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Demigod FREE?

By on May 26, 2010 1:46:27 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Join Date 04/2009

         This is going to sound crazy and im sure stardack has allready considdered this but, its a fact demigod is

dieing. I played a very simmilar game called leage of legends it was a (FREE) stratagy game. Very simmilar game play to 

demigod but its game play was not neccesarilly worse but in my oppinion demigod was just plain better and when i played there

where alot more people playing it than people playing demigod and i think this is just couse its free now i know what your

thinking *how is stardock\gas powered games going to make money if the game is free?* your probubbly also thinking

*why should other peopole get it free when i had to pay?* My idea is if this game where free more people would play it.

This has a good chance of reviveing demigod. Now for the peopole who actully payed for this game those users could get future

new demigods for free. While users who get the game free have to pay for future new demigods im hopeing that this idea

answers both of the questions i have listed above. with more people playing not only will demigod be revived but stardock

instead of makeing money off of selling the game will make money off of selling useable demigods for the game. This might

sound like a last ressort for stardock but i beg the users and GMs/Game creators to just considder this idea. This game needs

more players!!! demigod is rideing on its last breath!

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May 26, 2010 6:55:47 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

LoL was free because it was in Beta (just like all betas).  It was a 6 month beta and the game was pretty intact at that point so I can see where you might think it would be free.  It costs money to play now.  

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May 26, 2010 7:53:11 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

No, the game is free. You CAN buy things for your account like new skins for your characters (nothing that will give players an advantage), but you can play League of Legends completely free if you want to.

and gegsh, there are a lot of reasons why Demigod isn't/can't be free. One of them is that a lot more money/time has gone into the game. One example of this is the graphics. creating each map and demigod costs a great deal of money.

However, following LoL's lead, it might make sense at this point to drop the price for demigod dramatically (if not make it free) and then add purchasable content or new skins. Another problem with this is that Demigod is mod-able so we can already change skins and such, but it is a possibility to try out purchasable vanity items.

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May 26, 2010 8:24:22 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Of course i allready Knew that it costs lots of money to develop demigod but i also said that if it where free with more peopole

playing stardock can make new demigods(demigods as in playable charecters) and just sell them for money and ceep the funds

running off of that while at the same time reviveing Demigod.

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May 26, 2010 9:20:40 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

RAWRRRR it's HoN that costs money now LoL is still free.

The character's in this game cost way to much to just sell them they'd prob lose money unless the demigod's were rediculously expensive.

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May 27, 2010 2:43:47 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I find it unfortunate that the graphics of the game is what costs so much when the game play is what really makes the game. That's really what it comes down to. Demigod is more expensive because it's prettier.

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May 27, 2010 3:17:26 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting ToxDrawace,
I find it unfortunate that the graphics of the game is what costs so much when the game play is what really makes the game. That's really what it comes down to. Demigod is more expensive because it's prettier.
Do you exactly understand wtf it takes to make graphics on the level of demigod? After having to uv map one part of that damn turret I modeled I see why 3-D modelers make what they make. UV mapping = a bitch on steroids!, its worse for models that go into games because they can only posses 2 uv maps and that shit is nothing less then scary. While game play is important, you will be surprised with how much you can do by changing up the game engine being used.....modeling could be said the same if you are too damn cheap to give characters their own basic models.

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May 28, 2010 3:09:08 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting synnworld,

Quoting ToxDrawace, reply 5I find it unfortunate that the graphics of the game is what costs so much when the game play is what really makes the game. That's really what it comes down to. Demigod is more expensive because it's prettier.

Do you exactly understand wtf it takes to make graphics on the level of demigod? After having to uv map one part of that damn turret I modeled I see why 3-D modelers make what they make. UV mapping = a bitch on steroids!, its worse for models that go into games because they can only posses 2 uv maps and that shit is nothing less then scary. While game play is important, you will be surprised with how much you can do by changing up the game engine being used.....modeling could be said the same if you are too damn cheap to give characters their own basic models.


I didn't mean that the graphics shouldn't cost a lot. I'm not saying that it doesn't take a lot of work. But like Brad is trying to point out with Elemental: We're trying to make a great game on the cloth map because the game should be amazing without the great graphics. The graphics are nice to look at, but shouldn't make the game. In the regard to what is actually important and pertinent to the game, it's unfortunate that it is the graphics of the game is what is so costly when the game play is what makes the game a game.

Again, not trying to downplay the effort that goes into making the graphics - they are amazing!

I guess what I mean is that the graphics are a luxury item. Games such as League of Legends can afford to be free because things like graphics don't play a major role in the game and keep the cost low for everyone.

I'm hoping I made more sense this time, synn... I didn't mean to offend anyone.

