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To all the ignorant Americans.

By on May 13, 2009 6:06:22 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Stop kicking me. Seriously. 250 ping is NOT too high. The fact I live in Australia is not going to lag the game. 

See, this game uses magical thing called netlag. It means that anyone below 350 is, is going to well have 350 latency. This means 0-350 ping is going to give identical performance. The guy with 50 ping is going to be just as laggy as my 300 ping (and laggier if his comp or connection sucks).

So, guys, stop kicking me. It just makes it impossible for me to get a game, because Aussie players are rare, and if I want to play I have no choice but join US games. 

- Sincerely, your sad and annoyed Australian who wants to play Demigod. 

+4 Karma | 162 Replies
May 21, 2009 10:49:52 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

the ping is fine it only fucks up with people who have routers  and shit innternet and shit comps


i have a router  awesome internet   awesome comp

May 21, 2009 10:57:48 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

If you have over 200 ping I'm kicking you.  Letting one person play with slightly higher ping isn't nice enough to give everyone a half/whole second delay.  Many people use ISPs that throttle their connection as well, or maybe they are just on a bad wireless connection, and that ping goes from 200 to 500 in a matter of seconds.

 If you think 350ping and 0 ping have the same performance...seriously, go back to Networking 100a.

si1foo routers have nothing to do with it, if you're computer is shit you turn the settings on low, it's pretty much internet and settings only.  Also, I doubt you're computer or internet are "awesome".

May 21, 2009 1:02:34 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

It is true as long as you can deliver the KB/sec too at that ping. higher ping also affect the transfert rate

at bill  the game is capping at 350ms really.

the game will take 350ms to respond to a command. and this is whatever the ping.

So theorically we could all ping to 350 and see no difference But its not like that because with those high latency , the transfert rate begin to be the problem.

What I sate here is only for Demigod and supcom. most other games are really just better when ping is the lowest possible.

But yeah in Demigod When I see a 200+ ping I kick too because most of the time the other guy up rate wont keep up.

May 21, 2009 3:26:22 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

i only get 200 to cali  people  and i get over that to sd guys they have alot of firewalls  no idea why i get 330 to them


 but i only ever get laged out if someone else lags out and i get draged out with him

May 21, 2009 8:56:03 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting BillyMays,
If you have over 200 ping I'm kicking you.  Letting one person play with slightly higher ping isn't nice enough to give everyone a half/whole second delay.  Many people use ISPs that throttle their connection as well, or maybe they are just on a bad wireless connection, and that ping goes from 200 to 500 in a matter of seconds.

 If you think 350ping and 0 ping have the same performance...seriously, go back to Networking 100a.

si1foo routers have nothing to do with it, if you're computer is shit you turn the settings on low, it's pretty much internet and settings only.  Also, I doubt you're computer or internet are "awesome".

Just wanted to point out your complete lack of understanding for the previous 7 pages of writing.
Software forced lag. Google it.

May 21, 2009 9:04:24 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Dude your on my ban list for dropping out of like 3 games I have hosted.  Your a liar.  Join your own damn games or learn host.  Another thing, learn a little tech so you dont drop constantly.

May 21, 2009 9:18:50 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Hahaha this thread is still going! Awesome....

May 21, 2009 9:24:54 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

routers have nothing to do with it

this made me ROFL! AHAHAHA

May 21, 2009 9:57:34 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Torval,
Hahaha this thread is still going! Awesome....


The best part is liq3 has nothing to say anymore. Too bad he hasn't even apologized.


May 21, 2009 10:50:20 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Sly_Squash,

Quoting twifightDG, reply 20

Well the example I quoted (without source) was related to driving a car. When a kid jumps in front of your car what do you do? Brake? Steer away? That takes about 800 ms or as said above about 700. I think that situation is closer to "a demigod popped up behind me, what do I do, fight or run?"  that it is to "I hear a sound and click a button". But debate it all you like, it's not really ontopic, so I appologize for brining it up, it caused quite a stir.

As for "(...) why one would believe a global connection is less prone to be unstable than a regional one." They are not. It is equal. So why kick an Australian? They have just as much chance to cause game problems as any other player in the lobby.

I still ask where do you get this number (above 700).  But you're right, OT.

As for global connections being equally likely to be stable when compared to regional ones, you are just plain wrong when you say they are equal.  Longer distances almost invariably mean more routers to go through, which almost invariably means more instability. What if one link gets overloaded on the way there (more likely with more links).  That means your packet is put in a queue, which means queuing delay, which means some packets take much longer to deliver than others, which mean instability.  Also, what happens when the link is REALLY overloaded and the packet gets dropped by the router because there is no room in the queue?  Instability.  Also, what about when a link goes down?  It takes time for networks to "recover" and learn available and later optimal alternative routes to reroute the packets.  Instability.

Oh, and let's look at the distance.  There are timeout mechanisms built into networking protocols that adapt to the round trip times of packets sent.  Thus, if the RTT is 1 ms, a timeout may occur if no acknowledgement for a packet is sent within 2ms.  Longer RTT times (which global networking DOES have vs. regional networking) means longer timeouts which means having to wait longer for a connection to recover when a packet is dropped.  Instability.

I appreciate you being polite in this discussion, but I am a PhD student in computer science and I know what I'm talking about on this.  Netlag is BS.  "Ping doesn't matter" is BS.  Americans are not ignorant for kicking high-ping players.  Global networking is more prone to being unstable than regional networking.  Seriously, /thread.

All true, but the real problem is that Stardock don't tell you enough information. Ping really only shows a small amount of the story (especially with the fixed 350ms netlag). Sim Speed is perhaps the most vital bit of information you would want before a game, because especially in the larger sized games there's always someone with a bad pc/high setting which makes the game far more unplayable than any <0.5s action delay. Instability - the greatest source of this is perhaps directly from the user. I've had many games with low pings, but once the game starts someone's ping goes through the roof because their connection cannot handle the bandwith requirement of sending the requests in game. This is the biggest game ruiner of them all and nothing to do with ping. I'd much rather play with someone who has a 400ms ping and I know has a good connection and PC than someone with a 50ms ping who is an unknown quantity.

Unfortunately the OP was unable to do it without creating a stir, so people with 200-350ms pings will still get booted 90% of the time.

Naturally you can appreciate the fact that people want to play with those geographically close for cultural if not technical reasons, but completely shutting people down gets a bit tiresome after a while when every other major RTS released in the last 4 years is truly global.



May 23, 2009 12:53:50 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I've played games with ping >400 and it's been fine, played games with ping <200 and its been a horrible lag fest. It's more dependant on peoples upload speed and PC than actual ping, ping seems to have very little to do with visible lag, there is probably some slight desync between players but the visible chugging doesn't seem to occur unless someones connection/pc is considerably crappy.

May 23, 2009 1:30:25 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

i swear i already talked about lag in anoth thread

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