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More Alt-Tab-Chrashes since last Patch !!!

By on August 9, 2009 4:44:50 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums



you know the Alt-Tab-Chrash problem, many users reported ....


this problem has become more worse since last patch !


before last patch, the game crashed in 10% of all "Alt-Tab & jump back to game" cases....(grey-screen)

now, its up to 90% !!!!


I dont know what you did, but plz, fix it !

0 Karma | 6 Replies
August 9, 2009 6:15:38 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

great job with the last patch!


this should have been fixed so long ago...



i recommend to play in windowed mode. only possible solution, but even this crashes some times if you go to firefox or some other apps, while the game is open in the background.

August 9, 2009 11:26:06 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

The best bit is that when DG crashes, you can't see the exception window to look at what happened - invisible stack trace etc... Yay!!!

August 11, 2009 8:42:09 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I play only custom games : alt + tab makes the game crashes 100% of the time when I am host and I do alt+tab from the game room (before game is started).

Otherwise (if Im not the host) it does only crash during game loading.


Big disagreement is that is causes a grey screen with only the windows Taskbar visible and no way to kill the demigod process (taskkiller may work though, but not default task manager that wont displays). I have to close my windows session to resolve that, which is painfull.

August 14, 2009 8:47:11 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I've had an Alt-Tab crash. Only one.


That's because most of the time I try to Alt-Tab since the patch, it just doesn't Alt-Tab. Which is a pain, but hey, I guess when I'm playing the game, I should be playing the game (obvious statement is obvious).

August 21, 2009 10:39:50 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Don't use alt tab then.. Can't be that important can it? I never feel the need. Either I play demigod or I don't.

August 25, 2009 11:01:15 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

For me it's not so much crashing it's taking 4-5 minutes to load each and every menu screen.

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