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Open Ports [SOLVED]


By Posted April 19, 2009 1:06:06 PM


I need some help with the connectivity issues I'm experiencing. What troubles me is the port forwarding.

I've SATed TCP/UDP ports 6073,6100-6200 to my computers static ip The NAT Facilitator ports to be used is the default ones.

I can't understand why you call it NAT Facilitator btw. NAT is mostly common for traffic going out from the network. NAT ports are always open in common routers/gateways in the consumer home? If you're hosting something and want to allow inbound traffic, thats SAT. Static Adress Translation.

Anyways, I'm getting "Disconnected from the NAT Facilitator" message all the time. What am I doing wrong?

0 Karma 5 Replies
April 19, 2009 1:08:21 PM

I don't think you understand what "NAT" is. NAT is not something that is "mostly common for traffic going out from the network", nor are there specific "NAT ports" who are always open in "common routers/gateways".

April 19, 2009 1:17:10 PM

NAT is natwork address translation. It is a system of allowing a a network to talk to another network which bares different network classes and/or ports. Since ports are unique to an application, it is sometimes necesary to translate not only the source and destination addresses, but also the ports. Usually people just keep the ports the same, and tells their router to forward traffic pointing to that port to a specific ip address on the local network. All these fall under the umbrella of NAT.


I have never heard of the term SAT. Manual configuration of router port forwarding is static in the sense that it is fixed. UPnP allows applications to dynamically port forward themselves by talking to the router, but I don't think a special term exists such as dynamic NAT.

April 19, 2009 1:24:28 PM

NAT - Network Adress Translation.

If you're behind a router. The router gives you internal ip adresses such as (10.x.x.x or 192.x.x.x and so on). What NAT does is to translate the local ip to your public ip. So even if you're on the local adress, when you surf the web it will say your public IP and not the local ip. This is a basic firewall feature.

Sure all NAT ports are open in the common userbased routers. If not then you would need to open up port 80 in order to be able to surf the web and so on.

In order to allow incoming connections (as a host) you need to open ports 6073,6100-6200 in your router. As you might see, you need to specify hostname/local ip there. This is called SAT. Incoming traffic doesn't know to which local ip it should go to. All it knows is the public IP adress. The router will look for the destination port in its port forwarding table. It will see that the port 6073 traffic should go to the adress (this will be the computer with the demigod client running).

Anyone that can help me with the NAT Facilitator message?

Forget NAT or SAT. Let's just say I've opened ports 6073,6100-6200 to my computer in my router. I've got no software based firewall at all. Windows Firewall is turned off.

April 19, 2009 3:11:34 PM


Some people are (without even knowing it) in a double-NAT scenario (see my guide linked-to in the OP of the "Solving Connectivity Issues" sticky by Frogboy)

If a person is in fact in a double-NAT scenario (where their cable/dsl modem AND the router behind it are BOTH performing NAT) then they will have to do one of two things:


1.  Place the WAN IP of the router into the DMZ of the cable/dsl modem and then forward the specified ports from the router to their PC.




2.  Forward the specified ports from the cable/dsl modem to the router, AND then forward the same ports from the router to the PC.


....all of this is explained in my guide btw!  



the Monk

April 19, 2009 4:27:40 PM

The problem is solved. Thank you. Somehow my router had reseted it port forwarding settings. Sigh.

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