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Which DG to learn next?

(Or why being a skilled support player sucks in PUG games)

By on December 28, 2010 8:36:28 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Join Date 10/2010

Well, I'm not talking about premade teams, obviously. In PUG games, the dynamics are: (1) for example, doggu hosts a game -- I join; (2) some experienced players join and begin bitching about the lack of balance; (3) a newbie/bad player joins, and is attached to me and doggu. Now, what happens is this: the newbie dies a couple of times > our main carry/dd player (be it doggu or someone else) begins to... ahem, criticize his skill most vehemently         > the newbie gets offended and ragequits > we heroically lose 2v3 even to weaker players, since they tend to go either the 'holy trinity' or any other UB-involving assassin-heavy combo.

Kinda goes without saying, but still... It is not about doggu specifically. I had the same experience with Quincrane, TSK-knockout, Dreamcatcher and even with Renz's super-UB (minus trash-talking, Renz is always a gentleman). After much thought invested into the matter, I believe it's not about me, either. Unless I'm trying out a favor item or a build, I usually don't die at all, assist whenever possible, micro the bastards and shield/heal on time. Plus, I buy 85% of the upgrades. So I believe I'm doing my job just fine (I don't get criticicized directly lately, but I do hear a lot of funny remarks like: "Probably if you were Sedna in this match..." when I'm QoT, and vice versa) . What I'm trying to say is: while the skill of support player matters a lot in the context of coordinated premade team, it usually won't change the course of events in 'casual' matches drastically, especially while already handicapped by having a weak player on a team. 

That's one of the reasons I'm studying Oculus now. My playstyle is obviously not suited for pure assassins (except for pure Ice TB, with whom I'm doing fine, but he's sadly only viable in certain matchups), and Occ is, well, a nuker general, he's universally solid and safe, so... Another option for me is Regulus, I think. He's the indirect support character, after all. Pacov advised me to study Rook next (that was a long time ago), but it turns out I suck with the turtle assassin almost as much as I suck with the pitbull assassins

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December 28, 2010 11:04:28 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I agree with pacovs suggestion - tower rook. (for assassin)

for generals i would recommend knowing them all

I prefer generals (and typically suck with assassins so keep that in mind for the following)


tower rook

At level 10 you should have max towers, max shoulders, 1 in boulder the others in slam.  For starting off i would recommend BoTF, although some people play with vial which is a good item as well.  Some great players also do structural transfer with blade but before you do that be sure to master BoTF or vial.

for equipment you need to work in the two rings.  Bloodstone to be replaced by narmoths - the rook shoulders trigger the life steal.




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December 28, 2010 12:48:22 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I've played some games as Tower Rook on one of my alt accs. I was doing okay (your mediocre Tower Rook, nothing special), I just don't like this kind of playstyle. Requires a different mindset, and I know for sure I won't get good enough with this DG, so wasting loads of time and energy on studying him is sort of pointless.


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December 28, 2010 1:34:38 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Now don’t take this the wrong way but I took a quick peek at your record and I feel like you are trying to play the support role mainly with a badass on your team, whether it be doggu, kira or your premade.  It doesn’t even really matter that much about the third. I get that a noob third can ruin it but I would suggest that YOU need to take on the main character role and just play some regular games where there is no badass. Idk what alt accounts you have or who else you play with and it may be horrible advice but I think you need to take a step out where you don’t have the luxury of relying on your teammates. YOU need to become the badass.

In saying that, I would suggest oak. We have briefly talked about it before I am all about assassins(slowly branching out though) and I’ve never really played him myself so I have no advice to offer about him but I think his style would match what you are look for. He can be a central character that is usually off doing his own thing and then gank when it matters or he can also team up to wear someone out with penitence and he also has the shield support and interrupts. So he can play both roles, support or just go solo lane but late game it really relies on him pushing ports and doing all that gay oak teleporting shite that he does. I think this would really push you to step out of the support role but still have enough in it to fit your style.  

