Concerning the DG changes
Demon Precision Chance 20,30,40,50 (normally 10,20,30,40)
Elusiveness 10,20,30,40[assassin speed] (normally 5,10,15)
Warp Area: Debuff Immune during hops
-Can't say much about that, exept that it is a good thing to tweak that skills.
Mode Switch 0.8 seconds (normally 1.5 seconds)
PermaFrost consumable by Deep Freeze
FireNova 400,650,900 (normally 400,600,800)
- Reducing the mode switch time is great, imho. And to make PermaFrost consumable is a nice but not too high damage push for ice TBs. The increase of Fire Nova seems to be cosmetic to me but I wouldn't argue about that.
Base Speed 6.0 (normally 6.3)
Inner Beast Move Speed 5,10,15 (normally 5,7,10)
Diseased Claw 5,10,15 (normally 5,7,10)
Ooze Attack Speed penalty 10,15,20,25 (normally 10,20,30,40)
Acclimation 20% (down from 40%)
Bestial Wrath Duration 15,15,15,20 (normally 7,7,7,10)
- I really like the changes here. The decreasing of the base speed in combination with increasing inner beast and diseased claws is really nice. Diseased claws is now an real option to invest in. The increasement of beastial wrath to that long duration, really makes it shine and the high mana cost is justified now. Maybe it gets too strong endgame? Hope to get some experience with that soon.
Angelic Fury mode speed +5%
DeadEye Proc 13% (normally 3%)
Impedance Bolt Proc 20% @ 20 seconds (normally 10% @ 10 seconds)
Maim 5,10,15 (normally 5,7,10)
Scope +Vision 3,6,9
- The speed increasement with angelic fury is a nice thing, so investing 1 skill point could be worth it. Still, it is not worth investing more I think, maybe an alternated veangence skill could be nice. Deadeye proc number looks really high but I can't tell if it's too high. Impedance bolt looks strong now. Whenever you engage someone with AAs, he/she will surely be under the influence of it. But it's a Lvl 15 skill, so maybe it is ok. The changes to maim are good and the +vision to snipers scope are a nice add, I like it.
Rally lasts 10 seconds (normally 5 seconds)
Pen Damage 200,375,550,725 (normally 200,400,600,800)
- As I said in another thread(s), I think shield is overpowered and need to be nerferd.
Ball Lightning Damage 25,50,75,100 (up from 20,25,30,35)
Ball Lighnting Mana 250,375,500,625 (down from 450,625,800,975)
- I can't imagine that someone will use Ball lightnings before Level 15, because Blastoff and chainlightnig are just better. Still it will help for more burst damage at lvl 15 and the reduced mana cost is good for spamming BLs. I can't tell if it's good that that way.
Entourage Damage 12,24,36 (normally 6,12,18)
Mulch Time To Damage 0.5 sec (normally 2 sec).
Uproot Range 20,25,25,30 (normally 20,20,20,20)
Uproot Cooldown 15,15,10,7 (normally 15,15,15,15)
Spike Wave Snare 20,30,40 (normally 15,20,25)
Spike Wave Cooldown 10,10,10 (normally 10,10,15)
Compost Shambler Damage: 2,4,6,10,14,18 (normally 4,6,8,10,12,14)
Compost Shambler Affects apply to QoT as well
Gspike Mana Cost 425,500,675,750 (normally 500,500,675,750)
- Uproot starts as useless as it was but at Lvl 10 you can easily tear down structures from a long distance. I'm not sure about that. I like it, because it may be worth now to invest 4 skill points, but maybe it is just too strong at lvl 10. It's a nice add that compost works now for queen as well. The increased snare amount for spike wave is ok, I think. Lategame, Journeymans are worn and even -40% leave 25% left once triggered.
Poison Arrow: Slow 15% (normally 10%)
- Rook is strong enough, so I guess, it's just because he shouldn't be without changes?
Yeti Damage: 30,60,90,120 (normally 30,37,44,51)
Yeti Health: 810, 1210, 1610, 2010 (normally 810, 1110, 1410, 1710)
Pounce Damage: 400,600,800,1200 (normally 400,600,800,1000)
Life's Child: Proc @ 50% life (normally 30%)
Inspiring Roar: Evasion 20% Duration 20 (normally 15% / 10)
- We've already dicussed the yeti changes in another thread. But one good thing about the damage is, that equalizing it with other minion builds is more simple and I surely can accept that changes to the Yeti skill. Pounce, 1200 damage at lvl 10? Maybe ok, but I was surprised and can't judge that jump. something like 400/650/900/1150 (or even 1200) would look so strange. Inspiring roar was 15%/5 secs i think. The long duration makes it useable, I guess, but still it seems to be special because it affects your minions and as a general it may be a hard decision to skill pounce... Well, not sure about that.
Lord Erebus:
Bat Swarm II Range 25 (normally 30)
Bite 250,400,550,700 (normally 250,425,600,775)
NightCrawler Base Speed 6.3 (normally 6)
NightCrawler Turn Rate 360 (normally 180)
- Nightcrawler turn rate: The higher the faster? Can't say anything about that. I though Crawlers base speed was 6.3 before. In a test they were the same speed as Erebus or maybe I've not been observant enough. Stiil, he's the onl DG with a base speed of 6.3 which is not nice I think. He should be in line with all the others.