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Nimbus, The Air Master

Unclean Beast Owns

By on November 17, 2009 11:32:49 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod ForumsExternal Link

 Hello again, my awsome community, it is I, Unclean Beast, back with my Air Master idea. He first appeared in my Book of Awsome. Although that post did not receive as much attention as i had hoped, but nontheless, I gave birth to several of my best ideas. This Demigod Originally formed in my mind, as a Disrtuptive Protector, using Knock Backs, and Move Speed auras. Instead of relying on your poorly skilled QOT to sheild you in time, a skilled Nimbus player can save the day! Here he is, enjoy!

Full Name: Nimbus, The Air Master

Alignment: Light

Class: Assassain

Role: Control and Protection

Strenghts: Highly mobile, Powerful Protection Capabilities

Weaknesses: Mana Dependant, Fragile

1200 Health

800 Mana

350 Armor

7.3 Move Speed

1.12 Attack Time

80-125 Damage

Appearance: Nimbus, with credits to VitaNova, for the name, and a general idea of his appearance, I can tell you about his looks. He appears as an elderly Man, with a long grey beard, and a quizical expression. The bottom half of his body lies within his body, as a massive puffy white cloud. He has short and thick arms.

Taunts and Sayings:

When Given a Move order: You're feeling light this morning! Do not fret, I'll be faster than the Wind!

When Given an Engagement order: Let's throw some caution into the Wind! That fool doesnt even see the Storm!

When Killed: Oh crap, its a Hurricane (His death animation is him being sucked into a Hurricane)

When Respawns: Damn weather, You won't fool me twice!

Abilities ( Activated)

Whirlwind: 350/550/850 Mana, .5 Cast Time, 8 CD, Effects: Nimbus folds wind into his hands, and sends out a wave of air at a target enemy, dealing 150/350/450 Damage, and slowing their Move Speed and Attack Speed by 5/10/15% for 6 seconds. This skill has a 25% chance to knock the target back 5/8/10 Yards, and deal half Damage to nearby units behind the initial target.

Cumulus Formation: 550/650/750 Mana, .8 Cast Time, 12 CD, Effects: Nimbus forms a protective sheild around target ally or building, this sheild is capable of absorbing 350/700/1050 Damage. If the shield is destroyed, then all nearby enemies will be knocked back .5/1/3 yards, and will take 50/100/150 Damage. This shield lasts 10 seconds.

Cylcone: 750/800/1050 Mana, .6 Cast Time, 15 CD, Effects: Nimbus forms a tall grey and black Cyclone at target nearby area for 8/10/12 seconds. All nearby enemies, in a small area, will take 50/100/150 Damage a second, and Move/Attack 25/30/45% slower as long as they remain nearby. Enemies within a larger radius will take 5/10/15 Damage a second, and will move 3/5/8% slower as long as they remain in radius. Enemies will have a 65% chance to be pulled to the inner area again (even if they remain within).

Fog of Agility: 30/50/85 Mana per second, Instant Cast Time, 5 CD, Effects: Nimbus dissapates into a mist, that enhances nearby allies, and weakens enemies. Allies within the fog will have 350/550/600 Bonus Armor, and will have an increased evasion chance of 3/5/8%. Enemies within the fog will have 350/550/600 less armor, and their attack speed will be reduced by 10/15/21%. The Fog's raduis is very large. Nimbus will be capable of regenerating any Health or Mana, or even using items while in this mode, and cannot be attack, and cannot attack.

Passive Abilities

Aura of Air: Aoe aura, does not apply to any skills specificly, Effects: Allies near Nimbus will move 3/5/7% Faster, and will take 3/5/8% less damage.

Weightlessness: Applies to cumulus formation only, no Aoe, Effects: Allies under the effect of Cumulus Formation will move 15/25% faster.

Deadly Shards: Applies to Cyclone only, Aoe effects, Effects: Enemies on the inside barrier of Cyclone will take an addtional 10/25 Damage and will lose 25/50 Armor per second as long as they remain within the barrier.

Divine Airiel Control: Does not apply to any skills, Aoe effects, Effects:  Nimbus's attacks have a 45% of knocking back enemies 5 yards, and Nimbus passively gains AS debuff of 3/5/8% to his attacks. This effect lasts 6 seconds, and can be stacked up to 8 times.

Story:  Bejamin looked tiredly at his Grandfather. He had been working several hard hours on some new project, that was bound to fail. He was obsesed with the weather, and it had gotten to the point of rabid and constant tinkering, and mumbling virtually insane thoughts. As much as he wanted his old Grandfather to be happy, there was a point that was far too over the line. Besides, half of his village already began to grow suspicious of the two. They had been speculating that they may be attempting to summon the Devil, or make "magic". It filled Ben with immense stress and fear, for if they grew out of hand.

 "Grandfather, it is time to rest. You have been at this same phoulic stabilizer for some time now, and it has very well grown dark." His Grandfather gave no indication of noticing Ben's presence.