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December 28, 2010 3:00:41 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Comment and advice appreciated. I don't take it the wrong way (unless you wish to imply I like to play on stacked teams only, which is... uhhh, quite a huge bit of a stretch, I'd say I mostly play with the underdoggu... uhhh, I mean, the underdogs , and surely not afraid to lose). Now, I cannot become a badass, sorry to disappoint  A man should know his limits. Moreover, I believe (perhaps wrongly, judging by my DotA experience) I can support most badasses much better than they can support me. So yes, I want to be Renz's support bitch!!! Yesss!!! And it's a nice symbiosis everyone is happy with, usually (well... unless I forget to lock that portal ).

(There is another reason as to why I play with renz/doggu/kira etc. EU morning/afternoon is my usual online time, and it's hard to get a normal no-noob game at that time: they host, I join; if someone tells me to go down/up, I do -- most of the time, though, people prefer to have another assassin on their team.)

We have played some games together (I recall at least one as 2 Sednas on different teams quite a long time ago). You've seen what I mean: your Sedna is as close to assassin as it gets, while mine just refuses to fight like a man (which I believe is her optimal role, but that's debatable) 

If being badass means being in the right place at the right time (and not dealing thirteen bazillion dps), I've surely become much more badass lately. Please try to remember I started to play this game in October, so the mere fact I get some compliments from the badasses for supporting them the right way means something 

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December 28, 2010 3:20:54 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

well now, if you want an oak build i can help you out.  For some reason i thought you knew oak.

(i have 1k games as oak)

favor - BoTF (cloak is viable when you want to do more of a support role, or if you want to have some fun)

  1. Shield 1 (always get first)
  2. pen
  3. DJ
  4. pen
  5. surge
  6. shield 2
  7. shield 3
  8. pen
  9. hold
  10. pen + surge
  11. soul power 1
  12. spirits (or DJ)
  13. spirits (Or DJ)
  14. spirits
  15. surge
  16. spirits / DJ


  1. monks
  2. scaled helm + banded armor
  3. unbreakables
  4. plenor
  5. nimoths
  6. vlemish (replace scaled)
  7. hauberk (replaces banded)
  8. bishops


enjoy !


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December 28, 2010 3:38:09 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

 For some reason i thought you knew oak.

Well, I've seen that necro-paladin guy with huge axe a couple of times, but we are not acquainted personally

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December 28, 2010 4:24:03 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

It's not so much stacked teams but there is always one really good player on your team and it just seems like you want more action. IDk. I'm just talking out my ass. I guess what you are saying makes sense about knowing your limits. Like me, I doubt I’ll ever be really great at this game. It’s not even a goal. I just like trying new things out and discovering stuff for myself.  

I actually vaguely remember the game. It was my first few games as sed. I think both of our sednas have evolved greatly and probably ended up at the same point. Mix between support bitch sed and assasin type. I’m not much of a support player even with sedna. I still like her but I feel like people act like idiots around her and then expect you to bail them out. Not a good match for me. I want to kill the whole game not sit around healing your ass.

I’m really liking the occ though. He seems to more assassin-like.

But yeah I’m thinking OAK would be good for you. What do you think?

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December 28, 2010 4:41:47 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

But yeah I’m thinking OAK would be good for you. What do you think?

I'll definitely give it a go. Though, honestly, I'm always reluctant to play top-tier characters (not just in DG). Why? Cause: (1) Everyone and their grandmother plays them; (2) You get used to some sick shit like a nearly absolute safety of Shield III + TP, for example.

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December 28, 2010 4:56:19 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I actually vaguely remember the game. It was my first few games as sed. I think both of our sednas have evolved greatly and probably ended up at the same point. Mix between support bitch sed and assasin type. I’m not much of a support player even with sedna. I still like her but I feel like people act like idiots around her and then expect you to bail them out. Not a good match for me. I want to kill the whole game not sit around healing your ass.

Yes, I was hugely influenced by Hedgie's line of thought first (not that it's a bad thing - Hedgie is great, it's just that pure debuffer/interrupter/healer is too much for me, and that's why I enjoy playing QoT more than Sed). The comment about people expecting to babysit them is 100% valid. Sedna is always to blame, of course. Not the sad fact you were an idiot and run blindly into that mine field before I sent my minotaurs to minesweep...

It's not so much stacked teams but there is always one really good player on your team and it just seems like you want more action.

Well, sometimes it's 2 really good players (Dreamcatcher and Lols_Seawolf) that bear with my weird build experiments and 100 deaths per minute We play against strong teams only, though. 

