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New Demigod - Ren, The Far-sighted.

By on July 21, 2011 1:52:08 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Join Date 04/2010

Ren, the Far-Sighted.


Ren is very skill-based Demigod which has two forms and can be build in various ways. 

His story:

Ren was just a man who knew much about mechanics and technic, and interested in magic same time. Once he got secret ancient knowledge about the way to unite both - and he became a techno-mage.  After that, he invented a lot things people never should know about, including the Teleportation. Teleportation was a big secret of hes world Mages' Order, so they started to hunt him. Ren was forced to run away and disappear from them. Long years of wanderings and battles made him strong fighter and smart strategist. 




Mechanist form.

1. Mechanic Eye. Ren puts a special invisible mechanic ward into battlefield, which also blows up. When he is Techno-mage, Ren can do a teleportation to M. Eyes.

A lots of numbers:


1 lvl. Radius of vision = 5. Eye automatically blows up after 5 minutes or Ren's signal. Radius of damage=radius of vision. Damage=300. Ren is capable to put only one Eye. Slows enemy down - 5% for 1 second.

2 lvl. Vision = 6. Time to self-destruction - 4 minutes. Damage is steel 300, but Ren possible to put 2 wards now in any places. Slow - 7% for 1,5 second.

3 lvl. Vision = 7. Time = 3 minutes. Damage = 450. Number of Eyes = 2. Slow - 10% for 2 second.

4 lvl. Vision = 8. Time = 3 minutes. Damage = 450. Number of Eyes = 3. Slow - 12% for 2,5 second. Wards now cannot be detected by other wards or any special items.

5 lvl. Ward's Exlosion now desorients enemies, force them to not use abilities for 2 seconds. Slow = 15% for 3 seconds.


2. Activation. Ren use hes technologies and send the activation signal to chosen Mechanic Eye.


1 lvl. Radius of signal = 120.

2 lvl. Radius = 160. Chosen Eye activates others Eyes in its range. Energy of signal adding 150 damage to activated ward. 

3 lvl. Radius = 240. Additional damage = 300.


3. Bug. Ren use hes knowledge to turn-off opposite Tower for some time. Nearby towers can make a miss.


1 lvl. Turn off tower for 5 seconds. Nearby towers miss chance = 20 % for each blast. Radius = 6.

2 lvl. Turn off for 7 seconds. Miss chance = 30 %. Radius = 7.

3 lvl. Turn off for 10 seconds. Miss chance = 40 %. Radius = 8.

4 lvl. Turn off for 10 seconds. Miss chance = 40 %, also towers in range can hit allies with 10%-chance.

5 lvl. Now chosen tower is under control of Ren for 10 seconds. Miss chance of nearby towers = 50 %. Ally-hits = 15%.



Techno-mage form.


1. The Smart Rocket. Ren starts a small and smart rocket in any point of map in range even outside hes vision. This rocket will find an aim by itself in small range. Explosion has AoE-effect.


Priority:  Demigods > Towers of light\towers of darkness\ > minions > creeps > rook towers or anything like that.

Rocket deals additional damage depending on distant. Less distant - more damage, with cap of 100.

1 lvl. Range to chosen map-point = 18. Radius of explosion = 3. Range to find a target = 5. Damage = 300.

2 lvl. Range to chosen map-point = 20. Radius of explosion = 4. Range to find a target = 5. Damage = 450.

3 lvl. Range to chosen map-point = 22. Radius of explosion = 5. Range to find a target = 6. Damage = 700.

4 lvl. Range to chosen map-point = 24. Radius of explosion = 5. Range to find a target = 7. Damage = 950.

5 lvl. Range to chosen map-point = 30. Radius of explosion = 5. Range to find a target = 7. Now Ren starts two Rockets insted of only one, but it is hard to coordinate both, so second rocket have big chance to fall in random place. 

Basic cooldown = 7 seconds.


2. Satellites. Technomage let out satellites, looking like small mechanic spheres. They are moves around Ren or allied Demigod, descreasing damage of next one magic atack and adding armor. Also Satellites do damage to nearby enemies.


Satellites loses 5% of their energy per second, 5% by each atack of opposite demigod, 1% for minions\creeps, and some percents for magic damage reduction. Speed = 1round\sec.

1 lvl. One satellite. + 300 armor, 30 damage\hit. Magic damage reduction - 20%, loses 20% of power. Magic damage reduction always = loosing power.

2 lvl. Two satellites. + 450 armor, 40 damage\hit. Magic damage reduction - 30%, loses 30% of power.

3 lvl. Two satellites. + 550 armor, 50 damage\hit. Magic damage reduction - 40%.

4 lvl. Two satellites. + 650 armor, 60 damage\hit. Magic damage reduction - 50%.

5 lvl. Two satellites. + 800 armor. 70 damage\hit. Satellites moves twice faster. 


3. Teleportation. Ren discover the secret of Teleportation, and moves through the portal to any Mechanic Eye. While casting and after it, the gravity and time fluctuation around a portal slows enemies. 


Cast = 1,5 second. Cooldown - 30.

1 lvl. Range = 120. Slowing power = 15 %. Slowing buff time after tp = 1,5 second. Range of fluctuation = 5.

2 lvl. Range = 160. Slowing power = 20 %. Slowing buff time after tp = 2 seconds. Range of fluctuation = 7.

3 lvl. Range = 240. Slowing power = 30 %. Slowing buff time after tp = 3 seconds. Range of fluctuation = 7.



Passive skills.


1. Unstoppable Magic. Reduce stun\silence\slow time for 10\15\20%.

2. The False Currency. Adds 1\2\3 gold income per sec.

3. Technospirit. Power of TP's fluctuation make Mechanic Eyes live. They are ranged-atackers with low hp, and blows up after diyng, deal damage based on M.E. level.


1 lvl. 500 hp and 50 dps.

2 lvl. 700 hp and 70 dps.

3 lvl. 1000 hp and 100 dps.



It looks like he can do 3 main builds: supportive DG, which able to make some traps (full Eyes, Activation, False Currency); gank-killer (low Eyes, Teleportation, Rockets, Technospirit); Pusher (Rockets, Bug). Maybe, something other - tank, for example. What do you think about it?  

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August 3, 2011 3:28:43 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

i like this idea...but doesnt is seam a bit overpowered?

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August 4, 2011 9:37:39 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Not sure He do not too much damage, and its hard to control all his skills. And he depend on luck a bit)

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