OK Miri - I'm going to bundle this up tomorrow - I've been working on other nerd modding stuff, so I haven't jumped back into this. If you have any additional changes or think I need to do some testing, just say so. Otherwise, I'll release a final version and update this thread as your official mod release page (unless you want to do that yourself - which you are welcome to). So, tomorrow - new or updated mod thread... then added to enhanced ai mod... then added to combined installer.
Well actually, I doubt this is possible, but I do have 1 request. This will sound a bit asinine, but I'll ask anyway. Is there anyway to make it so I can mute myself? I've had some games where I'm so tempted to complain and bitch about this or that. I'd rather not behave that way - and "pulling the plug" on my chat ability would be great (eg because then I could (when I'm being more reasonable) kill my chat, and then if I get super annoyed, still say a bunch of crap without offending anyone). That said, I'm guessing this could only be done if everyone had the mod installed. But even if that's the case, it could still be useful. Anyway, if that's something you could easily code (and tell me if it would only work for people with the mods installed), I'd appreciate it. If its a hassle, then no worries.
Ideally, I'd like to be able to look up my name with /pl and the /s [my number]