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A few quick answers about v1.2

By on November 17, 2009 7:41:18 PM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums


Join Date 03/2001

We’ve been reading feedback and play testing for the past couple of weeks. Here are some quick questions about the upcoming update.

1. We have removed the new favor items based on player feedback. Going forward, the effort will be to make the existing favor items more equally powerful but in different ways.

2. Horn of Battle has been changed to provide 50 health per second to minions for 20 seconds.

3. We will have a sample mod to hand out for people to get the hang of making mods. 

4. The sample mod is called “Boots of Better Speed”.

5. The way mods work is if you enable them in the mod manager you can use them single player. In Multiplayer, they will only work if others players have them installed.

6. Epoch 3 will probably start next week (stats are reset but we will keep favor points around).

7. The two new Demigods are not part of v1.2 but will be enabled to players relatively quickly.

8. We anticipate releasing v1.2 this week. Lots of moving parts to nail down as it’s a lot of changes under the covers.

Hope this helps.

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November 21, 2009 9:40:13 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Hardball 2 and Defender of the Crown..   two great games from my youth.

Both played on the c64 I believe.  I had the C64c..  the updated, sleeker model;)

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