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Kajiin, the Elementalist (very hybrid DG, make sure you check it out!)

By on November 10, 2009 10:04:04 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

So, i was thinking of a totally new, and awsome Demigod idea. What if there was a demigod who had like 4 diffrent modes, but they all gave diffrent effects? It sounded original, and very fun compared to classic Demigods. Anyways here he is!




1,500 Starting Hp

900 Mana

350 Armor

150-180 Dmg

1.1 A.S

5.9 Mve speed

Strenghts: Highly varied, Adaptable

Weaknesses: Abilities limited to mode, Lack Passive abilites

Play Style: Tired of having a Demigod who does not work well in conjunction with who you are against, or who your team is? Well Kajiin is your solution! He utilizes so much variety, but switching out of from 4 diffrent modes, that all give him diffrent bonuses. He can adapt to almost any situation, but he may seem like he is very constricted and linear, with virtually no passives.


Flame Soul: Mode, available at start, Turns Kajiin into a Massive Red Reptile, giving him 10/15/15% attack speed and +50/80/120 damage, but reducing his armor by 8/5/3%. His attacks will now have a 30% chance to cleave. Will also give the Meteor Blast ability. For 30 seconds after switching from this mode to another, Kajiin's enimies will now take 35% more damage from Kajiin's attacks only.

Hydro Spirit: Mode, available at start, Kajiin turns into a large Blueish-Greenish Lobster thingy, giving him +350/600/850 mana, a ranged attack of 3 yards, and he will gain +15/30/45% move speed, but he will attack 15/10/5% slower. He will gain the Tsunamia Wave ability. For 30 seconds after switching from this mode to another, Kajiin will temporarily have 600 bonus mana. 

Lightning Soul: Mode, requires 1 other Mode, available at lvl 3, Kajiin will turn into a Yellow and orange Snake, with spikes lining his back, He will now attack 25/40/65% faster and his attacks will now Slow target's move speed by 3/5/7& per hit and lasts for 10 seconds. Grants Eletric Shock ability, For 30 seconds after switching from this mode to another, Oppenets near Kajiin will move 50% slower for 5 seconds. (This effect lasts for 30 secends but they will recover after 5 seconds then be immune to it form then on.) His attacks will deal 15/10/5% less damage while in this form.

Earth Spirit: Mode, requires 1 other Mode, Available at lvl 3, Kajiin will transform into a hulking Tortoise like creature (covered in brown earth) and he will gain 500/800/1200 health and his attacks will now deal 30/50/75 bonus damage to structures. He will Move 15/10/7% slower. This mode will grant the Earthen Seige ability. For 30 secs after switching forms, Kajiin will have 800  bonus health.

Meteor Blast: 300/450/600 mana, low range, .3 sec CT, 5 sec CD, Kajiin will Shoot  a massive flaming ball of fire at target oppenet, Dealing 450/600/950 Damage and stunning them for .5/1/1.5 secs. (This ability will level up as you level up the modes)

Tsunamia Wave: 150/300/500 mana, medium range, .5 sec CT, 3 sec CD, Kajiin lets a massive wave of magically immbued waters splash over a small/meduim/large radius, Dealing 100/250/400 damage and restoring mana equal to double the damage dealt, and temporarily increasing mana regen speed by 100/150/215% for 5 secs.

 Electric Shock: 250/400/550 mana, very short range, 0.1 sec CT, 4 sec CD, Kajiin Shocks all nearby enemies dealing 300/450/600 damage and reducing armor by 250/450/750.

Earthen Assualt: 450/600/850 mana, long range, 1 sec CT, 8 sec CD, Kajiin Shoots a massive rock at a structure, dealing 300/500/800 damage, and reducing its armor by 350/550/780 for 5 secs, and preventing it from attacking for 1.5/3/5 secs.

Elemental Mastery: Passive, requires at least 2 other modes and is available at lvl 15, Reduces the CD of all Modes by 4 seconds (the modes have a base CD of 5 secs), and allow you to have up to 2 pasive carry-on effects.

so there he is! Hope you guys like him, and pleaze leave your comments and suggestions. Does he suck, would he be fun?Remember, never hold anything back! If u think that he sucks then just say HE FUCKIN SUCKS! I'm not gonna get all bitchy, just tell me what you think. I think hes very original, but he does not have many options, but i may add more skills and crap.

+11 Karma | 3 Replies
November 11, 2009 9:03:05 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

long version: it's complicated (to say)

short version: OP 


P.S. but ideas are good (except 'red reptile&stuff' - copying DA)

November 11, 2009 12:06:55 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Ok first problem I see outside of stepping into TBs territory (he is already an elemetalist) is how exactly are we going to do the form changes? If it is 1 button than it will be a waste of time and could either get us killed or let an enemy get away. Example: What if we are in one form and we need the form that is 3 clicks away, you click once and wait through cool down and animation, and do those two more times. During this time our enemy has either gotten away or killed us. If the forms are buttons 1 – 4 this there is no room for active abilities. Also I don’t like that he is turning into animals for the elements, it would be better is he became the pure elements himself.


November 12, 2009 2:33:42 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

How about instead of changing form, have one constant demigod and a gigantic aura guarding him? the skill DID say spirit/soul in their names. The aura would still retain its animalistic shape, maybe colour for indication. That way, it wouldn't take forever to create models for each of his forms.

One thing I see OP is that each form seem indefinite in duration. is that meant to be that way?


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