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March 9, 2012 9:00:11 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

It looks like Start8 is off to a good....start.

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March 9, 2012 9:03:35 AM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums

First two links go to same engadget article ID.

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March 9, 2012 9:11:35 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Quoting Neilo,
First two links go to same engadget article ID.

Not anymore...

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March 9, 2012 9:14:08 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Quoting Neilo,
First two links go to same engadget article ID.

Hmmm, it takes mr to Tom's Hardware but I get this:



The page you requested couldn't be

EDIT: The link is working now.

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March 9, 2012 9:18:08 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

No surprise its getting attention, cool app, the actual user experience with Windows 8 is really bad and

the more utilities we can get to make things work, the better.

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March 9, 2012 9:25:35 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Looks like they missed the one click shut down.

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March 9, 2012 1:21:52 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Quoting DrJBHL,
Looks like they missed the one click shut down.

Technically, three.  Right for menu, then left to select, then left again on the "OK" button, but still a vast improvement.  

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March 9, 2012 2:14:48 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

I posted this link yesterday in another thread: they have a lot of good information there in addition to the plug for Start 8. Got some good info on how to make the right click menu in Win 7 more useful. Also, they have some good info on using Win 8.

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March 9, 2012 2:27:00 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Yay Stardock. All I can say is I love it!!!

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March 9, 2012 2:36:25 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Quoting Rosco_P,

Quoting DrJBHL, reply 6Looks like they missed the one click shut down.

Technically, three.  Right for menu, then left to select, then left again on the "OK" button, but still a vast improvement.  

Right clicks and selects don't count unless you work in Support. 

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May 13, 2012 12:40:30 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

PC mag also posted an article in their recent magazine about Windows 8 and the new Ivy Bridge processors, mentioning that Stardock has the best program out their for people who are peeved about the loss of a start button. Congrats on being awesome Stardock.

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