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Charging money to level up Starcraft II accounts?

By on March 2, 2011 11:04:18 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums External Link


Join Date 07/2010

These people are either hacking accounts for some reason or are actually charging $35 to hire a top 200 player to level up your account to masters. Now what the hell is the point of this? Have someone else lvl your account so when you get back on it and play you get crushed like 200 games in a row and plummet back to bronze? I thought I'd seen it all...


"Yeah man im masters league but I dont play anymore, im retired, but look at my badass profile!!!"



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March 3, 2011 3:50:57 AM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Some ppl are just sad.

And Im sure this dosnt fit in with Blizzrds terms of service....


Also just looked at ebay link...defenetly a scam. "Give me your login details prior to purchasing.........LOLZ. Nice try fk wit.


Reported ebay listing. Others should also report to take Fraudulant fkers down.

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March 3, 2011 4:47:24 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Sort of like how the same thing is done in WOW arenas, except of course there you actually get a reward.

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March 3, 2011 7:27:37 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Some people just like to have a big e-penis and to much money.

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March 3, 2011 9:19:17 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

This was done in both BroodWar and WarCraft III as well.

Exists in Diablo II as well. I'm sure every popular onlinegame got "services" like that.

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March 3, 2011 10:43:03 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

"Look at my ranking, now my forum posts will be taken seriously when I call everyone else noobs!"

People do this in WoW too, but it never works out well for them because in the end they're easy to spot. They try to join a raid guild with their fancy gear, die 15 times in their first raid, and get a reputation on the server for being a moron. Then they have to pay to server tranasfer and try again.

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March 3, 2011 11:05:12 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

It's pointless too because the next patch is bringing in the Grandmaster League which you can actually get kicked out of for inactivity, so the "Woot I'm in Master League!" won't have anywhere near the same bragging rights

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March 3, 2011 12:37:40 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Half of the fun of this game is working hard to get better at it. When you take that away and cheat your way to a high ranking there's honestly no point in even logging on. Might as well just play through the campaign on casual and throw the game in the trash with that kind of approach.

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March 4, 2011 1:45:35 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Paying to buy the game and then paying to have someone play the game for you...that's just retarded.

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March 4, 2011 2:32:14 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Sort of like how the same thing is done in WOW arenas, except of course there you actually get a reward.

actualy i do that and league of legends boosting


and its not retarded some ppl just dont have much time to play

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March 4, 2011 2:46:47 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

some ppl just dont have much time to play


Then don't buy the game.   Would you buy a set of golf clubs and then pay someone to play golf with them for you?   WTF

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March 4, 2011 2:57:17 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Well, the main problem is you pay someone to play your LoL account and get you to high ELO ranking. Then you play a game and completely screw over your team because you're terrible and should be nowhere near that ELO. If it only affected the player doing it I could care less, but in team games when you screw over your team because you suck and just paid someone to get you there.. :/

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March 4, 2011 4:51:20 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

alot of ppl are doing that not only boosting buying leveling gold etc

if someone has little free time but he wants to play with hes friends he buys the boosting etc

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March 4, 2011 5:29:30 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

This is why F2P games are raking in the cash. If blizzard let people buy ranks etc they would be making the cash from peoples silliness rather than a "black market".

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March 7, 2011 10:31:10 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Happens in all genres of games, and it's equally stupid no matter where you go.  Some people found out how to boost their rating in Street Fighter by playing against their own fake account.  Thing is if this person ever actually played someone at their new inflated rank, they would get stomped so hard they would instantly be revealed for what they are (not that they weren't anyway, since people are immediately skepticial of a high rank player with no replays of them in action; applies to RTS' too).  What was the point of all that time you wasted?!


But seriously, paying someone to play the game for you?  Seriously guys?

alot of ppl are doing that not only boosting buying leveling gold etc

if someone has little free time but he wants to play with hes friends he buys the boosting etc

Call me crazy, but maybe MMOs aren't the genre for you then?

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March 7, 2011 11:38:33 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

To me this is less strange then what some others do in Starcraft 2. SC2 has a group of people that farm achievements.

What they do is as soon as the game starts they send all their drones/probes/scvs to attack. If they win good, if they lose they just quit and repeat this until they have 1000 wins with each race + random. Some of them even found a way to abuse the matchmaking system to get to play against friends so they can set up to win more often.

The funniest thing is achievements are completely useless, you cannot even brag about having them as they do not represent skill. Nobody above Gold level ever cares about them anyways (Gold is lvl 3 on the list of 1 to 6).

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March 7, 2011 11:41:11 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

I can understand on some levels - i.e. you've maxxed out your main character in whatever MMO you play and your groups is in desperate need of a healer, but you're a DPS/Tank class, of which you have too many. So the guild pools money and opens a new account for guild characters - Basically fill-ins, and pays someone to grind for them.

But in something like Starcraft, there's no point. You're signing your own death warrant, and you're lining up to be humiliated by higher skilled players, who will in turn move up because they beat people who are ranked where they are when they shouldn't be, which puts them against tougher opponents, and unbalances the entire system. One person leveling up like this could cause a lot more people to level as he gets beat over and over again and slowly drops back down the ranks, kind of like a shockwave traffic jam. (i.e. one person taps their brakes, and as the brake tapping goes further down the line the time between moving and stopping grows exponentially until it's a full stop)

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March 7, 2011 12:22:05 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Quoting mentalinstra,
Half of the fun of this game is working hard to get better at it. When you take that away and cheat your way to a high ranking there's honestly no point in even logging on. Might as well just play through the campaign on casual and throw the game in the trash with that kind of approach.

Hey now, some of us are only looking forward to playing through the campaign and then calling it good. Of course, I want the "whole game" out first...

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March 8, 2011 2:49:16 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Quoting ,

These people are either hacking accounts for some reason or are actually charging $35 to hire a top 200 player to level up your account to masters. Now what the hell is the point of this? Have someone else lvl your account so when you get back on it and play you get crushed like 200 games in a row and plummet back to bronze? I thought I'd seen it all...

"Yeah man im masters league but I dont play anymore, im retired, but look at my badass profile!!!"

This just proves what most people know already, my friend. Some people out there have more money than brains. Sad, I know, but true none the less.

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March 8, 2011 3:59:38 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

There are people in China, the Phillipines and India who do this for a living--they grow accounts and sell them.  It makes them more money than they would make at a job in their own country.

It started in Second Life I think and then WOW and has become a "thing" now.  Also some students and teens do it for cash as well.

I know of one occasion in  Eve when a player had paid $5000 for certain characters.

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