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Sedna Skill Use Guidelines

By on February 3, 2011 3:25:50 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Join Date 10/2010

This short guide's primary target group is intermediate level players that play Sedna occasionally, or newbies that wish to learn Sed basics in a correct way from the start. I'm trying to make it reader-friendly, so I'll keep math/strategical planning babble out of the text as much as possible.

The rationale behind writing this guide is most casual Sed players (even very good mids/lower-tier pro players) use Sedna's skills sub-optimally. The pattern I usually see when fighting a Sedna is: spamming Pounce on the enemy > spamming Heal on herself. That is wrong. If you have a crapload of mana, it can be an option, but having a crapload of mana for Sed = feeding any decent opposing team due to low hp. I believe a Sed should either run with 1 helm only (in 3v3 and most 2v2 matchups) or, possibly, with no helms at all (in certain 2v2 matchups and 1v1). Thus, Sedna is not about skill-spamming, but rather about mana conservation and precise timing. Luckily, the nature of her viable active skills is such they all are extremely situational: (I) Pounce is either a finishing move or an interrupt that should be well-timed; (II) Silence is either a sigil blocker, an escape/save mechanism, or an interrupt that should be extremely well-timed; (III) Heal is either an emergency first-aid  measure for a dying teammate (in 99% of the cases, not for yourself!) or a debuff remover that should be... yeah, you get my drift.

Let's take a closer look at some practical applications of those skills:

(1) Both Pounce and Silence used as lock/skill interrupts:

Commentary: Nnnils is getting skill blocked by Silence from hitting ppapanek. Portal re-lock and fireball interrupted afterwards. Tries to run away with little hp left, gets killed by ppap's Fireball.

Commentary: Nnnils is attempting to lock the flag. I Silence first, then keep him on target, and as soon as locking animation shows, I Pounce. But nnnils was faking a lock! Oh my gawd! He makes another locking attempt, which gets interrupted by Silence. Two interrupts make a competent Sedna a great lock-blocker (except vs a Shield III-spamming Oak, but that goes without saying).

(2) Pounce as a finishing move/kill-stealer:

Commentary: Enemy Occ ignores Sedna while trying to kill Green-One's Occ. Silence > Pounce (to prevent Blast Off! out of range, as he has a huge mana reserve) makes a quick work of him. In most cases, max Pounce > Silence is a better combo, which can guarantee 1200-1400 damage, depending on Silence level, but for Occ and CoN favor users it's better to use skills in a reverse order.

Commentary: Here I unabashedly steal a kill from Mandingo  Again, the principle is locking on a target and monitoring its hp non-stop. When it's < 1000 => Pounce. In fact, stealing kills is 100% justified in skilled matches. Whoever can finish the enemy off, should do it. Don't be a gentleman in combat, better buy your UB his J-Treads if you steal a lot of kills from him. 

(3) Heal as an emergency first-aid for a teammate, Silence as a save mechanism (skill-blocker):

Commentary: The Heal part is self-explanatory. The Silence part is also quite transparent.

(4) Silence as a 'selfish' escape mechanism:

Commentary: Poor man's Shield III, aka Silence I, is used as an escape option here. Theoretically, it should not be effective vs fast-cast skills, as its duration is exactly 3 s. Practically, that's what usually happens, when you take lag and key spamming delay into account: the skill will still hit you at your target location, but your tp won't be interrupted. However, you are far safer with Silence II-III.

(5) Silence used to secure locks:

Commentary: A difficult scenario: locking 1v3, 2 of which have good stuns/interrupts. TombMaster's Rook presents the biggest threat here. Boulder Roll has a range of 35 y, with which Silence's 15 y cannot compete. Remember, Silence is no Shield: to secure lock/tp you must Silence the opponents. What I do is faking a lock attempt. TombMaster reacts with Boulder Roll, which I dodge (you won't always be able to do it, of course, but it shouldn't matter as long as your lock does not get into cooldown mode due to being successfully interrupted). Then, with all DGs safely in range, Silence > lock.  

(6) A bonus video. Extreme luring with Hedgie! Impressive, but don't try it at home:

Commentary: In my opinion, this kind of maneuver requires way too much precision to have consistent practical applications, so it's just a tribute to a certain gentleman religiously playing DoW II

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February 3, 2011 4:49:20 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Nice write up with good examples. 

