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Lowering lag/spike/delay

By on December 18, 2011 11:29:25 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Join Date 12/2011

Hi! Got my game today and I'm very disapointed that I can't play it, due the very very high lag and delay on multiplayer games. Single player is fine as it should be, but multiplaer is simple impossible. Can't dont anything wtihout experiencing huge lag. Is there anyway to solve this?


ps: I'm a steam user

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December 19, 2011 2:49:26 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

First step is tell us from what country you are. Second how big is your average ping to other players?? Max ping to play is 300 ping, good ping to play comfortable game is 90-150. Most games is 3v3, in smaller games people can have little bigger ping. In 4v4 or 5v5 group must have good ping to each other.

How fast internet you have (download and upload speed). Next did anybody use your internet connection in your home in this same time?? You download some torrents or other files when you try playing?? Maybe your firewall or antivirus block something. 

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December 19, 2011 7:21:51 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I'm from Brazil

My ping to some player is some times 500 but on most players go for 300


My internet is good. 10mbps download and 0.94 mbps upload -

No. Nobody uses my internet besides me.

No. I don't play with torrents.

No. There's nothing blocking my anything on my game.

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December 22, 2011 5:22:32 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Demigod uses a netlag setting of 300 or 350 as far as I remember. So if you have a ping of 300 or somtimes even 500 to other players, that can be a problem.

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