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June 12, 2010 2:36:48 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

lol League of legends is completely free and its like 2years old they make theyre money off of game cards used for buying champions in the game which if you read my post what im saying is that demigod should do the same thing except you know demigods not champions 

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June 12, 2010 2:46:25 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

^ Except there is this funny little thing being the only thing you have to use money for in LoL is skins right? and are you blind or did you think we were all lying about how it costs a ton to make demigods? BTW where did you get that LoL is 2 years old? it was released on October 27, 2009 and started close beta on April 10, 2009.

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June 14, 2010 1:16:53 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting gegsh,
lol League of legends is completely free and its like 2years old they make theyre money off of game cards used for buying champions in the game which if you read my post what im saying is that demigod should do the same thing except you know demigods not champions 

Do you understand how they would lose money from this? To make a profit they would have to sell those cards for about 40 maybe 50 usd. Not too many people will pay that just for a character let alone one on a dying game really. But if you are willingt to pay to have a new characters modeled, uv map and texture, animated, and tested then more power to you.


Quoting ToxDrawace,

Quoting synnworld, reply 6

Quoting ToxDrawace, reply 5I find it unfortunate that the graphics of the game is what costs so much when the game play is what really makes the game. That's really what it comes down to. Demigod is more expensive because it's prettier.
Do you exactly understand wtf it takes to make graphics on the level of demigod? After having to uv map one part of that damn turret I modeled I see why 3-D modelers make what they make. UV mapping = a bitch on steroids!, its worse for models that go into games because they can only posses 2 uv maps and that shit is nothing less then scary. While game play is important, you will be surprised with how much you can do by changing up the game engine being used.....modeling could be said the same if you are too damn cheap to give characters their own basic models.


I didn't mean that the graphics shouldn't cost a lot. I'm not saying that it doesn't take a lot of work. But like Brad is trying to point out with Elemental: We're trying to make a great game on the cloth map because the game should be amazing without the great graphics. The graphics are nice to look at, but shouldn't make the game. In the regard to what is actually important and pertinent to the game, it's unfortunate that it is the graphics of the game is what is so costly when the game play is what makes the game a game.

Again, not trying to downplay the effort that goes into making the graphics - they are amazing!

I guess what I mean is that the graphics are a luxury item. Games such as League of Legends can afford to be free because things like graphics don't play a major role in the game and keep the cost low for everyone.

I'm hoping I made more sense this time, synn... I didn't mean to offend anyone.

Actually what should make a game is story, both graphics and gameplay should just enhanced the story. You'd be surprised how many games I've stopped playing because story is horrible, while the graphics and gamplay was nice.

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June 22, 2010 1:36:42 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting ToxDrawace,
No, the game is free. You CAN buy things for your account like new skins for your characters (nothing that will give players an advantage), but you can play League of Legends completely free if you want to.

and gegsh, there are a lot of reasons why Demigod isn't/can't be free. One of them is that a lot more money/time has gone into the game. One example of this is the graphics. creating each map and demigod costs a great deal of money.

However, following LoL's lead, it might make sense at this point to drop the price for demigod dramatically (if not make it free) and then add purchasable content or new skins. Another problem with this is that Demigod is mod-able so we can already change skins and such, but it is a possibility to try out purchasable vanity items.


Where can you get these new skins?


Quoting ,

         This is going to sound crazy and im sure stardack has allready considdered this but, its a fact demigod is

dieing. I played a very simmilar game called leage of legends it was a (FREE) stratagy game. Very simmilar game play to 

demigod but its game play was not neccesarilly worse but in my oppinion demigod was just plain better and when i played there

where alot more people playing it than people playing demigod and i think this is just couse its free now i know what your

thinking *how is stardock\gas powered games going to make money if the game is free?* your probubbly also thinking

*why should other peopole get it free when i had to pay?* My idea is if this game where free more people would play it.

This has a good chance of reviveing demigod. Now for the peopole who actully payed for this game those users could get future

new demigods for free. While users who get the game free have to pay for future new demigods im hopeing that this idea

answers both of the questions i have listed above. with more people playing not only will demigod be revived but stardock

instead of makeing money off of selling the game will make money off of selling useable demigods for the game. This might

sound like a last ressort for stardock but i beg the users and GMs/Game creators to just considder this idea. This game needs

more players!!! demigod is rideing on its last breath!


Interesting idea

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July 15, 2010 4:04:22 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

It's selling for £2 in gamestation :/

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July 15, 2010 4:30:37 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting OMG_DD-shred_demon,
It's selling for £2 in gamestation :/
USD translation plz.

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July 15, 2010 6:21:43 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting OMG_blackmage,

USD translation plz.

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July 15, 2010 6:47:56 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting 4Nana,

Quoting OMG_blackmage, reply 13
USD translation plz.

or you can just tell me since the oster brought it up in the first place, or they couldve kept it to themselves

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