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Jongalt's Official DemiDementia List©

By on July 2, 2010 4:32:36 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

So i posted a thread awhile back that got lost in the ether when i tried to change the title.  I think it is time for it's resurrection.

So welcome to my Official Demigod Dementia List, with the thread title credits going to SplitShadow.

So what is this list?


A couple of friends of mine & I while at work play this narcissistic game where we surf for a conditional bias/neurosis/defense mechanism/effect that can apply to other people in the office.  Each person finds and presents a condition, the other 2 guess who it applies to.  It's a good way to start a monday.  (I work for an architectural firm where most of the people are pretty wacked, with the principal owner being the most)


Rules of the list: 

1.  This is to be a fun light  hearted thread. 

2.  No other names are to be mentioned.


Don't know what a Cognitive Bias is, read here:


Here's a list of some as well:


Bias List


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