I'm just talking out my ass.

Oh... I suggest you see the proctologist, brash! While I'm no specialist, I'm pretty sure it's abnormal (not to mention the difficulties that may arise if you communicate via voice chat!) 

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December 29, 2010 11:28:24 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Play Hybrid TB!

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December 29, 2010 11:34:26 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting OMG_Teseer,
Play Hybrid TB!

That's always fun too. I haven't played tb in a long time. I used to play hybrid ice with fireball.

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December 29, 2010 12:25:54 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Play Hybrid TB!

I can play a decent pure Ice TB, but I don't like hybrid TB. I begin to feel like I'm Thudercles or something  

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December 29, 2010 12:35:53 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Thought a bit about your assessment and advice (becoming a badass instead of supporting one, etc.).

Look, I'm a support player (and, at this stage, not a bad one), therefore I naturally want to support a capable carry player. I'm perfectly fine with the opposing team having an equally skilled carry, not to mention with this setup I'm almost always stuck with, like, 25-30% guy as my 3rd teammate. So much for the balance. It's not that I have some kind of contract with Renz/Kira/doggu/etc. (take into account these guys won't play a game if they feel it's severely unbalanced in their favor), it's just a scarcity of 'no noob' games hosted at EU morning-afternoon hours that made me such a shameless support bitch!   

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December 29, 2010 3:33:21 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


 Thought a bit about your assessment of my assessment. 

Look, I’m just NOT a support player (but, at this stage, not a bad one) so I’m trying to understand where you are coming from. I think I even shine more when I have someone on my team that is not so great as opposed to someone that is higher level skill than me. I’ve done horribly with some of the “tier 1” players on my team because I find that there is that power struggle. I have even lost to teams with them on my side that I have easily beaten with some random 40%’ers.  I think if you really are running into the problem of being stuck with the not so great 3rd all the time, as you are making it sound, then you really do need to take on a different role. So instead of having one support bitch enhanced badass you have one badass and one up and coming badass and then the third guy. Define badass------Idk.  Same goes for me, though. I need to learn when to take that step back and play support........maybe.............nah.............well maybe.

Did I mention that I am loving Occ?


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December 29, 2010 3:45:53 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Oops, I did it again! (c) I played a match with Kira (Rook) and nomilarac (Reg) as QoT this evening! Forgive me, brasher, for I have sinned. Well, the opposing combo was UB-Oak-TB, so maybe it redeems me somewhat.

I'm loving Occ, too. I like how he's safe with loads of hp, bishops and reliable escape mechanism! Well, he also deals an insane amount of burst damage with exploding balls and double butt-jump, but that's tangential. Who needs those kills, anyway?

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December 29, 2010 4:30:32 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Hmmm.....Well lemmie see who you played against................nope, unforgivable. haha

You know what ruined this game for me? It was that damn point structure for the DG's from the tourney. So, no it doesn't redeem you beacuse you played against UB/OAK/TB. Sorry. heh.

I never even gave it much thought before how my DA stacked up against the Tier 1 DG's. Now I haven't even played him much because I'm all hesitant on picking certain combos. I used to love raping oak and rook with him. Oak was my favorite to play against. Oh and swapping Ereb and Occ while they try to blink was right on up there too. Swapping a full range bat swarm was almost as cool as swapping the Oak tele.

Oh, did I mention I've given up using blood, vial or Bots? Pure MCP, baby. I dont care who it is. I need to try me some MCP DA. hah

That's what's keep me in this game right now. Trying dumb shit like MCP sed and playing the filthy rich games. Idk about regular games, now filthy rich games on the other hand, I AM the badass. I love me some filthy rich.

Tangential? I don't know what that means. So I'm guna take it as disrespect. Watch your fn mouth!!!................its on a movie nvm.

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December 29, 2010 5:09:47 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Hmmm.....Well lemmie see who you played against................nope, unforgivable. haha

Well, they weren't bad. I mean, certainly not Kira's/Nom's level, but solid. Moreover, OFF_ is Pacov's alt acc, and we all know it.

