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New Map Idea: Clock Tower (with pics)

By on July 6, 2009 10:45:24 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums External Link


Join Date 04/2009

Since any offical new maps seems like pipe dream right now i'm going to put some mone on the modders of this communitee.  this map for instance would be a very complex, highly time consuming project so anyone who wants to take this on be my guest (i can build some 3ds models for it if you want, but .lua is still out of my league)



Map Idea: Clock Tower


# of Players

6-8 Players (3v3 or 4v4)


All Modes (might be best for somethig like Slaughter where chasing Demigods becomes important)


(and yes i know that there are now paths leading to each side but that's where the gear paths come in... so keep reading)


i'm not 100% of the size but i was thinking some where around the size of Exile or maybe a bit smaller.


as the name suggests this map would be based around a clock (the tower part is not important).  basicly you play on the gears of a large clock.  there is a solid base to the level where the citadel sits as well as moving paths in the shape of huge gears which rotate around creating and breaking paths leaving island and new escapes/ambush paths.  the colour and background of this would be low lighting with the sound of a ticking clock and the cluncking of gears.  maybe periodicly a chime of bell toll would also be nice.

the gears would move is diffrent directions some rotating smoothly and some rotating in a mechanical ticking motion.  to the side are two pictures of gears as well as rusted textured gears that would be make an amazing visual for the map.


like mentioned there are gears that rotate around the map  creating paths to the enemy citadel.  bellow is a picture of what the gear paths (in black) would look like):

since arrows and center points are really hard to see since most of the gears overlap here is a gif of the full animation:L

confusing isn't it.  to break it down here are the 3 main sets of gears:

Middle Wheels:   

Here  we have the 3 middle set sof gears.  the outter and middle paths rotate clockwise with the middle paths rotating counter clockwise.  the middle wheel also roates faster than the outer two allowing for more path combinations.

these would move smoothly around with the middle wheel ticking in the oposite direction.






Large Gear:

Over laping the middle wheels are two large gearsthat spin near the citadel on the top and bottom of the map.  they rotate fairly fast and joing up with the center wheel to create a large path into the middle from the outter edges.

these would move in a ticking motions pobably doing 1/16th turn every 2 muntes or so




Small Gears:

Off to the side are four smaller gears that sit under all the rest.  these rotate the slowest in altinating conter and clockise manners.

Again ticking however at a much slower and larger intival.  say 1/8th every 8 minutes






so how fast do these rotate?  well this is up for debate but i was thinking something like 1 sec being equal to around 5-8 minutes.  this means the fastest rotating ones would take around 20 mintues to do a full turn.  this would also mean that it would take almost a full hour for the gearsa to fall back into their original posision keeping teams on their toes the whole game.  but again open to suggestions.


Here is a complete animation with the correct timing:

currently the timeing is this:  Centre Wheel - 1Sec (15 Degrees)   Middle Wheel - 1 Secs (-15 Degrees)   Outer Wheel - 1 Sec (10 Degrees)   Large Gear - 3 Sec (22.5 Degrees)   Small Gear - 2 Sec (22.5 Degrees)


If the file doesn't work cause it might be too big then you can downloaded it (HERE)



the whole sequence takes about 144 secs meaning if each sec is 5 min then it would take around 12 hours...  so making it a bit faster might be needed.. like 2 min per sec... up for suggestions


Grunt Pathing

there would be 3 portals on each side (one in base and 2 on each outter ring) which would send out grunts which would take the shortest route to the enemy citadel.  from staring at the gif for about 20 minute si don't think there is ever a time where the bases are seperate so pathing shouldn't be a problem.  for an example here is the pathing for the grunts when the gears are in default posision:


flags are up for debate with the center done probably housing an artifact shop or maybe a few gold mines.


I'm up for suggestions on how to create this map... i know a problem comes from the pathing and such... here is what i had so far:

i actually did some thinking about how the pathing and collision would work for this map and its actually quite simple.  the model would have to be animated but the engine should be able to handle that since some of the maps already have animations (like water).  the collision on the other hand is handles by a seperate script so the script needs to be set you can't move too? no?)

as you can see in this picture the red is what the collision would be scripted in as which would match the gears and paths as they move.  rather than move the colision around the match the pathing all you need to do is have all the possible collision (red and black) and then just change where you can't move in rather than where you can.



so that the map.  let me know what you think and if there are any talented modders out there who want to be famous they can give me a shout and i'll try help with what i can.  and questions or comments feel free to post up


EDIT: Added in complete animation as well as section on ideas for creating this.



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July 6, 2009 10:48:51 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  Insane.  



I like it but thuink it will be IMPOSSIBLE to pull off.  Would be awesome to see though.

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July 6, 2009 10:57:51 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Awesome idea I love it... sounds hard to pull off!

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July 6, 2009 10:58:54 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Agreed Trigeminal... INSANE(*182), but incredibly complicated I love and would love to see it in-game

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July 6, 2009 10:58:55 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Ooooo you STAND on the gears!  I thought they were moving walls (I also thought the ground was the negative space in your pictures, don't know how I came up with that).

