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By on January 16, 2010 6:56:36 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Join Date 07/2008

Hi, I'm new to playing Demigod online, and this is also my first DOTA-style game.


I'm having a lot of difficulty dealing with one particular tactics, which is ranged heroes harassing / attacking me when I'm playing a melee character, then fleeing back next to their friendly towers so I can't damage them back.

In particular, I've had trouble with Regulus, who seems to take pot shots until I'm on low health, then if I try to run back to my own towers he'll chase my demi down before I get there (I think he can move and shoot at the same time?)

I had limited success with setting minions on him and running off a bit, but he just tends to kill them then.

Is there some way to deal with this kind of enemy? I considered getting a lot of speed items might work but am really clueless.


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January 16, 2010 7:01:54 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

What kind of char do you play. Most players will agree regulus is actually a fairly weak demigod. Just stack health, cap the flag and everytime he tries to shoot you move towards him but not too far. He will either have to cut off the attack or risk getting hit by an alpha strike. 

UB: spit spit spit

Erebus: heal it off, and later on bat+ bite

Oak: pent pent pent

Rook: just build more towers than he can swallow.

TB: you are ranged too. ez.

Queen: shield it of heal it off and hit him with you're superior dmg.

Sedna: heal it off

Doc Oc: heal it off, and or warp and lightning.

Demon assasin: hehe if he is close enough to hit you, he is probably dead by now.

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January 16, 2010 7:22:34 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

It's the hardest with the rook and sedna. Regulus can kill your towers with aoe and AA them from out of range. Sedna just has to convert her mana to health constantly against regulus.

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January 16, 2010 7:54:26 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Splitshadow,
It's the hardest with the rook and sedna. Regulus can kill your towers with aoe and AA them from out of range. Sedna just has to convert her mana to health constantly against regulus.

Until level 5 ^^;

Plus, turn around, let them cap the flag to yellow, then push 'em off the flag. Get 50 gold and 100 xp. Laugh in face.

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January 16, 2010 9:05:52 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Consider these items

Blood of the Fallen for Favor

And these 4 + 1 helm
Banded Armor
Unbreakable Boots
Nimoth Chestplate
Hauberk of Life

They should pretty much make you impervious to getting gunned down by auto attacks...

I am betting lack of health items is probably why Regulus is beating you. This is also why Regulus is one of the weaker demigods, if you health stack, he has a problem hurting you.

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January 16, 2010 9:17:50 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I'm starting to see regulus as a real threat. I played against a GREAT regulus today, and he was a major threat. You could never attack him directly unless you wanted to get hit by a tower, and if you ever went to shop, he'd hammer away at your towers. That, and he constantly sniped and mined everything in sight. Too bad for invalid gamestate...

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January 16, 2010 9:41:39 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

regulus can be very effective vs certain demigod combos, and useless vs others.

he counters tower rook very nicely. but not a slam rook.

he is useless vs oak who can easily shield to prevent mine / snipe dmg.

he is useless at interrupts so walk in, lock flag, port out.

he is useless vs teams with 2xgenerals with monk idols.

he is imba vs no generals / monks teams.

if you die to an auto attack reg, you obviously aren't stacking enough hp / armor.

stacking speed = insta lose (as slam rook i will stand there with my 8k hp + 50% armor + sigil and w8 for the stun+slam 2k finisher which u wont be running away from ^^)

try to not walk on mines. it is very easy to avoid most mines from an average regulus player, just keep moving, and don't follow him over them. not so easy if he chucks them on top of you, but if he does that then he must be close enough for you to do some serious dmg.

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January 17, 2010 9:20:29 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Thanks guys, this was really helpful!

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January 17, 2010 11:38:18 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

If you're playing a general its very simple because if you micro your monks well you can have them attacking him while he's chasing you.  They don't do as much damage as he's doing to you, but when you get to your tower and chase him back to his they'll make up for it, and they'll heal you so kiting ain't as effective in general.

Assassins, just listen to LK but also remember TB has way more damage than Reg when he's got his ice form shift bonus but don't get suckered by him luring you and drinking a pot cause he does have snipe.


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