Oh, did I mention I've given up using blood, vial or Bots? Pure MCP, baby. I dont care who it is. I need to try me some MCP DA. hah

That's a Pacovian heresy Seriously, though, I think it has a lot of potential on certain DGs. It's definitely for expert players only, however.

You know what ruined this game for me? It was that damn point structure for the DG's from the tourney.

Why? You mean this evaluation system doesn't take into account certain synergies? Say, QoT is very good with Rook (for example), so they aren't just a sum of 2+3 pts?

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December 29, 2010 6:13:02 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

You know what ruined this game for me? It was that damn point structure for the DG's from the tourney.

Why? You mean this evaluation system doesn't take into account certain synergies? Say, QoT is very good with Rook (for example), so they aren't just a sum of 2+3 pts?

No, nothing as deep as that. It just made me realize the weakness of some DG's, especially my DA, a little too much. So before tourney I would play the sucker vs any team without hesitation and with surprising results most times. I had the most fun with DA by far. I played him Bots DA just for the fun of it and sometimes no helm. People would laugh at the blade but imagine going up against a 6k DA even pushing 7k with orb. Mana was rarely a problem early game and no problem at all after level 12 with warp area 2. I killed a few UB's 1v1 in the 3v3 games because they thought I'd just run away like DA usually does. Usually hes played with 2 helm and speed boots so pretty low hp. I would just use wand and hp stack then replace 1 hp item with jtreads later if I felt like it but once he gets swap 2 & 3 you dont really need them except to push some portals and then warp strike out if you need to. Doh....sorry just reminiscing. I saw 2 blade DA's last night and I thought it was cool.    

Same with the other demi's too. It just kinda took the fun out because now in my mind some combos are just not allowed even though they'd be fun. I'm sure I already knew what matchups did ok vs others but it was never in black and white.

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December 29, 2010 6:15:53 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Moreover, OFF_ is Pacov's alt acc, and we all know it.

had to drag me in...

no - not one of my alts - assuming joke, but oh well

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December 30, 2010 2:10:21 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

no - not one of my alts - assuming joke, but oh well

Ah, you had to ruin this one, huh? I just wanted to get some respect!

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December 30, 2010 2:29:22 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

The major flaw of that evaluation system, IMHO, is UB was considered 3 pts. UB should have clearly been the only 4 pts DG (at least on Cataract). That would limit UB-including combos and allow pro teams to play good non-UBcentric combinations.

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December 30, 2010 9:56:40 AM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Quoting OMG__IN1,
The major flaw of that evaluation system, IMHO, is UB was considered 3 pts. UB should have clearly been the only 4 pts DG (at least on Cataract). That would limit UB-including combos and allow pro teams to play good non-UBcentric combinations.

mayhaps... the good news was that we did some some less common combos... we just saw them over and over and over and over and over.... and over...

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December 30, 2010 3:34:02 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

More on that badass vs. support bitch topic.

I played a surprisingly badass Sedna today in a mirror match. My team was... eh... nothing special, mid guys (Rook+Oak). The opposing team was NastyBlade - Oak (who's very good), Bywcio - Rook (whose skill level I'm still not sure about: it seems to fluctuate greatly) and... don't remember who was it, a bad Sed. I got cur1, cur2, fs1, catas, giants, 6 kills (out of 7 the team made) and was +4 levels to everyone else (no kidding!).

It was a baaaadasssss brutal Pounce-Heal brasher-blessed Sedna! The main issue was my teammates (they weren't horrible at all) had no idea how to support me. They tried to get kills and stuff instead of porting in and supporting when needed. We had a smashing advantage till very late into the game, when my teammates didn't pay attention to portals, and our cit got destroyed by creeps, no less.

In other words, I think the problem is everyone wants to be a badass in this game and virtually no one knows how to be a support. So thanks, but no, thanks. I'll stick with support characters and maybe learn some defensive, cautious, hp-stacking Occ. Hah, a blasphemy!

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December 30, 2010 3:44:20 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


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December 30, 2010 3:56:05 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I need a faster Occ. I'm going to give that a go tonight. Early magnus/jtread or maybe cheaper speed boots/wand-maguns-tp item slot.

I wish I could get my replayer to work. I've never been able to watch a replay that was posted. I don't even know how other people play him. Have no clue where to download the file to. Maybe its a good thing idk how other people play him.

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