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February 3, 2011 5:33:03 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Yeah Great job


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February 3, 2011 10:42:14 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Ty, ladies and gentlemen. As mentioned, I was trying to write a short reader-friendly guide. Less text, no math, some visual examples.

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February 3, 2011 10:55:37 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

HAHAHA.........wait......wait......wait..... sooo you do have the replay?.....funny.

And just to point out, if you silence while your opponents skill is already on cooldown it does no good at all. Cheers.

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February 3, 2011 11:43:11 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Yes, I've found it. Saved it under a weird name 'doggusGF' (probably because of that incident) instead of the usual ABCvXYZ notation. I mentioned to Pacov I've found it shortly after our last argument, but since I didn't wish to go on with that crap, I decided against posting it. Yes, I'm playing a better Sedna now (I was only beginning with that build at the time it was recorded), but nothing I should be ashamed of during that match, tbh. A few missed ports here and there, for sure. No one is 100% map-aware. Anyway, we'll leave it at that, no time for pointless flames, sorry. 

Concerning Silence. To say it does no good at all is imprecise. It still grays out your skill icons for its duration (3-5 s). In the video example involving you, your team had both cooldown flags (-30% CD). Thus, Blast Off's natural CD (10 s) was reduced here to 6.5 s CD. I've used a 5 s Silence III 3.5-4 seconds after your last Blast Off. I think it was justified to skill-block you for additional 2-3 seconds after the cooldown resets to let me Pounce. Otherwise, you would have escaped. If you mean I could have Silenced later, you are probably right. But the difference between us is I always respect my opponents and try to minimize risks during skilled matches, while you evidently opt to ignore some Sednas you deem 'ineffective' - only to get unnecessarily raped 2v1, as we have seen.

If you wish to continue this debate, please pm me, don't go on here. The issue hardly interests anyone here, but the two of us.

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February 4, 2011 1:56:33 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Look, I couldn't care less about this stuff. I was done with it a long time ago but you keep on with your shit. Don't mention my name in your little posts and you won't hear from me.

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February 4, 2011 2:45:41 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Removed your nickname from my post to avoid further unnecessary and unpleasant contact with you. Cheers.

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February 4, 2011 12:36:35 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

funny silences

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February 4, 2011 12:39:55 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Whoa!! so much love going on here. Guys lets make peace and respect each other. This community is small enogh already to also add the unecessary dispute over such things as these.

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February 5, 2011 3:39:24 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Wow nice videos, great use of sedna's abilities!  

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February 5, 2011 7:28:32 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Another video added due to some critical acclaim here Well, not only because of that: basically, it covers a very important scenario.

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February 8, 2011 8:14:47 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Added another video (:

(The inverted emoticon is actually a hint!)

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July 30, 2011 10:02:53 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

(1) Both Pounce and Silence used as lock/skill interrupts:

Commentary: Nnnils is getting skill blocked by Silence from hitting ppapanek. Portal re-lock and fireball interrupted afterwards. Tries to run away with little hp left, gets killed by ppap's Fireball.

Commentary: Nnnils is attempting to lock the flag. I Silence first, then keep him on target, and as soon as locking animation shows, I Pounce. But nnnils was faking a lock! Oh my gawd! He makes another locking attempt, which gets interrupted by Silence. Two interrupts make a competent Sedna a great lock-blocker (except vs a Shield III-spamming Oak, but that goes without saying).

Lol take it easy on nnnils out there, what'd he do to you?

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July 30, 2011 10:12:06 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I lol'd

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July 30, 2011 10:16:56 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I can't imagine in1 making an insulting comment about someone.  Simply not in his nature. 

edit - doggu you should leave this thread if in1 comes back (tell me that crap is over, btw...)

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July 30, 2011 10:56:32 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Lol take it easy on nnnils out there, what'd he do to you?

Hmm. I'm on very good terms with nnnils, actually. No offense was meant here

edit - doggu you should leave this thread if in1 comes back   (tell me that crap is over, btw...)

Well, it's always the same with doggu. This time, he lost his temper and made a big drama out of the fact I died (training as Rook, and having his consent to do so, no less). I know he's not a bad person, but I just can't stand communicating with him. So, to prevent further conflicts, I decided I won't join his lobbies, and he won't join mine. Won't be too tough to avoid each other, as I play one game per day now.

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