Really neat idea, though with how bad pathing is currently in this game, not sure how this would work out  

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July 6, 2009 11:00:25 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I have to agree; it's a bloody crazy idea and would create some very interesting battles where using the map itself as part of your strat would be vital. However, I'm not even sure this is possible within the engine. Amazing idea, as always.

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July 6, 2009 11:28:38 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

fucking unbelievable


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July 7, 2009 12:13:55 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Can't wait for the modding tools, you'll be the new GOD-UH!.

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July 7, 2009 12:35:59 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

lol, love the comments....

i actually did some thinking about how the pathing and collision would work for this map and its actually quite simple.  the model would have to be animated but the engine should be able to handle that since some of the maps already have animations (like water).  the collision on the other hand is handles by a seperate script so the script needs to be set you can't move too? no?)

as you can see in this picture the red is what the collision would be scripted in as which would match the gears and paths as they move.  rather than move the colision around the match the pathing all you need to do is have all the possible collision (red and black) and then just change where you can't move in rather than where you can.

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July 7, 2009 1:28:45 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

It is a great idea but the path finding in the game would have to calculate if the part is going to move at the correct timing to decide where to go. You can't compare this to the water and stuff in the background of the maps because that is not something that would be programmed. There is also the aspect of are the moving parts above or below the static parts? Either way there would be some problems with getting pushed off.

The idea of a living map is great and I wish that something like this was not so complicated. There are many ways that your idea can be toned down to more easily be created. You could make the bridges be activated and deactivated instead of rotating or make the parts change locations like the middle where it never crosses a solid part.

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July 7, 2009 4:43:35 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

nice idea, but DG's who can teleport would have the advantage. Erebus, or all the Generals with the night cloak, (or what it is called)

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July 7, 2009 5:02:10 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I would love to see this mapidea to go live. Brilliant.

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July 7, 2009 5:18:04 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

loving your work

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July 7, 2009 5:22:43 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums



hope GPG will notice this thread !

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July 7, 2009 9:06:50 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

best map idea i have seen yet.


Quite brilliant.

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July 7, 2009 9:26:19 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Interesting idea . And it would be even more interesting if something like that can be pulled off with the engine.

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July 7, 2009 9:30:03 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

first, wow, that's some mighty fine thinking and well explained.

second, eff yeah i wanna play!

third, probably a little too complex with the moving gear, but still a beautifull idea for a map even without moving parts.

peeps, this is how you gain karma.

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July 7, 2009 10:16:21 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

This map is awesome. 

btw I would recommend not making the center something overwhelmingly important, otherwise the complexity of the map will become superfluous as everyone just fights over the center. Make the center just an artifact shop. Scatter the important flags around the rest of the map. 

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July 7, 2009 2:00:18 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

i really dig this idea! looks crazy but any kind of moving pathways map is a great idea it would add/change startegy a lot! i think the crazy part would be the minions and how tey run around.....good work

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July 7, 2009 2:01:13 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

i really dig this idea! looks crazy but any kind of moving pathways map is a great idea it would add/change startegy a lot! i think the crazy part would be the minions and how tey run around.....good work

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July 7, 2009 4:17:27 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

re did the gif of the whole motion... probably clocked it up and well as sync'd the gears correctly.  currently the timeing is this:  Centre Wheel - 1Sec (15 Degrees)   Middle Wheel - 1 Secs (-15 Degrees)   Outer Wheel - 1 Sec (10 Degrees)   Large Gear - 3 Sec (22.5 Degrees)   Small Gear - 2 Sec (22.5 Degrees)

and here is the gif:

If the file doesn't work cause it might be too big then you can downloaded it (HERE)



the whole sequence takes about 144 secs meaning if each sec is 5 min then it would take around 12 hours...  so making it a bit faster might be needed.. like 2 min per sec... up for suggestions

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July 7, 2009 4:53:25 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

This is ingenious.

I want this map.

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July 7, 2009 7:45:05 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

the whole sequence takes about 144 secs meaning if each sec is 5 min then it would take around 12 hours... so making it a bit faster might be needed.. like 2 min per sec... up for suggestions
1 min per 1 sec would still be 2.4 hours. 30 seconds would put it at 1.2 hours. I might even go for 15 or 20 seconds...

Still... want.


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July 7, 2009 9:45:16 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

i like the idea ... alot ... just implementing would be hard i think


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July 7, 2009 10:08:20 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting TheScottishAlien,
... the model would have to be animated but the engine should be able to handle that since some of the maps already have animations (like water).  the collision on the other hand is handles by a seperate script so the script needs to be set you can't move too? no?)

Well, this isn't really the same as an animated model. The levels themselves are models created in 3DSM, and I'm not sure the Engine used supports complete animation of those models - the water is really more of an effect than apart of the model itself. I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm just saying the possibilty of it working hasn't been evidenced enough for me to say with certainty that it can be done.

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July 8, 2009 12:07:54 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Best idea ever.

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