and someone is eventually forced to take a favor that gives them netier an advantage or disadvantage, and then you get to pick the one that gives you an advantage.

If anyone has any thoughts on EoM (both as it is in normal demigod and as it is in bal mod) please share.

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April 17, 2012 4:02:03 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I just got the game and even though I only played it for 2 days I really like. Curious why it never became an instant hit though.

Anyways, yesterday I installed "Latest Demigod Mod Installer." Do I need to install BalMod too?

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April 17, 2012 4:09:21 PM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums

Quoting darkerhelmet,
Anyways, yesterday I installed "Latest Demigod Mod Installer." Do I need to install BalMod too?

Welcome!  I'd take some time and read over the info on the latest Demigod Mod Installer page so that you know exactly what you already have.  If you are just getting started and are playing online, I'd recommend just enabling the enhanced UI mod.  I think it's best to see what the game is like and then try out some of these other mods.  The balmod more or less changes the game up quite a bit and it may or may not be to your liking.  Definitely give it a shot, though, but always good to know what you are running with.

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April 20, 2012 9:14:21 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting pacov,

Quoting darkerhelmet, reply 12Anyways, yesterday I installed "Latest Demigod Mod Installer." Do I need to install BalMod too?

Welcome!  I'd take some time and read over the info on the latest Demigod Mod Installer page so that you know exactly what you already have.  If you are just getting started and are playing online, I'd recommend just enabling the enhanced UI mod.  I think it's best to see what the game is like and then try out some of these other mods.  The balmod more or less changes the game up quite a bit and it may or may not be to your liking.  Definitely give it a shot, though, but always good to know what you are running with.

Hrmmm I would think you should also enable the Enhanced AI mod, maybe set it to easy or normal. The regular AI does things no person should ever do, no matter how new they are... the other kids would laugh at you.

Does anyone have anything else to say?

It could even be a "not required" to further consolidate the list of changes.
I know I said I was leaving, but the mod could still be in a better state I think, and I want to get it done.

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