 "It is called Phouliatic Stabilizer Test Number 3, Section 8." he recalled angrily, his mind elsewhere. "And I have almost got this one! Tonight I can finish the basic design, then a few more days for final touches." he yelped with excitement. Soon after Ben resided to his bedroom, and rested wearily. Througout the night, Ben heard strange clattering and even yelling. But, it was the Gun Shot that awoke him. When Ben ran downstairs, his Grandfather lay on the floor, with a soaked wound on his chest, red fluids flowing vibrantly and abundantly around him. At least half of the community stood within the cozy confines of his living room. They stood guiltily, and Ben was almost possesed with a God's Rage. He began yelling curses and swearsm but the community members only yelled "Devil" and "Unholy!". Ben ran to his room, and broke his rifle case, and ran down stairs. Although his gun was loaded, he had no intention of shooting. After an intense gunfight, Ben pulled through, and imediatley went to do what he could for his Grandfather. After a short time of covering wounds, and comforting the wounded man, he had one last request. "Gr-grand s-s-son, c-can you do some-t-thing for m-me?" he asked weakly. After receive several insturcions, Ben had finished his Grandfather's final wish and invention. It was one Ben had never seen before, and his Grandfather simply called it "The Nimbus". Ben stepped outside of the ominous town and set it down, pressing several keys and characters. The machine flipped on, and extented. For several minutes, the machine began to gather fog, and even electricity. Storms had gathered all around, and he did what his Grandfather had asked for last, "B-ring me to the M-machine." "But, Granfather, you'll be in pain. Please, just rest. I don't want to lose you." Ben pleaded, but his Grandfather had one last thing to say "Son, no one dies, not really." and his eyes fell black and lifeless. Ben dragged his body to the machine, and watched as the Community rushed out to slay him. He took several down, but was easily conqured. His Grandfather's body had suddenly disappeared, and so had the Machine, but a looming storm lurked above. It seemed to vow vengeance.


So there the new Nimbus is! Please leave your comments and suggestions!

+11 Karma | 5 Replies
November 18, 2009 3:27:22 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


here's what i think fit him best......

a card not mine



November 18, 2009 4:31:30 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Oh, UncleanBeast, thank you for the credits! It was a small thing I did. You haven been the first one to do this, for once, the kidness I have given, have I received, what a warm and cordial feeling!

Here are somethings that I note:



-great appearence, interesting note on Doc Rabbit's card, we dont want to copy things, but I do like the swhirling vortexes or air on his hands!

--I don't understand the quotes, cuz I know that taunts are said when you pick a character, but while you're playing with one? Maybe its cuz I play with rook all the time? help me!

--whirlwind should be 5-10 yards instead fo .5 feet (little odd, lol, they just get bumped back, while wind is blowing so strongly that they take damge, hehehe, the physics in the game have gone out the window!)   ^^

-- The shield thing cumulus w/e, again feet! NO! YARDS! YARDS! I think thats the base unit in this game, but I could be wrong, this needs to be double checked.......

- I love his abilities! They fit him so well, anyone in real life who loves wind will enjoy playing with this old man!

-I liked the armor loss per second, that really helps to balance out his low armor (one of those, "bring you down to my level type of a thing").

--on the DAC, change the duration to 2, cuz I think its a little OP, we dont want a whole bunch of race cars zooming around **change only if it is stackable, if not, then it's fine!



PM when you're 100% finished!!! I will post my rubic, and give you a rating!   ^^

November 21, 2009 3:06:21 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


* * * * " [four stars out of five stars]

- Is your demigod original? yes

[you're not coping or editing anyone else's work]

- Does your demigod have a nice story that ties in to the games mythology? yes/no

[story doesn't tie in with the game's mythology, but don't worry, not even the developers tend to do this. lol. it's more of an extra credit thing, it's very nice though]

- Does your demigod have abilties/stats that ties in to his/her story? yes

[Your demigod's abilities and stats fit very well with his story. I would suggest editing more to the story's eding, describing how exacly he is like after the machine changes him, so it fits WHY his abilities have developed in ways.]

- Does you demigod have a creative desing? yes/no

[It's plain! There isn't much his appearence, but the fact of how "it is one with nature" provides more than enough visual entertainment!]

- Is your demigod appropriate for the game? yes

[it definatly not a JKdemi]



* * * * ' [four and a half stars out of five stars]

- Does your demigod's stats provide fair advantages to weak abilities? yes

[Your demigod's high speed provides balance with his lack of recovery abilities]


- Does your demigod's stats provide fair disadvantages to strong abilities? yes

[Your demigod's weak amor provides balance with the cyclone abiltity]


- Does the abilities have well distributed mana cost? yes/no

[Over all, mana costs should be lowered slightly, around 600-800 should be enough for last level abilities]

- Does the abilties have well distributed cooldown time and casting time? yes

[The low cool down time balances very well with the high mana cost]

- Does the lasting time and stackability of abilties cause any distortions to the character's balance in combat? no

[lasting time and stackability have been appropriatly positioned]


Total of 4/5 Stars >> ranked:   bad, ok, good, great, signed

November 21, 2009 4:15:09 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

hehe sweet


November 26, 2009 4:18:36 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting UncleanBeast,
hehe sweet



yes, yes it is! just change a few things, and I will sign!

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